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Saturday, May 7, 2011

wallpaper girl bike

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  • codyc815
    Apr 26, 02:47 PM
    Good! I don't like Apple being highest in these kind of things. The number one retailer in the country is Walmart, doesn't make it good. Audi and Mercedes aren't the most used cars, but they're the nicest.

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  • CalBoy
    May 6, 05:58 PM
    You are entirely correct. There is really nothing that will make the daily life of an American citizen better 'cause their can of Bud is 331ml, or their corn-beef sandwich has 125gs of beef, and 12ml of mustard on two slices of rye, each 115mm thick.

    Quite frankly I really don't understand why this attitude is necessary. Have I been rude or condescending towards you in this discussion? Has anyone else in this thread?

    I think the most insulting part is that you couldn't even make a coherent point with this sarcasm. Are you trying to poke fun at random numbers in the imperial system? Arbitrary values in general? Americans who eat roast beef?

    But don't go around telling the world what a "modern" society you are when you are still stuck measuring things with this quaint system that the rest of the world has modernized away from. it's really kinda cute, you know. :D

    Oh you mean how you still have a queen as your sovereign? Or how you mandate bilingual education for a stark minority of French Canadians? Or how the United Kingdom still has an unwritten constitution? Or how half of Europe still has an official state church? Or how the French presume guilt rather than innocence? Or how Italy is still run by political machines?

    Modernity is always a hindsight judgment. What should matter is if the system is not working for the people who use it. With private industries transitioning manufacturing to metric, the biggest argument in favor of the metric system is moot. The question then comes down to whether or not you are better positioned to judge what other people need or want.

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  • Girls Legs April Calendar

  • dukebound85
    Apr 10, 11:07 AM
    I wish there was a poll option of who is getting 288 and is say in a technical field such as engineering/stats/physics, etc

    My guess is that 288 is coming from people who use math extensively and 2 coming from those who may not...

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  • Pretty Girl Riding a Bike.

  • wizard
    Mar 29, 03:55 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    What a stupid statement. Are you aware that Apple is an American company? So is Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, GE and other world-leading companies.

    What's your alternative? Can you even name more than one world-class Chinese company?

    *rolls eyes*

    Yeah buddy I am. Are you aware that on every Apple Device it says "DESIGNED IN CALIFORNIA, ASSEMBLED IN CHINA."

    There is a reason we do not build these products and it has been well covered through this thread. Can you name any good products made by those companies that you mentioned, that are actually built in the US. You know America SUCKS at making products when we need the media to convince us of this fact. Just watch TV, you do not see Apple advertising that they make there products in China, but you do see a bunch of other companies that slap a "Made in the USA" label gain Patriot approval. I avoid those products and save my money for products that have better quality; I dont innately hate american products, but experience has proved that they are inferior to build qualities of other nations. :apple::D

    You really don't know what you are talking about. Many American businesses are world class. That doesn't include 2/3rds of the American auto industry sadly but GM made a management decision to sell crap and Chrysler never did sell anything of quality. However just because one industry is less than stellar it doesn't mean all are.

    I'm not sure where you are on this planet but where I'm at we export a great deal of stuff to the rest of the world. Some of it even consumer level.

    A wise person shops with an open mind. You seem to have closed yours and thus send all your dollars over seas. Sad really.

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  • Girls and Bikes Puzzle

  • Beaverfish
    May 6, 03:46 AM
    Does anyone think that this could possibly be about having OS X running on ARM..... i.e OS X iPads etc. With the type of convergence we are seeing in Lion, it is only a matter of time before iOS and OS X become one and the same.

    wallpaper girl bike. Girls and Bikes Puzzle
  • Girls and Bikes Puzzle

  • michaelrjohnson
    Aug 2, 02:29 PM
    But minor speed bumps is all they have to talk about.
    It was the introduction of all these products that people keep referring to. IIRC, the MacBook, MacBook Pro, intel iMac, intel MacMini did not exist before January 1, 2006. All of these products were released in this calendar year.

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  • Create Postcard From Bike With

  • kavika411
    Mar 29, 08:53 AM
    there is no subscription

    you buy music from amazon you download an mp3. or you upload your own and listen to it on an android phone. if you stop using the service you still have your music on your computer

    I may have missed it, but what I'm trying to understand with Amazon's offering, and with what we think Apple will roll out, is whether you can push non-purchased music (i.e. CDs you ripped) into the cloud. That may not interest other people, but I'd like to be able to do that.

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  • Chopper Hot Girl Live Wall

  • rdrr
    Sep 15, 05:34 PM
    ... With MacBook Pros finally coming with core 2 duo the focus will move back to the original problem...HEAT!!. I don't even know what they could do to solve the issue with the heat but everyone would be smart to invest in those notebook cooling pads because if Apple does nothing...these notebooks will be sizzlin'.


    Aye, and I have noticed that Apple was very smart to market their line as notebooks rather than laptops. A notebook you put on a table and have less of a chance of getting another "McDonald's hot coffee burns lap" suit. :eek:

    ***Waiting for the "Caution: This notebook may burn you lap" warning sticker***

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  • darrens
    Aug 4, 06:16 PM
    Afterall it's just a couple lines of code. :D

    Shouldn't be much code - the Adobe apps are already cross platform so there shouldn't be many endian issues to sort out. It's just a matter of changing development environments to use XCode and re-testing.

    Not simple, but not something that should take almost 2 years either.

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  • DavidLeblond
    Apr 25, 11:07 AM
    $5 says the next version of iOS will include a process to truncate consolidated.db just like Android does for locdump. Its not that Apple is USING all this historical data, its just that they neglected to toss in a function to trim the file.

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  • Aleco
    Nov 4, 12:35 AM
    It installs various components into your system, so no, not until Apple modifies their guidelines.

    Seeing how many things it does install and the size of the download, I wouldn't install this on any computer. Looks like FUDware to me.

    As soon as I saw your post I thought this file was like 1GB. If 60MB DMG is a lot, I'm guessing you don't have iWorks or Office installed.

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  • wovel
    Apr 6, 06:05 PM
    Are you looking at the same AAPL and GOOG I have been? Really? Are you sure?

    You might be in Bazaro Universe? Look at the 1 week, 2 week, 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 1 year and 2 year trends. AAPL is looking pretty sweet.

    I was wondering what forecasts he is looking, I am not aware of a single credible analyst predicting a slide for AAPL...

    Multitasking is also quite nice. One of the first apps I downloaded was a (free) great radio app, and as I was listening to the radio I intuitively started web browsing and going back and forth between a few other apps and it wasn't until I received and replied to a message from a friend that it occurred to me that I was having a really cool and full mobile computing experience. I feel that as iOS and Android (Honeycomb) stand right now, Android offers a lot more potential to serve my needs. .

    Everything you described in your multitasking experience would have worked on the iPad as well...

    I was using my iPad 2 listening to the free Pandora App with the nice full screen interface and then flipping over to the web browser collecting data I was putting into a spreadsheet in Numbers. I was also adding some information to a diagram in TouchDraw.

    Everyone of those Apps reopened instantly and was in the exact same position it was I when I flipped out. I doubt you can duplicate my experience since you don't have any apps.. The iPad 1 may have had a very slight delay reopening one of the apps if you directly flipped through all 4, but the experience on the iPad 2 was instant.

    Are you sure you actually owned an iPad with iOS 4?

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  • Haruhi Wild Bike Ride

  • noservice2001
    Aug 4, 04:52 AM
    please let it be in the mac mini...

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  • 640 × 480 - girl posing 2006

  • alent1234
    Mar 29, 09:06 AM
    It's yet another Dropbox offering that's a long ways behind awesome-integration with other products (Lots of apps sync data between devices via Dropbox). And, if I put a music file into dropbox I can play it, mobile device independent.

    Also, why would I only want my music accessible when I have internet? Any road trips from where I live (Utah) generally put me in EDGE territory which won't be consistently fast enough to stream the audio at enough quality, let alone the fact that there are several dead spots along the way. I'll stick to having my music on my iPhone. No buffer, no stutter, no data usage. Oh, yeah. That. Data usage. With carriers bottlenecking you now, you think they'll favor Amazon cloud delivery for people who want to stream their music all day long? They (Amazon) will probably also do some more compression on the files so it'll sound like listening to your music in a tin can.

    At first glance, being very pessimistic, I'm not really interested in this product.

    you might have missed apple's product release strategy in the last 15 years. release a product with a limited set of features that work well and add on later.

    same strategy here. if amazon waits until every possible listening scenario is taken care of they will never release a product. look at the kindle, all it does is let you read books and cheaply. and people love it

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  • deconstruct60
    Apr 21, 10:26 PM
    Reducing the Mac Pro's size is a huge step backwards!.....
    The only thing that will increase is HEAT! That will lead to reliability problems as more stress will be put on internal components with the increase in HEAT!

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  • Multimedia
    Jul 23, 02:26 PM
    (qoute above me). Let alone isn't it that Apple orders for such an amount of processors for such a price (discounted over market price), and then puts those in laptops. So what I mean it really doesn't matter if Yonah is reduced does it?Apple probably has a JUST-IN-TIME arrangement with Intel that keeps an obsolete processor inventory from ever building up. This would be pared with an auto price reduction scheme as Intel lowers prices to the public. Just guessing.

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  • MikeTheC
    Nov 25, 09:49 PM
    To illustrate your point, PalmOne (if that's what the PalmOS Group is called this month...) is doing the aforemnetioned ground-up rewrite of PalmOS now (it should be available to devs soon if they're on schedule) and it's based on Linux. Stable, massively featureful, full PalmOS 5 backward-compatibility, and futureproof.

    Yet the hardware arm of Palm has said it might not buy the new sytem from the software arm. I have to imagine this has to do with posturing/playing the good little beoch to Microsoft. We know what happens to companies which partner with Microsoft... that they have proves prima facia that they're unequipped to run a company.

    I hate to keep dragging my personal employment history into the discussion here, but this is *hardly* the first time this kind of factor has been in play.

    I worked for what was, until (talk about timing!) April 1st of this year, a fully-Sony-staffed technical support facility. We provided tech support for Sony computers, monitors, CLIÉ PDAs, WebTV, Satellite tv, TVs, DVD players, VCRs, phones, all the Business and Professional stuff, etc. Yet (with the exception of B&P), our facility competed for tech-supporting our products with other tech support agencies out there, including our own out-sourced tech support partners.

    Sony frequently would not include their own subsystems (CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, writers, etc.) in their own products because they wouldn't (some say "couldn't" but I don't buy that) let themselves have their own inventory cheap enough in a lot of cases. Heck, for that matter, it wasn't until sometime in early 2004 (basically 1 year and change before we all got kicked out) that they switched from 500MHz P3-based Hewlett-Packard desktop computers as our actual "agent workstations" to 3.2GHz P4-based VAIOs. For that matter (and yes this is a rant, but it's also pertinent to this aspect of the discussion) it wasn't until like the last year-and-a-half, maybe not-quite-two-years of our operations that they managed to get more than a handful of current-model Sony computer products into the building AND into the hands of those of us doing the tech support. (The reason for this largely relates to the fact that we as the "tech support" division were the red-headed step-child, and basically a money pit, and we had to actually *buy* our own products at regular retail prices from our manufacturing divisions, instead of them sending them to us.) Now, make of that what you will.

    I go into this to basically say that it doesn't surprise me to see any company playing the "house divided" strategy. The only problem is that it is a losing strategy. Whether religious or not, people should at least look *this* up in the Bible as a basic, common sense 101 lesson on how not to run your personal life or your business. Ah, but I digress...

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  • tstreete
    Nov 14, 11:57 AM
    What type of clips are those? And where did u get them?

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  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 9, 08:11 PM
    It's 2. Deal 288 people.

    You are 100% wrong. Ask any elementary school math teacher.

    Mar 29, 01:37 PM
    I don't trust corporate clouds, especially with a service that Sony is clearly gunning for legally.

    I suggest Subsonic. It streams music from your Mac or PC to your iPhone, Android phone, or Win7 phone. It also allows you to stream from another computer via a web browser. And it's free! Own your data, create your own cloud.


    This is exactly what im talking about, why pay for cloud storage when you already have all you need to make your own?

    Nov 9, 03:39 PM
    At present the Mac has few threats, those that are in the wild at the moment generally rely on social engineering as opposed to vulnerabilities in the software, however, what we have to remember is that there have been a number of vulernabilities in iOS that have been exploited in order to jailbreak iOS devices (these vulnerabilities in many cases are also common to OSX as they spring from the same codebase), these exploits do provide the ability to gain root access to OSX and hence provide an avenue to install software (without the users knowledge) that could be used to cause the theft or destruction of data.

    iOS is 32bit. Many security mitigations in 32bit processes can often be defeated via bruteforce. Snow Leopard is mostly 64bit. 64bit processes have more security mitigations and have not yet been exploited. So, that is why many iOS exploits do not show up in OS X.

    The initial hole from Jailbreakme (http://exploiting.wordpress.com/2010/11/09/unpatched-apple-os-x-atsserver-cff-charstrings-index-sign-mismatch-the-jailbreakme-bug-in-osx/) is still not patched. This is the initial arbitrary code execution (patched for iOS) prior to privilege escalation (already patched for iOS not present in OS X) so alone it does not provide root. Interestingly, it only effects Mac OS 10.5.x which contains much more 32 bit.

    This vulnerability could be used by a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code, by enticing the user of Mac OS X v10.5.x to view or download a PDF document containing a embedded malicious CFF font (Compact Font Format [1]). Apple Mac OSX 10.6 is not affected by this vulnerability, upgrading to this version is highly recommed when possible.

    Apr 10, 05:49 PM
    Anything can be confusing and "ambiguous" if you throw enough uninitiated at a situation. It's just that people that lack proper knowledge or training would rather say something is "ambiguous" than admit that the problem lies with them.

    Always blame somebody else for problems, never yourself.

    Pretty much

    You get 288 if you know what you are doing and do not make the necessary assumptions that you have to make in order to get 2

    Having passed through college or any math class doesn't prove anything, even that someone is working in a particular field doesn't necessarily make it an expert in the subject.

    When your job relies on solving equations and manipulating them, you can bet it does as far as understanding the fundamentals of solving equations

    Math is a language we engineers, scientists, economists, etc... are fluent in.

    To us this is not-ideal delivery method, but it has a definite meaning.

    Looking at the thread, I think there is a clear dividing line. Native math speakers: scientists, engineers, programmers, etc... say 288. Others who are effectively non-native speakers may interpret 2 due to their lack of fluency.

    I agree

    If the person who wrote the equation meant 2, he would need to rewrite the expression with () encompassing the entire denominator

    When dealing with equations, you can not guess what is implied. You have to use a consistent framework and follow it verbatim.

    Sep 11, 01:57 PM
    What we should get:

    Movie Service with 1280x720 movies, Airport Extreme AV with composite, s-video and hdmi outputs.

    What we will get:

    Movie service with 320x240 movies, Airport Express AV with compostie and s-video only.


    Aug 11, 02:47 PM
    Everyone waiting on the Core 2 Duo MacBook needs to get a clue.

    It's the same folks who were falling over waiting to WWDC to come so they could order their Core 2 Duo MacBooks after the keynote!

    Apple IS NOT going to move the MacBook to a Core 2 Duo until they've updated:

    1) MacBook Pro

    2) iMac

    3) Maybe even Mac Mini, since it's been out forever!

    The MacBook is barely three months old. It may get a speed bump and/or price cut soon, but won't get a new chip.

    All of you saying Apple has to upgrade it to a Core 2 Duo to complete with Dell, HP, etc - why? Why do they HAVE to? Will they explode if they don't? Will the sun stop shining? Will all the world's puppies die?

    Of course they'll upgrade it eventually. That doesn't mean it needs to be upgraded as soon as the chips are available. If you look at other PC maker's sites, most of their machines don't even have the Core Duo chips yet; there's no rush.

    You can't claim Apple will inevitable act a certain way now that they're on Intel chips; you don't know that. They have no history of using Intel chips. Just because your bright minds think it would be a good idea to move the MB line to the latest and greatest chip whenever a new one is released by Intel because "that's what the other guys are doing," it doesn't mean Apple agrees with you.

    What we DO know for a fact is Apple like to differentiate between consumer and pro lines, and Apple has never been one to put the latest chips into the iMac or Mac Mini level machines - and I don't see either of that changing.

    Well said! :)