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Sunday, May 8, 2011

desktop wallpaper zen

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  • gusapple
    Apr 12, 09:08 PM
    I know this thread is probably full of pro video geeks so don't eat me alive here. What's the primary difference between FCP and Express aside from the fact that Final Cut Pro is packaged in a suite of applications?

    I find that things just go smoother in FCP. Applications don't crash as easily as they do in Express, and when they do, it's easier to recover them. Also, I find myself having much more power to control rendering and export settings than in FCE. I guess once you go pro, it's hard to go back. Just make the jump though. If you are thinking of editing as a profession or even as a large hobby, Final Cut Pro is a wonderful and integrated way to start.

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  • Zen Bound iPhone wallpaper

  • umu
    Jan 1, 05:46 PM
    How about some kind of iSight?

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  • macAllen
    Jun 22, 10:04 PM

    desktop wallpaper zen. Rinspeed zaZen Desktop
  • Rinspeed zaZen Desktop

  • kalsta
    Apr 3, 05:06 AM
    A bit schmaltzy to be sure, but much, much better than the recent 'you don't have an iPhone' ads. This one is positive, and tries to get to the heart of Apple's design philosophy. Notice how the device itself is hardly even seen � just subtle hints of its outline. All the focus is on the display's content and the fingers interacting with it. It's the principle of 'less is more', or minimalist design � approaching the ideal of a user interface that provides the illusion of direct manipulation of virtual objects as much as possible, without getting in your way.

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  • Australia, Fraser Island Zen

  • swingerofbirch
    Sep 6, 11:30 PM
    I think fixed pricing for movie purchases would encourage better movie production. There are crappy movies that quickly become $7 on DVD after they are released. And there are ones that stay around $17-19.

    I have one sort of off topic question: has anyone ever bought a DVD at 7-11 or Eckerd for $24.99? Why would anyone do that? It makes me sad to think people might not know they are paying three times more than they have to. Maybe I'm just too jaded.

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    Sep 7, 08:18 AM
    My prediction FWIW: What will not happen on the 12th: We will not see Jobs stand up in front of the crowd and make go on and on about a new fantastic movie download service. There is no need to do that. Movies on iTunes store is not revolutionary, unless they have developed some way to undo the laws of physics. We won't see Jobs demonstrating how easy it is to download movies, because it will take hours. Movies on iTunes is merely an incremental improvement. Could be done with a simple announcement. Everyone knows it is coming anyway.

    THe 12th, I think, is all about hardware. It will be about an integrated system of hardware to manage and play music, movies, data, email. It will be about either a video iPod or the iPod cell (with video). This is the media center mac introduction. I also think that it may look like the g4 cube, roughly. Did you notice that the new flagship store is a cube? Those are my predictions. I am preparing the condiments to be ready to eat crow...

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  • jsm4182
    Feb 27, 02:39 PM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5292/5482714927_dde07ab2f6.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jsm382/5482714927/)

    I thought its about time I post my home setup.

    Just bought the 27" Cinema Display, its connected to my 13"MBP running in clamshell,sitting on the shelf on a cooling pad.

    Apple bluetooth keyboard, Magic Trackpad and Magic Mouse. Have 2 Apple battery chargers(not pictured) to power those 3.

    1TB Seagate GoFlex with firewire 800 upgrade kit for backups using Carbon Copy Cloner sitting behind the lamp.

    Creative Xmod that I use with my Bose OE headphones(headphones not pictured).

    Also not pictured is my table at the other end of that wall with a Brother laser printer and Crosley radio, both hooked up to an Airport Express. And in a cabinet in another room I have an Airport Extreme with 2 Seagate 1TB drives for Time Machine and old file storage.

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  • New Surf Art Wallpaper

  • twoodcc
    May 8, 11:03 PM
    Thanks, I hope this will be my best month yet, we shall see...

    you and me both. i've got this month and most of next month before i'm going to have an outage

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  • ZenGo - Zen

  • DouchGod
    Nov 27, 05:00 AM
    Swatch New Gent "black Rebel"
    Seagate Momentus XT 500Gb 32Mb Cache 4Gb "SSD"


    What do you think of this drive?

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  • batman wallpaper Zen: I see

  • ldkaplan
    Jan 4, 03:27 PM
    For a word processor, I'm using Open Office...I'm pretty happy with it except that it uses X11.

    Maybe Apple will announce an Aqua port of Open Office that comes installed on all new products...that would be sweet. They'd have to rip out the power point tool to not canibalize Keynote.

    For the rumor on the thin mb and mbp, I'll be damn pissed. I just got my mb because it was updated in November. If they do an upgrade that fast, I'll be really pissed off.

    What's wrong with a MacBook and:

    a) Pages
    b) MS Word (yuck... but ymmv)
    c) Framemaker in Boot Camp


    Agreed, the world of word processing isn't overrun with great apps. Times change, and word processing just isn't sexy any more... even though there are plenty of theses and books and magazine articles still being written.

    (I notice that MS are preparing to give away updates to Office 2007 - and Vista - to anyone that got Office pre-installed on their PC. Talk about abusing their monopoly... No struggling WP developer can hope to survive against those sort of tactics.)

    With a bit of luck Pages 3.0 will be along next week. Hardly a keynote showstopper, but props to Apple for getting into that market at all. Pages is cute.

    If you specifically need the long-doc and publishing features of Framemaker, then it's Windows time. Sad but true. Take it up with Adobe.

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  • Business Zen

  • zedsdead
    Jan 13, 04:03 PM
    Apple will NOT do that, however, remember the collapsing port patent filed by Apple?

    Apple is supposed to be building an Ultra-Portable. Ethernet takes up space. I seriously doubt it will be in the Macbook Air or whatever apple decides to call it. Wifi will be enough. This laptop is not ment to be a main computer.

    desktop wallpaper zen. Spring Zen is one of a many
  • Spring Zen is one of a many

  • ibook30
    Jul 14, 01:10 AM
    I'm going to have to give this one a big negative.

    The problem with either HD-DVD or Bluray is that neither is a standard in the next generation of DVDs.
    This is all Sony's fault.:mad: If they learned anything from the Betamax, they should know that when ever they try to standardize a technology, they fail.
    This is way too soon to call.

    Too soon to call is right.

    I forgot about Sony's history in this field... :eek: they have some challenges,,,, but the way this plays out in the DVD/ Home Entertainment market is a problem....

    Unless.... the DVD/ Home Entertainment market continues to converge with the PC market.. (I know I have used the word "market" too much tonight, my apologies) Perhaps the high cost of bluray DVD players will make a 30 inch iMac with bluray more attractive for the elite who want a cool new TV to play fancy DVDs on, and surf the internets while checking email from the couch. (eventually the rest of us will afford this... just a theory). But there is definitely a couple of trends likely to converge here, and soon - in the next three years , I thinks.

    desktop wallpaper zen. use as desktop wallpaper.
  • use as desktop wallpaper.

  • Multimedia
    Sep 1, 01:04 PM
    Most of the posts in this thread are about the 23" screen. Yes, I think it will happen to allow the imac to play 1080i/1080p HD.

    But, how about the processors? Apple needs to have a Core 2 (Conroe not Merom) inside the imac. The imac is not a conventionally size desktop (not as much room inside as a tower) but Apple can not continue to use a laptop processor in the imac. If they do, then how will the Conroe be used in Apple's line up? In a Mac tower? I don't think so. Surely, a 23" iMac could house the Conroe suitably?

    So I would say that the 23" iMac would kill 2 birds - Conroe and HD for the home user. :)Absolutely Quad Girl. You are right on the money. Plus DUAL DVI support so you can span to a 30" display.

    desktop wallpaper zen. Zen Garden of Kyoto
  • Zen Garden of Kyoto

  • eenu
    Aug 16, 12:27 PM
    Exactly! Now maybe you see my first point.

    No your missing my first point. Sharing in my mind in this context is the listening but not the distribution of music. Synching is the distribution.

    Hence why i was saying my method would allow you to share your library's but not sync them to more than one pod thus eliminating the piracy factor.

    We are obviously talking about different things

    desktop wallpaper zen. Under the Zen Sea
  • Under the Zen Sea

  • SciFrog
    Apr 1, 12:45 PM
    No kernel panics here, but I noticed some a3 core units being send back early, usually in the first 10%, it started before 10.6.3

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  • peapody
    Nov 28, 09:20 AM
    Well that MBA didn't last too long. How come you're bailing on it?

    I didn't even open the MBA to be honest. Bailing because it was $1500 haha. And I just couldn't bring myself to have a second computer that is that price with those specs. And I have a feeling in my bones that the resale value will suck on the first gen 11.6".

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  • Wallpapers and and and fashion

  • skunk
    Mar 28, 11:43 AM
    All I'm saying is that behind the scenes when you look at the facts, there's a different story and you can't take everything at face value...and you should know that about politicians too. I think some of you are "glad" that it's finally not purely lead by the US and this is like some "dream team" thing. But I'm just afraid that you are just in denial. :cool:What exactly are you trying to say? Iraq was a US war of choice, and Bush was fortunate to have an equally vainglorious partner-in-crime in Blair or he'd never have been able politically to do it. Afghanistan was also a US thing. Why would anybody else take a lead in those? Libya was a UN thing, and on Europe's border, so naturally the impetus came from Europe, and Europe is taking proportionately much more of the load.

    Next you'll be saying that the US won WW1 and WW2.

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  • Free Wallpapers Desktop, HQ

  • JTToft
    Apr 21, 11:53 AM
    If anybody is interested, here is the iPhone Software License Agreement:

    On the very first page, there is a rather large paragraph describing the use of non-personal location data.

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  • aluni
    Sep 17, 03:24 AM
    Ok, you admit that CR gave it a fair review...more than fair. It's the highest-rate phone ever....

    A should they when they have groupies that go out on the web and make excuses for them 24/7?

    so what you are saying is that if you want to buy the best smart phone according to consumer reports it would be the iphone 4.

    so you are agreeing that the iphone 4 is the best smart phone out there.

    because if you don't believe it is the best smart phone, then it means you don't agree with consumer reports. So you are in the same boat with those who do not agree with consumer reports...

    so you either defend consumer reports and also agree the iphone 4 is the best phone ever or disagree with them, which puts you in the same boat as those who you accuse of being less than you are.

    apple set out to make the best phone....according to consumer reports they succeeded. accept that fact and move on.

    Mar 22, 01:34 PM
    Not at all, provided you meet the requirements. I was merely pointing out that a Director of IT posted on a Mac forum asking how to remotely access his network.

    Based on your posts, I question if you meet the age requirements of this forum.

    LMAO...Yes that's it, I don't meet age requirements!

    Apr 9, 09:29 PM
    Of course I can, first thing I learned. How did I learn? My dad threw me the keys in two feet of snow and told me to go to the store. I'd love to still own one but my wife refuses to learn it, or doesn't have the mental capacity to so im stuck with automatics

    Jul 19, 04:01 PM
    does it mean mac's desktop market share is climbing? 5%?

    Mar 27, 09:43 AM
    Tell that to the hundreds (at times over a thousand) reviewers who are raving about it.

    Yeah, "terrible" my ass.

    Doubters need to wrap their head around this new concept. They can start accepting this new paradigm for the standard setting phenomenon it is (and I don't mean the 3DS, LOL), or get left behind.

    I dont think the future holds a huge step backwards in terms of graphics, and the pure awkwardness of trying to play something like an FPS on a touchscreen.
    The only kind of game this would work for is a Racing Game, as demonstrated, and even then I dont think it's as precise as a controller, let alone the Gaming Steering Wheels you can buy.

    Download Bad Company 2 for iPhone, and play it for a while, and then tell us if you could easily play that without looking at the buttons.

    It'll never be as easy and intuitive as a physical controller or mouse and keyboard. This isnt the future, this is a "neat" idea, not something to compete with PS3 and Xbox 360.


    Jan 11, 09:32 PM
    This Air theme is very plausible. We have AirPort, AirTunes etc. Now we will have more products that will come together via AirPort. Any new products will now have the Air connections. This could be a combination of 802.11x or Bluetooth protocols depending on the level of connectivity required. iPods, iPhones and eventually MacBooks and Macs and even monitors will have no physical connections. We probably won't see this in the laptops or desktops until 802.11 gets up towards USB2.0 speeds. However iPhones and iPods can go without dock connectors sooner as we only sync smaller amounts of data. The size of these devices can then continue to get smaller and look better without the connector which is looking too big on iPod nanos.

    So I think something in the air could be this new direction towards complete wirelessness in Apple products. We may see the sub notebook or tablet be the first to have very limited or no non-wireless connectivity. You may need to have an AirPort to sync and transfer data from your desktop.

    The idea of a new "DuoDock" with an iMac form factor does appeal to me, but I think what we will see is that the new sub or tablet can sit beside your Desktop or remain in its pouch on a shelf and still sync and be ready with all the data you need for when you next hit the road. No need to plug anything in.