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Sunday, May 8, 2011

wallpaper macintosh

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  • Mechcozmo
    Jan 10, 09:41 PM
    I told you all !!!! $499 headless Mac - here it comes and marketshare will grow...welcome back Apple !!

    Sigh... Apple is already back.... and we don't need this petition any longer... and the mini mac has been in development for a long time (1 year plus) so the petition didn't do anything with it.

    39 signers in this period of time means it failed, BTW. :rolleyes:

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  • mac os x wallpapers,

  • AidenShaw
    Sep 6, 08:52 PM
    $19.99 for a downloaded movie, that's absolutely ridiculous. There is no way I would ever pay that much when I can go buy a new release DVD for $12-14.99. Amazon's service will fail, especially if Apple does indeed release a Movie Store.

    I'm not a fan of $14.99 either, but it's a little more reasonable.

    Of course all of this depends on the quality and if you can burn it.

    Six more days. :)
    Agree - $19.99 to $24.99 is the price for pristine 1080p Blu-ray discs at Fry's or Best Buy.

    Ever watched a YouTube video full-screen on a 40" Samsung 1920x1080 LCD television...

    If you have, did you manage to stick it out for the whole 30 seconds before stopping it?

    HD or DOA. Two options. (At that $19.99 price - for $3.99/movie I might do some VHS quality stuff for a plane trip.)

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  • iPad 2 wallpaper which I

  • wizard
    Jun 22, 03:39 PM
    Let be clear here Touch screens are of limited usefulness in the normal desktop range of activities. You can read about ergonomics for the details or take this Tibit of experience, they are fatiguing to use. I base this on experience in industrial settings where people will often go out of their way to make use of a keyboard, mouse or other entry device instead of the touch screen. Apples quality GUI would have no impact on the negative associated with extensive touch screen usage.

    The idea of a layer being used as a replacement for Dashboard has some appeal as currently Dashboard sucks. However this would only work well by emulating an ARM processor which is probably as wasteful as JavaScript. If I was Apple I'd think long and hard about that.

    Further I'm not even sure I agree with the premise that a touch facility would be hard to integrate into Mac OS/X. It would seem to me that adding another layer would be more difficult for everybody concerned, especially developers. Their goal maybe an exact emulation of iOS gestures but I'm not even sure that makes sense. You really need a gesture system tailored to the desktop that hives with track pad usage.

    So while I can see Apple doing something in this regard I don't think a Touch screen will be there to turn the Mac into an iOS device. Far from it infact. Even if they model the Touch screen interface on the I devices the goals and real usability will be vastly different. Even worst consummer acceptance and use wount be there. Even the geeks will quickly discover that in the vast majority of cases a Touch screen on the desktop sucks.

    What will be very interesting is the minority of apps that will benefit from such an interface. It is just that many desktop users will never use such apps so the whole touch screen thing is a bit of a joke. For many users what Apple should be doing is going after voice input/dictation. Put all those cores to work on an AI that can process human language.


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  • iJawn108
    Jan 11, 09:11 PM
    i highly highly doubt they are calling it the "macbook air." that's borderline laughable. i am willing to bet the phase "there's something in the air" is referring to the soon to be announced rental service, not a piece of hardware. apple is making an obvious attempt to eliminate physical mediums altogether, first cds with mp3s and now dvds with downloadable vids (both via the itunes music store). everything will be available "in the air" or "up in the cloud," if you will. i'll be damned if they name their next product the "macbook air." c'mon people...
    Aperture 2.0 via iTunes... or maybe it just reefers to iPhone/iPod Touch apps.

    Or maybe it referes to a notebook that doesnt have a replaceable battery, though the new macbooks will be used as frisbees.

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  • desktop wallpaper images,

  • alphaod
    Apr 26, 01:31 PM
    Amazon "One Click" not only use generic words but also patents obvious methods.

    Actually, it would 1-Click ;)

    In formal writing, one should always write out the words for all numbers one through ten.

    "1 click" would be unacceptable in proper English writing.

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  • Apple Wallpapers gt; Mac

  • YS2003
    Oct 23, 10:14 PM
    I'll grant you some slack on a lot of the points you've made, but I simply can't sit here and read your smug comments about people waiting for the C2D without pointing out at least one thing you are missing. Just exactly how do you expect your Core Duo MBP to support 64-bit instructions when Leopard comes out? Oh, that's right. It won't. You're severely misguided if you think that won't make a difference.
    Can someone confirm C2D is what is needed for 64-bit instructions? I thought it has be the combination of C2D and chipset to make 64-bit instructions happen. I heard the current platform for CoreDuo was not made for 64-bit.

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  • 60 Most Beautiful Apple (Mac

  • QCassidy352
    Nov 29, 02:23 PM
    I certainly hope it will have more features! The iTV, based only on currently confirmed features, looks pretty useless to me. So I can stream content from my computer to my TV instead of just watching on my computer... and for that I pay $300? :rolleyes:

    I don't think apple would go to market with a product that lame. The final version will have a lot more cool features than that.

    wallpaper macintosh. Apple Wallpapers gt; Mac
  • Apple Wallpapers gt; Mac

  • Tmelon
    Apr 2, 02:12 PM
    You feel like it�s a new experience? So much better?

    Well it's still Mac OS X so I can't call it a completely new experience. There's still a menu bar, still a dock, etc. But they've definitely made some improvements. And there's most likely still more to come in terms of speed and stability.

    wallpaper macintosh. iHave a Mac Wallpaper Pack
  • iHave a Mac Wallpaper Pack

  • islanders
    Jan 3, 10:43 PM
    What's wrong with a MacBook and:

    a) Pages
    b) MS Word (yuck... but ymmv)
    c) Framemaker in Boot Camp


    Agreed, the world of word processing isn't overrun with great apps. Times change, and word processing just isn't sexy any more... even though there are plenty of theses and books and magazine articles still being written.

    (I notice that MS are preparing to give away updates to Office 2007 - and Vista - to anyone that got Office pre-installed on their PC. Talk about abusing their monopoly... No struggling WP developer can hope to survive against those sort of tactics.)

    With a bit of luck Pages 3.0 will be along next week. Hardly a keynote showstopper, but props to Apple for getting into that market at all. Pages is cute.

    If you specifically need the long-doc and publishing features of Framemaker, then it's Windows time. Sad but true. Take it up with Adobe.

    It�s going to be a difficult decision.

    The MB only has a 13.2�� screen. I want that extra inch to the 14.1.

    I don�t like the idea of running Windows through OSX and Bootcamp. When I should only need one OS to operate a word processor.

    Word isn�t a good option for me.

    I may just go with BootCamp, Windows, Adobe, but that means buying Windows, BootCamp, and I�m concerned about conflicts.

    Thanks for the other tips for the word processors.

    I�m going to wait and keep my options open, although I want something now.

    wallpaper macintosh. Macintosh wallpaper
  • Macintosh wallpaper

  • zedsdead
    Apr 19, 11:00 AM
    The iMac update is likely to be a spec bump, Sandy Bridge, better Graphics, etc...plus Thunderbolt. I plan to hang on to my current model for now.

    I am more excited about a potential Mac Mini Update, because I need one of those.

    wallpaper macintosh. Wallpapers | Mac Tricks
  • Wallpapers | Mac Tricks

  • sineplex
    Sep 29, 02:13 AM
    Still satisfied with my dermashot. It really hasn't collected much dust. If your on the wall still about a silicon case, check it out.


    Thanks Bill - I just got mine in the mail today.
    You said the screen protector isn't great and I've decided to not even use a screen protector now and go naked and just use the Dermashot cover to protect the back. It looks really great, will pick up my 32GB IPT4 before the weekend.

    wallpaper macintosh. Mac OS X has only one
  • Mac OS X has only one

  • I'mAMac
    Sep 1, 01:18 PM
    What is this chin on the iMac that everybody is talking about?

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  • mac wallpaper lion.

  • ckodonnell
    Sep 1, 01:40 PM
    While I agree conroe would be a better choice, Merom is a Core 2 Duo chip as well.

    But, how about the processors? Apple needs to have a Core 2 (Conroe not Merom) inside the imac. The imac is not a conventionally size desktop (not as much room inside as a tower) but Apple can not continue to use a laptop processor in the imac. If they do, then how will the Conroe be used in Apple's line up? In a Mac tower? I don't think so. Surely, a 23" iMac could house the Conroe suitably?

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  • Download Mac Vintage Blue for

  • Dont Hurt Me
    Mar 19, 03:49 PM
    Apples commercials have sucked, very rarely do they show what it can do. I have to laugh i was watching the o'reiley factor the other night and all of a sudden they show the Apple ipod commercial with brothers(if you know what i mean) dancing and listening to hip hop. then i asked myself how many conservative Americans are going even pay attention to that geto commercial let alone buy a pod because of that. talk about waste of air time. Like O'reileys viewers play and listens to Rap. Apple is lost when it comes to marketing and building computers for the masses.

    wallpaper macintosh. Macintosh group mac ever some
  • Macintosh group mac ever some

  • mrmicp
    Apr 3, 04:48 AM
    The advert speaks volumes to me, I love it..... a select few won't, but it's just not possible to please 100% of the people 100% of the time.

    wallpaper macintosh. “wallpaper” (background)
  • “wallpaper” (background)

  • TangoCharlie
    Aug 30, 03:50 AM
    Those speeds line up exactly with the T5000 series of Merom.

    Intel T2400 Core Duo Yonah 1.83GHz 667MHz 2MB, Retail, BX80539T2400
    Intel T2300 Core Duo Yonah 1.66Ghz 667MHz 2MB, Retail, BX80539T2300

    Looks like the CPU speeds match onto Yonah parts too :rolleyes:

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  • Free Inspirational Wallpapers

  • colonelsanders
    Mar 25, 12:19 AM
    Per your comment below, I think you might be misunderstanding Crossfire.

    The MP does have an upgrade option to include two 5770's that will allow you to drive up to six displays. This is great but this should not be confused with crossfire.

    If they were set up in crossfire you would only be able to drive 3 monitors as you would be limited to the output of your primary card. The second card acts as extra processing load for the primary card while set up in crossfire. Additionally if they were setup in crossfire you would see a bridge between the two cards.

    As far as i know Apple has never supported crossfire or sli. They have however supported multi gpus in one machine.

    Well then, Apple is gonna confuse alot of people with the 5770 crossfire MP upgrade. Look it up folks, crossfire is supported


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  • macquariumguy
    Jan 5, 04:04 PM
    I'm still driving the NSX every day. Coming up on 6 years.

    wallpaper macintosh. Windows VS Apple Mac Wallpaper
  • Windows VS Apple Mac Wallpaper

  • rockosmodurnlif
    Apr 2, 08:35 PM
    I believe! But I'm still not buying one.

    Hmmm... not really. I hate marketing. Nothing they say will change that. They also need to stop calling the iPad "magical". It really isn't. It's very nice, but not magical.
    "This is what we believe. Technology alone is not enough. Faster, thinner, lighter...those are all good things. But when technology gets out of the way, everything becomes more delightful...even magical very nice. That's when you leap forward. That's when you end up with something like this."

    Nov 28, 12:52 PM
    microsoft loses money on pretty much every product segment they have except office and windows. though xbox does look like it will be profitable soon enough.

    Apr 20, 07:08 AM
    Sold my late 2009 iMac yesterday in anticipation of the iMac refresh so this is positive news for me. However, I may hold off until the end of May and hopefully pick myself up an iPod Touch using my education discount and the iPod Rebate Back-To-School Promo (that's if Apple are true to form and run this promo again).

    Regarding GPU - prepare to be disappointed as Apple always seem to under deliver in this respect with regards to the iMac - form over performance dictates this i'm afraid. Has anyone considered they may even stick with the current iMac GPU offering - disappointing I know but still possible. If we see an upgrade (and I sincerely hope we do) I guess we're, at best, looking at a 6950 which I'd be happy with, I guess a very unlikely outside chance would be the 6970 (Pipe dream me thinks)?

    I'd welcome HellHammer's thoughts on this as he generally has a well informed perspective on these things.

    Aug 31, 03:45 AM
    I don't think that is always the case. In this case, specifically, we are likely looking at the high end mini bumping down to the low end price range, and the high end being a new machine. That would meant that the high end mini is basically getting a price drop, which would push the refurb price down: the refurb Core Duo mini is currently MORE than a new Core Solo. I'd definitely expect to see Duos get a price drop in the refurb store if the new mini line up is 1.66 duo and 1.83 duo.Yes I agree that is what you would expect as would I. But it doesn't work that way. They are more than likely to stay just where they are.

    Look at how old some of that stuff is from 2005 - a few even from 2004 - there and how they are still priced as if they hadn't long ago been replaced by more powerful models. Makes no sense. But there it is to study and see. :confused: :eek:

    They're still selling Quad G5's for $2799 which is rediculous.

    Jan 27, 09:57 AM
    of course i got it fully loaded with Bose Sound etc.

    Of course.

    Just made me laugh reading that.

    Nov 15, 11:42 AM
    To be fair, Apple has been generally "above average" in building computers that handled large amounts of RAM. I was amazed when I realized a couple years ago I could take an old PowerMac 7300 desktop and stuff 1GB of RAM in it. Couple that with a G4 upgrade and PCI card to give it Ultra ATA 100/133 hard disk support, and you had a pretty viable machine for running OS X (using XPostFacto to force it to install on something that outdated).

    The biggest "problem" is probably just that people tend to use their older Macs a lot longer than people use their old Windows PCs. So they end up wanting to upgrade them far further than anyone anticipated.

    Apple has always had memory crippled computers on the low end. If they could do ONE thing in the coming 64 bit world, I would ask them to make the motherboards at least be able to address FUTURE RAM options as the cost always drops rapidly and the requirements always seem to be predominantly ram based.
