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Saturday, May 7, 2011

ipad wallpaper retro

ipad wallpaper retro. The natural wood wallpaper
  • The natural wood wallpaper

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Sep 11, 06:18 AM
    Do you usually carry 42" screens with you? No? That's what I thought....
    It is excellent that you can play movies it on an iPod, but I hardly think that is enough to launch "screenplay". Most people want to see a movie on a large screen, not a computer or an iPod. Hence Apple need to release a Media Mac filling this gap. It could be as simple as a Mac Mini with a BTO Tv-tuner and a beefed up Frontrow.

    ipad wallpaper retro. iPad Wallpaper Black space 16
  • iPad Wallpaper Black space 16

  • mrwilly123
    Aug 12, 06:04 PM
    The updated Books will not be a qualifying Mac for the Free iPod.

    You're wrong. The promotion is for ANY mac before September 16, as Nuks said. They can't (and won't) change the terms of the promotion before it expires.

    I'm planning to order a MBP and a nano right after Paris. If MBPs come out before Paris, I'm still going to wait to see if they revise the nano...that would make up for the 3 months of waiting to get the MBP.

    ipad wallpaper retro. Aki Hoshino for iPad Wallpaper
  • Aki Hoshino for iPad Wallpaper

  • OdduWon
    Sep 15, 05:22 PM
    single 3ghz woodcrest MBP's next tuesday? drool..........

    ipad wallpaper retro. Killer7 iPad wallpaper (by
  • Killer7 iPad wallpaper (by

  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 26, 03:30 PM
    You don't hear about Ferrari and Porsche worrying about their market share. Neither should Apple. Let the other guys squabble in the lower end of the market leaving Apple to continue to deliver a premium product and user experience.

    Fiat owns 85% of Ferrari.
    Volkswagen owns 49.9% of Porsche.

    ipad wallpaper retro. iphone wallpaper retro. retro
  • iphone wallpaper retro. retro

  • mikejfrd
    Mar 27, 10:09 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Well my source tells me that whenever the next generation iPhone comes out ATT will have exclusive rights to it for a few months before verizon. How/why I have no idea, I'm just relaying info.

    ipad wallpaper retro. iPad Wallpaper 1
  • iPad Wallpaper 1

  • bassfingers
    Mar 30, 01:50 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I agree. Given the last Ford we purchased leaked and after 6 months of trying to fix it, the Ford dealer said "well, everything leaks" and said they'd give a good deal on it to trade it in if we wanted. And the last GM we had stalled every morning when you were pulling out on to the road and the dealer said that it was "just the way the car was made," and could never fix it I wouldn't buy an American made car unless they started getting good reports both for quality upfront (they just sound cheap compared to a Honda, Mercedes, Lexus, Porsche, or Toyota) and for quality over 5-6+ years of ownership. And the previous American made cars we had were of similar low quality.

    So for the last 11 years, I've been buying non-American. It is too bad, but the quality is not there. I even looked at one with a friend in November and it was the same deal.

    An iPhone made in the US would be double the price due to high taxes and regulation. Quality, who knows, but the cost would be prohibitive compared to everyone else. It would be the fastest way for Apple to kill itself. If Apple *could* do it, they would, but it is impossible.

    It is competition - if you can't compete on quality or price, you are out of luck. Unless you can get a handout.

    Quality would probably go down.

    People keep quoting "taxes and regulation". Sure those would expensive, but how about the unions! That's why it'd be expensive. We'd have to pay someone $30 an hour to assemble iPods. I'm sorry, but if literally anyone in the world can do the exact same job as you with little to no training, you get minimum wage

    ipad wallpaper retro. Killer 7 iPad Wallpaper
  • Killer 7 iPad Wallpaper

  • aswitcher
    Aug 7, 02:58 AM
    How about a new design pro keyboard to go with the new Mac Pro and Displays? I think its due.....


    Pro-Keyboard would be very interesting.

    ipad wallpaper retro. Space Cool Planet Retro iPhone
  • Space Cool Planet Retro iPhone

  • GeckoHH
    Nov 25, 04:56 AM
    I am positive that Apple will bring a twist into the mobile telephony market, something revolutionary nobody could think that it will work.

    And in 2 years from now everybody will state: Yes, Apple did it again.

    I bet they do the following:

    - Follow the KISS (Keep it stupit simple) concept and build on there current iPOD success!

    The new iPhone will be a WIFI iPOD with Skype (or something alike) build in. A high quality camera and Bluetooth Stereo Wireless will complete the hardware.
    The software will allow "on the go" chat, blogging, videocasts, RSS and a mobile safari browser.

    Strategy: Replace the need for an iPOD´s and provide the best personal communication tool

    - Eliminate traditional phone contracts with MobilePhone operators.

    Apple will aquire "FON" and build the largest hotspot community in the world where every iPhone user can communicate for free.

    This is my prediction. :)

    P.S. Too bad for palm, but it is not enough just to build the best smartphone. You need to win the community...

    ipad wallpaper retro. Robot iPad Wallpaper
  • Robot iPad Wallpaper

  • ucfgrad93
    May 5, 11:31 AM
    BTW, searching a room disarms traps, so we should get to a point where our last move is search instead of move, if I understand the rules.


    ipad wallpaper retro. Mobile iPad
  • Mobile iPad

  • GGJstudios
    Jan 12, 10:42 AM
    I'yes I'm a Mac user, and yes it has detected files with problems.
    What kind of problems, exactly? Windows malware? Mac malware?

    ipad wallpaper retro. combining the retro
  • combining the retro

  • thisisahughes
    Apr 5, 03:21 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    I feel like Apple is making some odd decesions lately...

    ipad wallpaper retro. Beautiful Ipad Wallpaper
  • Beautiful Ipad Wallpaper

  • CalBoy
    May 6, 05:58 PM
    You are entirely correct. There is really nothing that will make the daily life of an American citizen better 'cause their can of Bud is 331ml, or their corn-beef sandwich has 125gs of beef, and 12ml of mustard on two slices of rye, each 115mm thick.

    Quite frankly I really don't understand why this attitude is necessary. Have I been rude or condescending towards you in this discussion? Has anyone else in this thread?

    I think the most insulting part is that you couldn't even make a coherent point with this sarcasm. Are you trying to poke fun at random numbers in the imperial system? Arbitrary values in general? Americans who eat roast beef?

    But don't go around telling the world what a "modern" society you are when you are still stuck measuring things with this quaint system that the rest of the world has modernized away from. it's really kinda cute, you know. :D

    Oh you mean how you still have a queen as your sovereign? Or how you mandate bilingual education for a stark minority of French Canadians? Or how the United Kingdom still has an unwritten constitution? Or how half of Europe still has an official state church? Or how the French presume guilt rather than innocence? Or how Italy is still run by political machines?

    Modernity is always a hindsight judgment. What should matter is if the system is not working for the people who use it. With private industries transitioning manufacturing to metric, the biggest argument in favor of the metric system is moot. The question then comes down to whether or not you are better positioned to judge what other people need or want.

    ipad wallpaper retro. June 18, 2010 iPad Wallpaper
  • June 18, 2010 iPad Wallpaper

  • islanders
    Jul 23, 11:01 PM
    Not likely.

    In the "old days" (i.e. pre-Intel) Apple could do this, keep selling outdated technology to clear out inventory before updating processors, graphics cards/chips, etc.

    They had no other choice� g3 or g4.

    But now that they're competing head-to-head with PC technology, this won't EVER happen. It was not accidental that Yonah debuted on MBP's before Dell, HP and Sony started selling them. No, Apple will have them out of the chute as soon as anyone else does (Intel probably won't give Apple first dibs this time - that was probably a Yonah bribe to get Apple to commit to Intel), which means there's no way we'll be waiting until Christmas (unless some production snafu makes EVERYONE wait that long.)

    Announcement in August, shipping in September maybe?



    September �maybe� is not to far from November!

    Someone had to take a pragmatic position. Might as well be me.

    Ok. Merom is going to happen for MBP September (maybe), October and Novermber (probably) December (maybe).

    However, it has always been my conviction that not even Apple knows these exact dates. If sales are strong they put off updates, if they are slack they roll out new stuff.

    This time Intel jumped the gun so Apple may take longer to respond.

    ipad wallpaper retro. Beautiful Ipad Wallpaper
  • Beautiful Ipad Wallpaper

  • rerelease
    Apr 23, 04:34 PM
    Wish Apple did something towards resolution independence and not make images bigger and bigger. :confused:

    You could argue that when they pump all consumer Mac resolutions up to the limit of human perception, resolution independence becomes sort of moot.

    Of course, a fully scalable OS would help accessibility, but for many consumers a retina screen would be an excellent "one size fits all" solution.

    ipad wallpaper retro. Apple Logo – iPad Wallpaper
  • Apple Logo – iPad Wallpaper

  • tehdee
    Jul 22, 05:43 PM
    it's probably the people who just bought macbook pro's a few weeks ago. hah!

    glad i haven't bought a macbook pro yet. must have merom! woooohoooooo!

    seven months from now, some yutz is going to be saying the same thing about merom.

    ipad wallpaper retro. “Picnic” iPad Wallpaper by Rob
  • “Picnic” iPad Wallpaper by Rob

  • gruvdone
    Apr 26, 04:02 PM
    I love that argument - who told Apple to only make 1 phone? Nobody it was their decision. This is PC vs Mac all over again - history repeating itself.

    That's a narrow and erroneous view. Are there some parallels? Sure. There are however some important differences.

    First, market share is not anywhere near as important as revenue share. Apple is absolutely trouncing Google and everyone else in this area.

    Second, developers are not making any money on Android, as it's user base appears to be comprised of spend-thrifts. It doesn't matter how many people you have using the platform, if developers can't sell applications that well then the lure isn't as strong. Combine that with the exceedingly frustrating fragmentation and inconsistent experience from device to device that makes the task of even writing an Android application that much harder, and it is less appealing still. Will that slow Android down? No, as there will always be customers for the Wal-Mart of mobile operating systems. It does, however limit them as any sort of real 'threat'.

    Third, let us not forget that absolute whoring out of hardware at 2 or even 3 for 1 deals is a huge factor in this surge in usage. It's quite easy to inflate your numbers when you hand stuff out for free. Again, in reference to my previous point, they really aren't doing the platform any favors long term, as it will bring down the revenue curve.

    Fourth, these numbers are for the US only. The worldwide picture is very different.

    I can't wait to see how Steve Jobs spins this somehow at WWDC - my guess is he'll throw iPod Touches and iPads into their numbers so it doesn't look as horrible as the Nielsen chart shows.

    Why wouldn't he? iPod touch and iPad run the exact same mobile OS. Just because there is no real competition to either of these devices in the Android space, doesn't devalue their presence. Truthfully, I always take a skeptical stance on the motives of any 'report' on mobile OS usage which conveniently leaves these devices out. Smacks of fomenting, it does.

    Next up...tablets :D

    Yeah, cause that's been working out really well for them so far. Look, you can have your irrational "I hate Apple cause they are cool, and I rail against anything popular, cause I'M NOT A CONFORMIST!!!" BS all you want to. It doesn't change for one second the fact that Apple innovates, and everyone else imitates and tries to make all the money they can on the back of Apple's IP.

    Personally, I'd say enjoy it while you can. Apple has been establishing precedent with its patent litigation against smaller targets. Now they are taking on a medium-sized one in Samsung, and once that victory is complete, Google will be the next to fall.

    Look, I'm all for good old fashioned competition. But somebody besides Apple has to step up to the plate and actually create something. This whole me-too copycat crap is wearing thin.

    ipad wallpaper retro. Wallpaper name: Сolored
  • Wallpaper name: Сolored

  • nunes013
    Mar 26, 11:19 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    There is no way at all apple will release an iPhone and iPad at the same time or within a month of each other, the manufactures would go crazy trying to get flash memory and displays for two highly popular products

    ipad wallpaper retro. Retro Apple. Rainbow Face
  • Retro Apple. Rainbow Face

  • Makosuke
    May 6, 05:10 AM
    I'm not so much joining in the discussion as publicly recording what I think is going to happen in a few years based not really on this prediction, but the way things are going in general, so that I can point to this post in a few years and either say "I told you so" or "look how clueless I was."

    I think this prediction is right, at least in general terms, and while to hardcore geeks it may sound like a terrible idea, I doubt it is, and it makes a great deal of sense to Apple. That said, I expect Apple will continue to sell "pro" systems of some sort based on Intel chips for the foreseeable future, to cover the developer/Photoshop-jockey/video-editor market. They're just not going to sell all that many of them.

    This is why the ARM transition will not be like the Intel transition (and remember we're not talking about something happening tomorrow):

    For one thing, two years is a lot of time at the rate the ARM architecture has been advancing. Predicting anything about how fast the chips will be in 2013 (or how much Intel will have advanced by then) is difficult.

    In the quarter the G5 Power Mac first shipped, back in Apple earned $44M on $1.7B in sales, and shipped 787K Macs. In the quarter the first Intel iMacs shipped, in Apple earned $410M on $4.36B, and sold 1.1M Macs.

    In the most recent quarter, Apple's profit was $6B--more than their gross in and almost as much as the entire company's gross for all of 2003--on gross income of close to $25B. They sold 3.76M Macs, and more notably 4.69M iPads and well over 20M small-screen iOS devices. They also have something like $65 billion sitting in the bank, which is ridiculous.

    Contrast this with Intel, which in the last quarter was doing extremely well, with gross of $12.8B and net of $3.16B. Or, for that matter, IBM, which had revenue of $24B and earnings of $2.9B.

    In Apple was a relatively small-time player that got IBM to design a wicked-fast custom desktop CPU. In 2006 they were a somewhat larger company mostly on account of selling a lot of iPods, and weren't in a strong enough position to get IBM to do what they needed with the PPC architecture to the point it could compete with Intel's upcoming Core architecture. Today their Mac business alone is three times what it was then, it's the only segment of the PC industry actually expanding, and the company is HUGE--twice the size of Intel, in terms of financials. Heck, they could buy a controlling stake in Intel based purely on that company's market cap with cash on hand.

    Further, of all those 25M+ iOS devices last quarter, every single one was running an ARM processor. While nearly 4 million Macs is nothing to sneeze at, Apple's bread and butter is iOS and ARM-based systems. They know them, they control the whole package, and they have an in-house CPU team for the architecture. One that, based on performance comparisons with the Xoom, is doing its job quite well. They've also managed to sell these devices at prices so low other companies are having serious trouble matching them, while maintaing very healthy profit margins.

    As far as Apple is concerned--and with good reason--iOS on ARM is their future. There's no reason to stop selling Macs, but the market for console-style computers is not likely limited to handhelds and tablets--there's almost certainly a lot of demand in the bigger-laptop-with-a-keyboard space as well as large-screen desktops. With the rate of CPU power increase in ARM chips, within a couple of years they're likely to be powerful enough to comfortably handle desktop tasks, particularly considering that the average user really doesn't have any use for anything more than a basic dual-core system--everything else is for pros and bragging rights.

    So, by way of prediction, I'd assume that Apple will continue to beef up its in-house ARM team, and once the desktop-grade chips are in place leverage that to replace what we currently think of as consumer Macs with beefier, larger-screen iOS based devices (or perhaps some iOS/MacOS hybrid thing to better handle indirect input, since pointing at a 27" touchscreen is ridiculous for more than a few minutes).

    After all, Apple could--and very will might--dump a few billion dollars of their hoard into advancing the ARM architecture in some way that competitors can't match, and/or building out chip fab capabilities to keep prices low and availability high. Intel's entire R&D budget for 2010 was in the range of $6B, AMD's wasn't much over $1B, and Apple likes to control their own destiny, so it's not out of the question if they can hire good enough people.

    I also bet that they will keep some "pro" machines--perhaps even those that'll keep the "Mac" moniker--in the lineup, for people who want more traditional workstation software, since there's still a lucrative market for that. These will presumably use Intel chips, but then who knows--even Microsoft is working on a version of Windows for ARM.

    And outside the gamer market or the relatively small number of people who need or want a virtualized Windows environment, I seriously doubt most people will care. After all, it hasn't stopped them from lining up to buy iPads, and I have NEVER heard even the most ardent Windows fanboy rant about Windows with the same fervor as a half-dozen non-technical people I know personally who love their iPad.

    Geeks and old-school Macheads like myself will wail and moan, and Apple won't care. If they did, the iPad would have run the MacOS.

    In related news, Microsoft is in trouble.

    ipad wallpaper retro. Concept iPad Wallpaper,
  • Concept iPad Wallpaper,

  • iphoneIA
    Mar 28, 09:52 AM
    Sort of relieved no iPhone 5 announcements, Im firmly bogged down into a 2 year contract.

    I have to agree with this one. I have a two year contract and seeing a new iPhone would tempt my wallet.

    Mar 31, 09:02 AM
    P.S. Lietuvos Rytas is better :P

    Better at losing yes.

    Aug 4, 12:19 PM
    Don't worry, I say this now -NO MBP CPU UPDATE AT WWDC- or till December for that matter. MBP itself has its own issues to be fixed like overheating, battery life and slower superdrive. I would be happier if they fix these issues instead of putting slightly faster chip and producing more heat and moans. And even if they do, you won't see big difference in performance anyways. So just enjoy your MB while it lasts.

    A chip update has NOTHING to do with any outstanding issues, sorry...Apple is fully capable of fixing those (if any) with a better design AND a better chip.

    May 8, 05:25 PM
    The usefulness of MobileMe just doesn't justify the $99 pricetag -- especially when other services offer something similar for free.

    I disagree. First, nobody else offers it all in one place. Second, nobody else has the same simplicity. Third, there are features (most notably, find my iphone) that can't be replicated no matter what other service you use. And when you consider that you can get MM for $60 at Amazon and elsewhere, I think it's more than worth it. $5/month is worth it for any of things I just listed, or even just to be ad-free.

    Apr 10, 06:29 PM
    Your assumption is that the multiplication of 2*(12) takes precedence over the 48/2. This is incorrect for the many reasons stated in the thread.

    It can't without the extra parentheses.


    Didn't all your methods, whatever they are called, give a priority to do the parenthesis operation first?
    It is not my assumption, it is the method/explanation given by others.

    My initial answer is and will always be 2.
    My Mac can't be wrong.
    Mac OS X can't be wrong.
    Not here.
    A Mac in MacRumors can't fail.:eek:

    Apr 20, 01:49 AM
    I'm on the 3GS > iPhone 5 > iPhone 7 upgrade sequence. I'm glad to be on it. I don't like to be a Beta tester. If there is an unseen design flaw (antennagate), it will give Apple a full year to "hopefully" fix the issue. I plan on using this phone without a case, so I don't want any antenna issues. I'm doubtful the iPhone 5 will have a better antenna. The Verizon iPhone has the same issues as the ATT iPhone. If Apple was going to fix it, they would have fixed it then....