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Saturday, May 7, 2011

wallpaper red love

wallpaper red love. Love wallpapers red hearth
  • Love wallpapers red hearth

  • BlizzardBomb
    May 7, 10:46 AM
    Why not just make it a $20 product instead of giving it away for no profit?

    wallpaper red love. heart love red wallpaper
  • heart love red wallpaper

  • ticman
    Dec 10, 06:24 PM
    Ok I have installed the car kit. It was more difficult than i thought ONLY because while I have a sloping dash board and it's leather, it is NOT smooth leather but rather a grainy textured leather. I could not get the plastic disk to stick to the surface--even if I put it higher up on the dash toward the windshield where it is flat. Thoughts of crazy glue were beginning to run through my mind.

    I installed it on the windshield just to see if I'd like it. It was great but a tad too far to see clearly (even with glasses); I didn't like the wires hanging down; and it did draw my eye every time i used the rear view mirror and obstructed my view (but only a bit--could probably get used to it in time).

    So I was at the point of wondering if I was going to return it to Apple Store when I found a space that would work that was left of the radio and had a small flat plastic area. The disk is only partially on the plastic but holds incredible firmly. By moving the suction cup to the right edge of the flat disk, I can see the entire screen easily in either portrait or landscape mode without covering the radio or any controls.

    AND the unexpected PLUS is that it sits below the dashboard and won't require me to disconnect it to put in the console when away from the car. I was not comforable with the idea of leaving the kit in full view which may or may not invite break-ins. Another plus is very very little cord from kit to lighter area is needed so wires hanging or dangling are at a minimum. The wire from audio to my audio input in the center console is easily accomodated by the 3 foot audio cord. I used the plastic holders that were pictured in previous post so that wires are contained and not obtrusive.

    With regards to using Bluetooth for handsfree driving. My car is very quiet and I and my callers had no problem hearing each other. I just hold the main button and do voice dialing. Piece of cake.

    LOL I had the audio cord connected to the car kit but was not using audio to play music (aux was not on) and I couldn't figure out why Navigon wasn't taling to me. When I put radio on in Aux mode the instructions came through the car speakers. When I used ipod to play music and had GPS on both come through the car speakers with music volume being lowered when voice directions were being given.

    All in all I am very pleased with the kit and the way it performs.

    wallpaper red love. mac-love-red-wallpaper_th
  • mac-love-red-wallpaper_th

  • BenRoethig
    Aug 3, 11:19 PM
    I always expected the four existing lines to go merom. It's pretty much a firmware update away from using existing hardware and the form factors used are more geared towards lower power chips.

    wallpaper red love. rosey red love romance picture
  • rosey red love romance picture

  • xPismo
    Jul 21, 10:25 PM
    Regarding hot laptops:

    Tell me about it!

    Add a pro book that lasts ~5hours and I'd be one happy man. Lets hope Apple can crack the heat / battery / weight triangle of pain this time around.

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  • love wallpaper red hearts free

  • MCIowaRulz
    Mar 30, 05:42 PM
    Lion is ready to Roar (almost)

    Getting it with the NEW iMac 2011!
    Going to FINALLY replace my 867 Mhz PowerMac G4 running 10.4.11

    wallpaper red love. I love the design of it,
  • I love the design of it,

  • don.keishlong
    Apr 5, 03:33 PM
    Some of what you mention sounds cool... but I've never Jail Broke my iPhone and it runs just fine - far from unusable. Nice that you love all the mods, but it's not for everyone. No need to insult those who choose not to JB.

    I mean a car from 20 years ago runs fine if you haven't driven any other car. The internet from 10 years ago would be fine if you had never experienced todays broadband. Hell life as a virgin would be cool if you didn't know what sex was.

    When you say your phone is far from unusable, its like a virgin saying life without sex is awesome.

    wallpaper red love. Red Love Hearts - love, red
  • Red Love Hearts - love, red

  • zombierunner
    Mar 31, 03:34 AM
    What everybody would like to know, is Safari any snappier?

    it better be because frankly chrome is kicking safari's ass right now .. safari needs to "big up" on chrome .... roar.

    wallpaper red love. ribcaged heart red love
  • ribcaged heart red love

  • lgutie20
    Mar 29, 02:32 PM
    Note that MS is dropping the standalone Zune hardware, and moving the Zune interface into Windows Phone 7.

    If your phone can do it all, why make standalone music players?

    They exist for the real music addicts. I really believe that if there is an iPod that will be the first to disappear it will be the Touch.

    wallpaper red love. Love red valentine
  • Love red valentine

  • Maxiseller
    Aug 2, 11:17 AM
    Mac Pro + Cinema Display (iSight), Leopard demo, Core 2 Duo iMac & MacBook Pro. New Nano's too (more storage + bluetooth)

    Long shot, iPhone + iChat 4.0 (VoiP), Mac & Windows.

    I can't see the Cinema Displays having built in iSight. I mean sure, it's useful - but what about people who work in environments where you can't have cameras (i.e. some pros) what about people who have dual monitors etc...I can't see it being feasible.

    wallpaper red love. Love Wallpapers. Download
  • Love Wallpapers. Download

  • ngenerator
    Apr 23, 05:46 PM
    Does anyone know what mountain that is a picture of? I'm asking on behalf of a curious third party

    wallpaper red love. Red Valentine Wallpapers
  • Red Valentine Wallpapers

  • ssk2
    Mar 30, 06:55 AM
    I'm not going to give a full critique to Amazon's UI and UX design, but when you look at Apple's UIs and Apple's apps next to these Amazon one's do you not notice a major difference in simplicity, fit and finish, and polish???

    I'm not saying you can't use the Amazon stuff, but Apple has powerfully demonstrated many times over now for years, that user experience and beautiful design ABSOLUTELY DOES make a big impact!

    Take a look at the UI of iBooks, or the new iMovie and Garage Band, or Contacts, or all of the iWork apps on iPad, etc. etc. BEAUTIFUL UIs and very creative, cultural, simplistic and elegant! Also WebOS has some beautiful UI design.

    I don't see how Amazon's Cloud UI could be much better. It does follow Apple's UI, but hey, guess what? They're not Apple. Their UI IS very simple, I'd argue elegant and looks functional. As for a UI being 'cultural', you'll have to explain that one...

    wallpaper red love. Love Forever wallpaper
  • Love Forever wallpaper

  • Poudresteve
    Jul 21, 02:17 PM
    This is not what I needed to maintain a productive Friday afternoon! My excitement level was already at "11" with new Mac Pro's coming out. I'll have to see what else I can cut out of the ol' budget to get all of these new toys... :D

    wallpaper red love. stock photo : Love Wallpaper
  • stock photo : Love Wallpaper

  • acslater017
    Mar 30, 07:02 PM
    Enjoy your brand new 129$ Mac OS X latest revision (the most advanced, the most unique, the most... bla bla bla bla...) carrying more than XXX features (aka... just making the Mac OS X experience more iOS-alike so you get used to AppStore since soon you'll have to go through this method of delivery as there won't be any other one, because Mr. Jobs wants more money...)
    Yep... I think that 129$ sounds quite ok, for nothing :D

    Though I'm not surprise... there's nothing shocking that they can implement. This "update" is aimed at training people into AppStore (aka money)... and they even charge for it :D

    I don't throw the word "troll" around much (it's overused) but stop trolling.

    -Do we know the price?
    -Have you heard any credible information that the Macs will EVER only use the App Store?
    -how is Lion "nothing" - it unifies the window/Space/Dashboard viewing systems, it rethinks the entire process of file saving and revision, it adds tons of useful multitouch gestures, it implements new ways of downloading/sorting/viewing/launching apps, it adds new methods of wireless file sharing and adds security features.

    Tell me, what aspect of personal computing in OS X should be improved, and how would you do it

    wallpaper red love. Desktop wallpaper red roses
  • Desktop wallpaper red roses

  • TallManNY
    Apr 7, 10:44 AM
    I don't believe this report. How hard could it be for RIM to acquire the 100,000 screens they can expect to sell? This is just an excuse for the delay for them to work out the software bugs. Sure Apple has a lot of factories going day and night to produce iPads. But the early reports were only in the 60% of manufacturing capacity. Maybe it is more, but it isn't like RIM needs to make one million of these devices a month. Seriously, 100,000 will be plenty for the first month of U.S. sales. Maybe if enterprises really get on board, then sales will ramp up. But businesses are going to run three months of tests before they role out the big blackberries for the staff.

    wallpaper red love. 3D Abstract Wallpapers
  • 3D Abstract Wallpapers

  • maclaptop
    Apr 20, 07:38 AM
    All I am thinking about after this news is the release date of the Iphone 6.

    Me too.

    This year I'll have some fun with Android, since Apple's coasting. It's their loss and my gain.

    Besides it's very fun to check out what's up with the competition first hand.

    Thanks Apple!

    wallpaper red love. Title: Love Wallpaper35
  • Title: Love Wallpaper35

  • OneMike
    Mar 28, 12:08 PM
    new iPhone will be hear when it's here. I don't feel the current is lacking so I can wait if needed.

    wallpaper red love. Bright Backgrounds
  • Bright Backgrounds

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 18, 04:15 PM
    Just because I stick a Ford logo on the hood doesn't mean I can make my new Mustang look like a Porsche Carrera clone.

    On that subject, auto companies do this within their own brands. Ford will make a Lincoln and a Mercury that is the same as a Ford model but with a different name on it.

    I never understood that about the auto industry. If you buy up competition and keep the name around instead of folding the acquisition into the one brand, then do something unique with each brand. Ford/Lincoln/Mercury for instance should divide up product lines between brands. Ford could be brand name of the truck line while the other two are brand names for luxury and compact cars for instance. But the experts will say this is silly. LOL

    wallpaper red love. heart tiles red love picture
  • heart tiles red love picture

  • artpease
    Aug 4, 02:27 AM
    My money is on iMac and iPod nano updates in Paris, MacBook in November, the Long awaited Media Mac Mini at Macworld, new video iPod along with the launch of iTunes Video Store, as well as the long rumored new games for the iPod. Maybe a new iSight that is small enough to clip onto the iPod? Bah, I am getting way too carried away. Back to the point, since this is a pro targeted conference, it makes perfect sense for the MacBook Pro and Mac Pro to make appearances.

    A little over the top, but agreed. WWDC is a developer confernce, so Leopard and the Mac Pro. I'd be surprised if he even mentions Merom. Forget about MB, they just came out and Steve won't kill sales during the back to school promo. Geez, he's a genius, not a moron...

    wallpaper red love. Red Love Wallpaper - Red heart
  • Red Love Wallpaper - Red heart

  • skellener
    Mar 27, 12:37 PM
    A slightly improved version of the iPad 2 could also be released around that time, to be sold alongside the current version. September's Apple event could be a lot more than just new iPods. iPad 2 only just launched yesterday in various other countries. It will most likely sell out there this weekend as well. Most people still have a few weeks to wait for ordered iPad 2's. They can barely meet demand now. App developers have barely even scratched the surface of updating and writing apps to take advantage of all the new goodies in the iPad 2. With the tragedy in Japan, some components are in short supply. iPad 2 has barely gotten out of the gate! With a track record like that for the iPad 2, I just can't see how anyone can believe any type of iPad 3 launch will take place in the Fall. Besides, that's when they launch iPods for Xmas anyway. They already have a product schedule for that window. "2011 is the Year of iPad 2".

    Look for iPad 3 March/April 2012.

    Aug 6, 05:59 PM
    anyone think apple will do anything to commemorate the 5 year anniversary of the ipod in october?

    Apr 7, 09:35 AM
    RIM was the smartphone market for a brief period of time, they really should be doing better than what they are right now.

    RIM didn't have any vision, though, and were eclipsed by Apple and Google.

    I owned a BB Storm and it was a piece of junk, the Torch fell flat and now the Playbook has been delayed.

    I wonder who is going to buy RIM out, they are in desperate need of a hit product. RIM needs a halo product as badly as Apple did before the iPod came out.

    May 6, 06:58 AM
    I want them to go AMD across the board.
    I'd like that.

    AMD is currently a bang for buck chip maker, I doubt you'll see them CPUs in Apple products. Plus until Fusion develops some more the thermal envelope isn't too good.

    May 4, 09:38 AM
    Alright, i am getting bored of listening to my beard growing, so i'll go ahead:

    R1T1: Loras group explores the start room.

    with raven's latest explanation of the trap rule, there is no significant difference between explore-move and move-explore, and i decided to be conservative in case the jokesters upstairs put a trap right away at the start.

    at level one we are very weak and any encounter with a trap or lowest-level monster means certain death for at least one of us. we need to uplevel asap.

    Splain please.

    May 3, 12:35 PM
    So, I'm confused from reading the rules. You stated the villain wins once everyone is dead. How does a hero die? That's not clear to me in the rules.

    Uh, a hero dies once all of his HP is gone.

    Also, this:

    is unclear. You said he can't level up, so what does that mean? This "add two points" makes no sense??

    That should've be more clear. Basically I'm just stating *why* the villain is at level 16. It's not an arbitrary number - it's the number of players multiplied by two. # of players (8) multiplied by 2 = villain's level (16). That's all.