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Monday, May 9, 2011

wallpapers of flowers garden

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  • flowers, floral, garden,

  • wovel
    Apr 28, 09:03 AM
    Make up your mind what you want to count iPads as. Damn is it a mobile device a computer. Someone give them a ****ing category already.

    It can count as a computer, net books do..

    wallpapers of flowers garden. Red Garden-Flowers desktop
  • Red Garden-Flowers desktop

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 24, 06:52 PM
    The Vatican, and the Pope by extension, is rapidly becoming "Captain Dunsel" in the ST-TOS vernacular.

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  • lily flowers in garden

  • SandynJosh
    Apr 8, 11:04 PM
    That is an interesting idea, but Nintendo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo) has survived 122 years of business... ;)

    Velly Intelrsting. Did they start out making games from rocks?

    wallpapers of flowers garden. Wild Garden
  • Wild Garden

  • AlligatorBloodz
    Apr 9, 08:08 PM
    Apple are all about building integration and eco systems. Their visions of the future of consumer electronics... or post PC devices is iOS. If a family of five buys into that ecosystem they already have iPhone's, they already have iPads, they already have iPods and if they don't... they're probably going to buy one.

    If you approach it with a closed mind you won't understand it. You clearly don't which is why you've reeled off the predictable reply about current cost/usage.

    Sorry I have such a small brain.

    Apple really messed up hiring those 2 guys with years of experience working in the gaming industry. They could have just hired you. A person who has all the answers and can see the future.

    In all seriousness. I am a gamer and a consumer, and if Apple wants to make gaming a MORE serious part of there business, then I want a controller with buttons and a console or someway to stream off of the Internet.

    wallpapers of flowers garden. flowers backgrounds
  • flowers backgrounds

  • tf23
    Sep 12, 08:07 PM
    Will it support third party codecs?
    Does it have an internal flash drive?
    Will I be able to order Music, TV shows and Movies using it?
    Do I need a separate computer to use it?

    So far, I'm not impressed. How's it different than a media extender?
    I would rather have seen a mac mini with core 2 duo, better graphics support, an internal 3.5" hard drive, and HDMI.

    Outside codecs are doubtful. It'd support it in that if you convert the media that's encoded with the 3rd party codecs to something quicktime can handle.

    Flash drive? *why* would that have any benefit. Too small. Very doubtful.

    Ordering from it. Maybe. But then if you have 2 machines that it's pulling content from, which machine actually does the payment, downloading and storing of the file(s)?

    A seperate computer? Seemingly, any OSX or Windows machine running iTunes will be what the 'iTV' pulls it's content from. So yes.

    What's a 'media extender'?

    I would love to know if those who are saying they'd rather have a Mac Mini, rather then an iTV (which would approx cost half what the Mini would) have ever used a Tivo or a ReplayTV. It's the interface that makes both of those what they are, the ease of use. It's what MythTV's always battled. Yes, you may be able to buy a Mini and morph it into an iTV, but at half the price, and having to spend the time dealing with it to make it all work, why bother? About the only justification for buying the Mini instead that I can see is if you don't already have a machine that can run iTunes.

    wallpapers of flowers garden. Butterfly Garden Wallpaper
  • Butterfly Garden Wallpaper

  • milo
    Apr 13, 10:47 AM
    I don't get the "imovie pro" comments. From the announcement, does it look like functionality is removed? What specifically would make this new version less pro than the previous.

    Color lets you make absurdly complex adjustments to a scene like a hollywood colorist-- in realtime-- 16 effective secondaries.. This has nothing like that.

    And why are you assuming that FC doesn't include all that functionality, or that Color is no longer included? They didn't talk about the rest of the suite, but for a software package two months from release, it seems just as likely that the rest of the suite is still there but they just didn't want to talk about them yet. Or did they actually say that it's just one app now instead of a suite?

    As a Logic user, I'm very interested to see if Soundtrack Pro is updated. It has a ton of potential but it has always been in horrible shape. Apple could kill it (and just beef up the audio in FC, but that seems like a bad strategy) or they could finally give it the attention it needs and finally make it an audio post app that can compete with Pro Tools. Hopefully Apple will have more info soon, will STP get an update, and if so will that update be available to Logic users (or will we have to wait until Logic X ships)?

    wallpapers of flowers garden. Tulip Garden wallpaper in any
  • Tulip Garden wallpaper in any

  • CalBoy
    Mar 27, 02:57 PM
    Is there any reasoned argument that would change my mind? I don't know, but I do know two things: One, ad hominem attacks are fallacious. Two, there's no argument anywhere in the post I'm now answering.

    It isn't fallacious when the source is known to be unreliable and non representative of the field which they purport to be a part of.

    wallpapers of flowers garden. Evening Flowers in the Garden
  • Evening Flowers in the Garden

  • AlligatorBloodz
    Apr 9, 07:16 PM
    You raise an interesting point, but would holding an iPad with a gamepad around it really be that comfortable?

    I can think of two reasons why it wouldn't be:

    Device weight and the distance at which you'd have to hold it for it to be usable. iPad is 601g - holding that at arm's length or thereabouts while trying to concentrate on a game could be quite difficult, especially for younger users. It's almost three times the weight of a Nintendo DSi.

    Also buttons let your brain maneuver through the game by feeling and location on the controller. The iPad is a flat surface. You would have look where you are pressing.

    wallpapers of flowers garden. Tropical Flowers Garden
  • Tropical Flowers Garden

  • MattInOz
    Apr 20, 06:59 PM
    Please explain to me how I am experiencing a "degraded" experience on my current Android phone?

    I can do everything your iPhone can, plus tether at no additional cost and download any song I want for free.

    Ease of use in Android is just as simple as an iPhone, with the ability to customize IF YOU SO PLEASE.

    So if you would, cut the degraded experience crap.

    Applying a cost to tethering is your carriers choice.
    In many many places tethering comes for free on the iPhone. Certainly does for me and I'm with Australia's most abusive carrier.

    If your carrier allows free tether on one phone but not another isn't that anti-competitive behavior?

    wallpapers of flowers garden. Flowers Garden - Free
  • Flowers Garden - Free

  • pink-pony115
    Aug 30, 01:01 AM
    ooooooooooh no is the world coming to a end?

    R-E-L-A-X fello MR peeps :cool:

    wallpapers of flowers garden. Flowers wallpapers: Roses of
  • Flowers wallpapers: Roses of

  • Sounds Good
    Apr 5, 06:08 PM
    ...you sound computer savvy!
    I am with Windows! :) But on a Mac I'm a bumbling idiot. No joke.

    wallpapers of flowers garden. Garden - Beautiful White
  • Garden - Beautiful White

  • leekohler
    Mar 28, 12:57 AM
    I was just replying to your previous note, Lee. But I stopped writing because I wanted to reconsider what I was saying and to ensure that I expressed my thoughts as politely as I could express them.

    I accept same-sex-attracted people as they are. But I won't accept some things that many of them do.

    Then you don't accept us as we are. All of us are what we do. That's the measure of any human being. We can all say all kinds of things, but in the end, what we do is what matters.

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  • 40 Tropical Flowers Garden Wallpapers JPG | 40 Pics | 1600x1200 | 21,1 Mb. Download links :

  • mitchec
    Sep 23, 02:14 AM
    I've noticed a lot of people going on about the iTV being 802.11n compatible. What I want to know is how is this going to be incorporated into wireless networks that are currently supporting 802.11 a,b & g. If it is going to be 802.11n then we are all going to need new routers to accommodate the higher transfer rate, and what about all those individuals possessing an imac / mac mini with built in wireless with no way to upgrade to the new standard without getting new machines or additional hardware. its going to be an expensive upgrade on top of the $299 price for an iTV

    wallpapers of flowers garden. Wild Garden
  • Wild Garden

  • gopher
    Oct 9, 01:59 PM
    Even more interesting was the advertisement from Apple when the Blue and White G3 came out, and how cool the case was when it opened so simply, they said the "Mac was more open-minded." What amazes me though is there are still just as many Windows users who are biggots in this world as Mac users who are, or even more so. Being though in the minority as we are, Mac users feel all the more need to defend themselves against this biggotted crowd. Apple is trying its hardest to level the playing field by its Switch campaign, and show that it is on the same playing field so that Windows users can't ignore us and demean us with lies, fabrications, and these myths. Only we have some people come on this board who claim that the Mac is much slower. For what purpose? How do we fight ignorance? I work with PCs only because the job I enjoy the most is run by an organization that is biased against Macs, and I'm not in the position to decide how to move Macs into the organization. But it certainly doesn't help to have people who would bad mouth the Mac. It makes us feel more in the minority and feel more the need to defend ourselves. Let's stop this attrocity. Show them what the Mac can do, and it is a viable solution. And Arne, if you are reading these boards, please delete clearly PC biased hate posts ASAP.

    wallpapers of flowers garden. with flowers wallpapers .
  • with flowers wallpapers .

  • bpaluzzi
    Apr 28, 08:40 AM
    That's pretty much the definition of a fad.

    Uh, not even close. Nice try though.

    So be it but untill that thing can run a full version of let's say Autodesk Maya and install all the plug-ins in the world I want it will still only be a mobile toy. A PC is something you work with not a fancy looking gadget. I don't see this happening in the next 5-10 years. Pack me a dual quad with HT that can run for 100 days at 100% without breaking a sweat. That's a PC.

    Good lord, you so far away from the point that you may never find it. Holy crap.

    What are tablets going to overtake? I just dont get it... Desktops? Laptops?

    I can see hybrid solutions, like the ASUS EEE Tablet. But they are not NEARLY powerful enough to run certain applications. I just dont see large businesses, such as the government replacing laptop, and desktop with tablets!? not in th next 10 years DEFINATELY.

    Those darn little desktop computers are never going to replace our minicomputers! They're little toys! *SNORT*

    Go and read.
    my 5-10 year predictions are actually quite funny.

    You obviously have no idea how this works and no matter what stuff those little toys bring they will still be just fillers for masses not real PCs


    4352 servers during the peak of production of the Avatar blockbuster. / 34,816 processor cores, 104,448GB of memory in total. Now you get the idea what is a PC that you work with? They needed warehouses of them to get the job done and you put a little tablet in the same category as those PCs.

    Yeah. Those machines that they were running to create Avatar? They aren't PCs, smart guy.

    I agree but they will never match real desktops. Technology advances. Something you can do today let's say in 2 hours you will do in 1 next year on new equipement. Thing is that next year you will ramp up the quality of the final product still getting same 2 hour work period. It's like that for ages and will never stop :)

    Those minicomputers will NEVER be able to do the work of our mainframes! Enjoy your toys!

    wallpapers of flowers garden. Red Tulip Flowers Wallpapers
  • Red Tulip Flowers Wallpapers

  • Gelfin
    Mar 26, 03:31 PM
    I suppose you're right about the word "phrase," skunk, especially when you write a recursive real, rather than a nominal, definition of the word "sentence." ;) Ciaociao's Latin was imperfect, but I think I comprehended what it meant.

    So what you are saying is skunk was correct in every respect (and he was) but you just had to argue anyway.

    Is that something taught in the catechism? Based on this thread I'd been wondering.

    wallpapers of flowers garden. -flowers-gift-wallpapers-8
  • -flowers-gift-wallpapers-8

  • Multimedia
    Nov 2, 09:00 PM
    Don't know if you saw this article, I thought I would provide it for your review.

    Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6700 - 2.66 GHz Kentsfield Review (http://reviews.cnet.com/Intel_Core_2_Extreme_QX6700/4505-3086_7-32136314.html?tag=cnetfd.mt)That's Kentsfield so it's a little off topic. But you did the right thing in posting this. Not wrong.

    The most interesting thing I find about this article is that Tiger is dumping top Conroe NOW for $974. I love the marketing copy on this page. (http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2341566&Sku=CP1-DUO-X6800&SRCCODE=CNETFEED&CMP=OTC-CNETFEED&ci_srccode=cii_5766179&cpncode=08-15259969-2). :eek: :

    We're Selling Our Core2 Extreme CPUs at COST.
    That's right...we're selling our complete stock of Intel Core2 Extreme processors AT COST! If you've been waiting for a price drop before making a move to the latest in CPU technology, it's time to take action now."

    The More The Hype The Better I say.

    That leads me to believe now more than ever it's gonna happen from Apple in two weeks. :D

    Here's first good picture of 2.66GHz Kentsfield I've come across:

    wallpapers of flowers garden. garden wallpaper Picture
  • garden wallpaper Picture

  • Lucky736
    Apr 15, 09:59 AM
    Like many of the "It Gets Better" videos, this was very touching. Great job Apple employees, and thank you!

    Is there a pun intended here? :D

    wallpapers of flowers garden. Velvet Rose Wallpaper
  • Velvet Rose Wallpaper

  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 11:14 PM
    Adobe Photoshop and After Effects are not 'pro'

    We're talking video editing software, and you didn't mention Photoshop, but you bring it up now.

    I was expressing my personal opinion, and yes, I think Premier and After Effects are absolute junk. I know many people love them and after sufficient training can get good stuff out of them, much like people love windows and are able to make it work.

    But I have trouble taking anyone seriously as an "expert" who argues that Windows, with its terrible UI-- is "professional" while the mac is "a toy". Though of course, back in the day, many did so.

    I feel the same way about After Effects (And Premier to a lesser extent). They are so poorly designed that to call them superior makes me question the motivations and perspective (and professionalism) of the person doing so-- as a blanket statement. Making more specific statements, however, I'll likely not dispute. (Eg: a particular algorithm being better, sure.)

    A professional seeks tools that allow them to accomplish the job in question with minimum wasted effort, time and resources. The low usability of Adobe solutions (in video) undermines this goal. Seeing somethign that allows one to more quikly develop a professional product as being "toylike" *because* it is more efficient, in favor of poor quality tools, is not a perspective that I associate with those of a professional-- who is more concerned with the end result than protecting sunk educational costs invested to overcome terrible usability.

    Apr 15, 09:13 AM
    However, they should be careful. Moves like this have the potential to alienate customers.

    Or perhaps enlighten them.

    Good on ya, Apple!

    Jul 12, 02:51 PM
    APPLE IS USING INTEL STOCK PARTS incase you didn't know , so mixing the MacPro with Conroe/Woody would not cost a dime more. they will use a basic P965 chipset for Conroe and 5000X Chipset for Woody.

    Yes it would. Ever heard of economies of scale? If Apple told Intel "we want to buy 600.000 Woodcrests from you", they would get a nice discount. Spread that purchase over several different CPU's, and the discount is not that nice anymore. Furtermore, having two different CPU's, two different chipsets and two different types of RAM in single line of computers, is going to make inventory-management and maintentance quite a bit more expensive than having single lineup with one type of compoennts.

    Apr 24, 11:36 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    People don't like the idea of no longer existing, and religion solves that.

    Plus, it is a way to control people. A very effective one! That's why it is still here today in the age of science. Religion has been refined over thousands of years to make sure it keeps itself going and keeps people believing without question.

    This book says there is an invisible man in the sky who made the earth. We know this because the invisible man wrote the book. He listens to you but doesn't answer. If you do as he says you go to a wonderful afterlife, but if you don't you go to a horrible one.

    Bill McEnaney
    Apr 26, 08:11 AM
    Think Obama & Jobs the supreme power couple :)
    You mean "Obama and civil service jobs," don't you? ;)

    dodge this
    Apr 12, 10:32 PM
    Any word on Motion? I use it alot.