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Saturday, May 7, 2011

wallpaper laptop acer

wallpaper laptop acer. Vand Laptop Acer. Laptop Acer
  • Vand Laptop Acer. Laptop Acer

  • mikejfrd
    Mar 27, 10:09 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Well my source tells me that whenever the next generation iPhone comes out ATT will have exclusive rights to it for a few months before verizon. How/why I have no idea, I'm just relaying info.

    wallpaper laptop acer. Cute Acer Laptop Wallpaper
  • Cute Acer Laptop Wallpaper

  • AppleAmerican
    Mar 29, 04:49 PM
    The cost for final assembly is minor.

    For example, the cost to make an iPhone may be 200 dollars. It probably costs $1 for the final assembly (or by your calculation, $7 if the assembly is done in US). However, if you manufacture all the parts in US, it will cost $1400.

    A major portion of these components were American made. In 2000, American EXPORTED more high tech components than it imported. Here is the .gov source (http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/balance/c0007.html#2000). How did you come up with $1400, my figures are fact based. Assembly is certainly more than $1 per unit. Typically assembly is a large portion of manufacturing costs. We competed and still can today.

    wallpaper laptop acer. Acer Laptop Wallpaper
  • Acer Laptop Wallpaper

  • Erwin-Br
    Apr 26, 02:20 PM
    Some will be bothered about IOS not being the most dominant. I personally don't care, I just want the best mobile OS.

    You'll care when the majority of developers will jump to Android because it has more users. Why do you think most people still use Windows? Because it has more software. Once you get behind, it's tough to keep up. Look at Windows Phone 7. They have to pull really hard to get some developers to build apps for them.

    I have to say I'm impressed how Google managed to get this off the ground so fast. Microsoft is still struggling, and they have a pool of traditional .Net developers behind them to potentially build apps for their mobile platform.

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  • Acer Laptop Wallpapers | Top

  • Transporteur
    Apr 28, 04:04 PM
    There's not a lot of venting on the back (nor ability to install a fan in push mode), so it's likely as a means of moving additional heat out of the PCIe zone, and pull it out through the PSU (not as hot when mixed with cool air drawn in around from the front of the case past the ODD's, so it shouldn't be hot enough to cause damage to the PSU).

    That all makes sense, but again, the plate is without vents. And even if they would go through the whole plate (which they don't), the PSU itself is still sealed, so no way to get hot air from the back of the PCIe section. If it gets any air from that section through the small holes that are in the plate that separate the sections, it gets cold air from the PCIe fan since the PSU's fan sits in front of the unit in close proximity to the PCIe fan. (wow, even I don't understand what I just wrote... :rolleyes:).


    Edit: This is a shot from my 2009 machine. As you can see, the plate doesn't have vents. This is the ODD bay but the part where the PSU sits looks the same.

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  • kaneda
    Aug 3, 11:46 PM
    I guess we are not going to get new casing for Intel MAC...

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  • -One-Laptop-Wallpaper

  • fishkorp
    Aug 11, 10:32 AM
    so once these are released, what are the chances if my MBP was broken Apple Care would replace it with a new Core 2 Duo one?

    wallpaper laptop acer. My Laptop Acer. wallpaper site
  • My Laptop Acer. wallpaper site

  • gorgeousninja
    Apr 20, 05:40 AM
    This will definitely be the first iteration of the iPhone that I will pass on. It's certainly not much of an upgrade from the iPhone 4.

    you know that do you..it being still 6months away and all?

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  • kugino
    Apr 20, 12:36 AM
    will only upgrade if the coolest features of iOS 5 can't be run on 3GS...otherwise, i'll wait another year for iPhone 6.

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  • background of any laptop

  • Don't panic
    May 4, 11:48 AM
    BTW, DP serves at the discretion of the Wizard.

    wallpaper laptop acer. Background downloads laptop
  • Background downloads laptop

  • CaryMacGuy
    May 7, 01:19 PM
    It would make sense for this to be free. Google syncs with Gmail, calendar, etc for free. I think Microsoft is creating an companion internet service for WiMo. If Apple made MobileMe free, it would make its adoption explode. If MobileMe was free, I could see myself getting a me.com email address.

    wallpaper laptop acer. Acer Aspire Series Laptop
  • Acer Aspire Series Laptop

  • CellarDoor
    Aug 4, 12:36 PM
    Don't worry, I say this now -NO MBP CPU UPDATE AT WWDC- or till December for that matter. MBP itself has its own issues to be fixed like overheating, battery life and slower superdrive. I would be happier if they fix these issues instead of putting slightly faster chip and producing more heat and moans. And even if they do, you won't see big difference in performance anyways. So just enjoy your MB while it lasts.

    Apple never was a part of Mhz rat-race. Look at its bestselling Powerbook. How fast was it compared to the then PC laptops. Anyways, WWDC is suppose to be developers conference, so we should speculate more about Leopard and hopefuly MacPros (because they are long due) insted of iPods and MBPs.

    No no no no no. first of all. The meroms create less heat than the yonahs. by your logic, they shouldn't put a cooler chip in until they resolve their heat issues. :confused:

    secondly: Mac Pros and MBPs both belong at wwdc. PRO. for professional. I fail to see how desktop professional machines belong here and laptop professional machines do not.

    thirdly: ... actually that's all i really need to say.

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  • Cobrien
    Sep 11, 11:01 AM
    And the logic here is..... iPod = iPod with iusic? If Apple had that logic, we would have seen an mPod, right? Or pPod for the iPod Photo. But I have seen them doing thinks that would throw real logic out of the door, before, so yeah, why not vPod for the video one.

    What if its pronounce "vaye-pod" rhyming with iPod.

    Or am I just clutching at straws.

    wallpaper laptop acer. (acer wallpapers) Acer Laptop
  • (acer wallpapers) Acer Laptop

  • marksman
    Apr 25, 11:07 AM
    It seems to me that the media and those sending steve email don't understand what it means when they say "Apple is tracking me".

    wallpaper laptop acer. Acer Laptop Wallpaper
  • Acer Laptop Wallpaper

  • nick9191
    May 6, 06:39 AM
    Not a possibility.

    The real reason Apple moved to Intel was because of this


    Nothing really to do with performance, performance per watt etc. Apple just waited until Intel was gaining over PPC to use those as an excuse. Running on Intel means being able to run Windows. Also means brand recognition of Intel, which is a comforter for the technically challenged.

    Move away from Intel and sales will tank. Even if other vendors offer better chips, which they certainly do.

    wallpaper laptop acer. Acer officially launch their
  • Acer officially launch their

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Nov 22, 09:28 AM
    HEY! who's he calling a "PC guy"??! :mad:
    Exactly, Mac guys are though. Actually nobody is walking anywhere, very bad analogy. Apple isn't going to walk in, they're are going to use their thought processes, thier leadership, thier skills, thier talents, thier expirence, and their knowhow, to proove there's a reason why Apple makes things better then the other, and they will once again be proven right, I hope.

    wallpaper laptop acer. Acer Laptop Wallpaper
  • Acer Laptop Wallpaper

  • arcite
    Apr 7, 02:04 PM
    They only need like ~100,000.


    wallpaper laptop acer. Acer Laptop Wallpaper
  • Acer Laptop Wallpaper

  • X2468
    Mar 30, 11:05 AM
    That seems quite rude. Wikipedia happens to have a wealth of base level knowledge. I understand that one should not cite it when doing in depth research but when looking for general knowledge it is a great source.

    Many of my professors have realized this and told us that if we need a different explanation of something to look it up on Wikipedia because it tends to use more common language than out text books. The do not allow citing Wikipedia no matter how well the article is sourced.

    Just like any book you look at using for research you must weigh the quality before choosing to use it.

    That being said, any college level class in history that covers the Cold War will talk about Alfred Sauvy and his contribution to how we talk about the world during that time period.
    Kudos !

    Well said, it's so refreshing to read an intelligent courteous response.

    wallpaper laptop acer. Acer Laptop Wallpaper
  • Acer Laptop Wallpaper

  • geordieny
    May 6, 05:50 AM
    Haha fun fun processors!! Aren't intel trying to up the power efficiency of their processors in the near future?

    Wonder if they're trying to keep a hold of Apple, as that is the biggest issue for Apple with the current range of processors.

    wallpaper laptop acer. Acer Laptop Wallpaper 15
  • Acer Laptop Wallpaper 15

  • zorinlynx
    May 6, 08:03 AM
    Why would they do this? Intel processors give among the best performance per watt on the market, and have power saving modes so advanced that you can get 8-9 hours of regular usage out of a Macbook Pro that is also one of the fastest laptops on the market when pushed hard.

    I hate these unfounded rumors; they make people hesitant to invest in a platform. If Apple changes processors in the Mac it will likely be to AMD CPUs, which would be just fine as it would barely require software changes at all.

    Even a low end Intel x86 CPU... hell, even an Atom trounces the ARM processors. They're different architectures meant for different purposes.

    Sep 16, 10:00 PM
    I also think that this return policy is rather asinine.

    I agree. I think a much better policy would be you have to pay the restocking fee no matter when you return. So that way they break even when they resell it at a 5% discount (plus labor to check and make sure you did f-it up).

    May 4, 05:55 PM
    He's just disagreeing with the notion that Apple somehow can't or won't make any adjustments when they start selling a radically different product through their app store. And common sense is on his side.

    Nobody knows anything yet about how the release will work, nothing is announced. Is it really so unreasonable to wait until actual information exists before having a hissy fit?

    Not to mention that it's a moot point anyway - if you're scared of the download version (regardless of the specifics), JUST BUY THE DVD.

    i'm not disagreeing with anyone on anything. stop putting words in my mouth.

    i'm saying that anyone who assumes that apple will make adjustments when they start selling a radically different product through their app store might want to wait until the adjustments are actually made. If you buy the digital download, and apple doesn't make adjustments, you'll be in a bad situation when you need to do a fresh install.

    Apr 20, 08:46 AM
    I'll be buying that phone as my first iDevice :)

    I just upgraded to a (2011) 13" MBP and I'm still trying to get a 32 GB iPad 2 (Wi-Fi only) as my first iOS device. I'm giving my old (2010) 13" MBP to a friend.

    But later this year, when my mortgage is paid off, I might spring for my first iPhone (although i'm still concerned the small screen may be unmanageable for me... due to vision issues which may, or may not, be resolved later this year).

    Also, when my mortgage is paid off, I'll consider getting a MobileMe account and next year perhaps a 128 GB iPad 3 (Wi-Fi + LTE/G3 GSM). If I get that iPad 3, I'll give my old iPad 2 to a friend.

    But all this is a matter of treating myself to toys that I do not really need. First I need to focus on financial fundamentals like paying off my mortgage.

    May 3, 01:29 AM
    For the love of your education system, do make the switch! I'm an engineering student from Canada. So I have to learn both imperial and SI. Imperial is such a pain in the ass. The units don't mean anything and they are not made to fit with each other so you have conversions factors everywhere. Also, pound force and pound mass, WTF?

    Really, most opinions I see in the US to keep the imperial system is because you're not accustomed to it. Fahrenheit being more accurate than Celsius or Kelvins, really? Just add a decimal, that's the beauty of it, you add a decimal point or a factor of ten and Earth doesn't suddenly implode. I think it grows on you, you can relate things much more easily, let's say you're comparing something in feet or inches, or pounds and onces, you don't get a real feel for it.

    Apr 20, 08:04 AM
    Just give me LTE so I can switch to Verizon please :rolleyes: