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Monday, May 16, 2011

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  • BRLawyer
    Nov 23, 03:54 PM
    Sounds like a virus in itself. A pointless piece of software which just hogs your RAM. Totally useless for Mac OS X.

    Absolutely true. Just for kicks I downloaded it and scanned ALL my HDs. Results?

    - for 2,500,000 files, it took at least 8 hours while slowing my Mac to a crawl for anything else - Dual-core CPU usage of 100% on average (out of 200%);

    - Of course it didn't find anything relevant for Macs; just 2 VERY old Windows worms that were apparently attached to a couple of archived Outlook messages received by my Windows PC at work - these files were just part of a dormant 2006 backup of my Windows work files stored on my Mac for more than 4 years.

    Following that waste of time, I simply clicked on Remove Sophos and got rid of it. Nice effort and free, but irrelevant nonetheless. Wake me up again when there is a real virus for OS X.

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  • twoodcc
    Aug 2, 11:00 PM
    Nope. The entire line will be Core 2 Duo by Thanksgiving. MBP will get speed bump to 2.33GHz for further differentiation while MB will remain 2GHz. No logic to keep buying Core Duo processors for the same money as Core 2 or less than they bought Yonah to begin with. They are already making record profits. I doubt they will deliberately cripple mini, iMac and MB when everything is selling like hot cakes anyway. There are plenty of other ways each line differentiates from the other. To leave any line in Core Duo would be outright greedy and I dont' see Apple as having that personality trait.

    I fugure it's a 50-50 chance Steve tells the developers next week they can start thinking about 64-bit optimization due to the Core 2 shift that will be complete this year.

    you act like the Core Duo (Yonah) is terribly slower than Core 2 Duo (Merom), but benchmarks have showed that they are very similar in performance. i don't see the big deal about upgrading all of them now, when the current chip has plenty of power

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  • nagromme
    Nov 2, 12:27 PM
    There are no successful OS X viruses/worms, but every platform has Trojan horses. Aside from downloading your apps from trusted sources, I see two decent options for combatting future threats�including, maybe, an actual OS X worm someday:

    1. Run anti-virus software all the time. When and if a threat emerges, download the latest definitions so you are protected.

    2. Run nothing extra all the time. When and if a threat emerges, download anti-virus software so you are protected.

    I like #2, myself.

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  • farmboy
    Apr 18, 05:14 PM
    The "look" of icons clearly can not be patented.

    Absolutely false. For instance on MArch 18, 2011 alone, the EU awarded Apple about 24 patents on icons (patentlyapple.com)

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  • CalBoy
    May 6, 05:58 PM
    You are entirely correct. There is really nothing that will make the daily life of an American citizen better 'cause their can of Bud is 331ml, or their corn-beef sandwich has 125gs of beef, and 12ml of mustard on two slices of rye, each 115mm thick.

    Quite frankly I really don't understand why this attitude is necessary. Have I been rude or condescending towards you in this discussion? Has anyone else in this thread?

    I think the most insulting part is that you couldn't even make a coherent point with this sarcasm. Are you trying to poke fun at random numbers in the imperial system? Arbitrary values in general? Americans who eat roast beef?

    But don't go around telling the world what a "modern" society you are when you are still stuck measuring things with this quaint system that the rest of the world has modernized away from. it's really kinda cute, you know. :D

    Oh you mean how you still have a queen as your sovereign? Or how you mandate bilingual education for a stark minority of French Canadians? Or how the United Kingdom still has an unwritten constitution? Or how half of Europe still has an official state church? Or how the French presume guilt rather than innocence? Or how Italy is still run by political machines?

    Modernity is always a hindsight judgment. What should matter is if the system is not working for the people who use it. With private industries transitioning manufacturing to metric, the biggest argument in favor of the metric system is moot. The question then comes down to whether or not you are better positioned to judge what other people need or want.

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  • nidserz
    Apr 10, 01:53 AM
    This thread is hilarious. Take a calculator and enter the numbers the exact way they are in the OP and you'll only get one answer... On any calculator. If you think you're smarter then a calculator.. Well I have nothing to say to you. Just... Good luck to your ego.

    Answer is 288.

    I inputed it exactly like this in my calculator and I got 2. So...

    Edit: I voted 2 because I thought of it as 48 over (/) 2(9+3)
    But written as 48�2(9+3) I would say 288...


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  • tstreete
    Nov 9, 07:21 AM
    Phone calls are routed exclusively through the Car Kit's speakers, whether or not music etc. is routed through the output jack to speakers. A lot of smartphones are like the iPhone in that they won't run phone calls through the base/charger port, but will run the "computer" output, i.e., music and other programs. Has to do with the separate computer/phone circuits, I suppose.

    Thanks for that info. I was wondering if I plug an fm transmitter into the car kit and play my music through my car speakers, will incoming phone calls also be sent through the car speakers or the Tomtom speaker? I prefer the phone calls just come through the car kit's speaker alone.

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  • mmomega
    May 4, 02:58 PM
    That's great that it installs a partition.
    So my warranty is out and I want to install a brand new SSD.
    I've upgraded only about a dozen friends' MacBooks to SSD and w/o the grey disc that came with the computer you're screwed. Retail copy won't work.

    again, I'm completely fine with having any app in the world as download only. Great, it's faster.
    Some never do a full reinstall, that's the majority, but you do still have those that work on these machines and some times you need the physical media.

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  • Prom1
    Mar 30, 10:23 PM
    Can't say I've been excited by new OSes since Panther/Tiger. Yay it's more iOS-like and we get an app store.


    I gotta agree. Something about going with IOS as a touchy-feely just doesn't rub me right. There are improvements that I really welcome - but I don't think using an Mac App Store for application deployment is required. The Restore feature is just Time Machine augmented in my narrow mind.

    So what part of 'iOS' fluff do Versions, Air Drop, Mission Control, Auto Save and Lion Server fit under?

    'Useful' UI improvements? So what would you consider useful? Personally full screen apps, a native application launcher that can be organized, and resume are all useful to me. Get out of the mindset that just because it originated from iOS means that it won't be useful.

    I'd like for you to explain how iOS implementations as a UI are actually useful to the desktop OS?
    - Keep in mind that drawing characters on the Trackpad is already in Snow Leopard; Auto Save/Restore like I said is just Time Machine in a different direction, Mission Control is a Task Manager for Expose (I feel its the WRONG direction really; this is not a classic smartphone), and Lion Server seems to be more a "home server" with features stripped or missing.

    Many things are STILL not known and until we all try them out in full production use means we ALL have a mindset that is not up to par of what Apple believes can benefit us all.

    Either way we have another 10 more years with OS X; or the technologies it offers - Steve Jobs OS X Introduction.

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  • blakbyrd
    Aug 5, 10:49 PM
    Can Adium do videchat to MSN? (with audio! There's no audio on the videochat's in aMSN:mad: :p )
    You can't do video or audio chat with Adium, and won't be able to for a year or two at least. :(

    I'm just hoping for some official support sooner or later with iChat or the official standalone clients. :)

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  • dba7dba
    Apr 26, 03:08 PM
    add me to another purchaser of android phone. i myself have iphone. i wanted to buy a smartphone for a family member. considered iphone but one thing that drove me away from iphone was the requirement of a pc to activate it. no such requirement for android.

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  • LarryC
    May 6, 01:18 AM
    Isn't ARM a RISC processor? We just switched from RISC to CISC. And now we're going back? Let me be the first to say this... "Back to the Future." Oh dear lord. This sounds crazy, but who knows. If Apple actually owns the company that makes these processors... it could happen. Anything is possible :eek: I do hope that these ARM processors can be used with high quality GPU's. It just seems so odd after all this development and the 3D breakthrough that Intel just announced. And TB. If we're going back to RISC processors, does this mean that Firewire is gonna make a comeback?

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  • grassfeeder
    Apr 26, 02:06 PM
    so much for going heavy after the enterprise market

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  • leekohler
    May 7, 01:49 AM
    I remember in elementary school, learning about the metric system since we were all going to switch to it. That never happened. I wonder why....

    Because the USA is full of too many dumb MFs. That is your answer. We should have been using it 20 years ago.

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  • MacRumors
    Sep 15, 04:18 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    MacShrine believes that Apple will update the MacBook Pro (http://www.macshrine.com/2006/09/15/merom-macbook-pro-at-photokina/) to use Core 2 Duo "Merom" processors at Photokina (in addition to the anticipated Aperture 1.2 update (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060822235447.shtml)). According to the site, Apple will employ the 2.33 and 2.16 GHz variants of the chip, however there is no mention of any other updates (enclosure, etc). The MacBook Pro was last updated (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/04/20060424085129.shtml) in April 2006 with the introduction of the 17" model.

    At this time, MacBook updates are not expected despite consistent worldwide shortages, which was anticipated in Apple's most recent financial conference call.

    Apple will be hosting a special event on September 25th (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060914090209.shtml) (just before the beginning of photokina, which begins on the 26th).

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  • Bonte
    Jul 30, 12:23 PM
    But then the acronym would iPP :D

    Or iPod iPhone - iPiP :)

    www.iphone.org (http://www.iphone.org)

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  • furi0usbee
    Apr 26, 03:03 PM
    The fact there is one Android phone or ten Android phones is irrelevant. Every one of those people could have chose to buy an iPhone. They didn't.

    Well, the fact is that there is one iPhone, and ten Android phones. But anyway, of course this fact is relevant. If I have 10 chances to do something, and only one chance to do something else... how often do you think the 1 in 10 chance is going to come around.... maybe 1 in 10 times?

    That's like saying the people who *lose* the lottery should have just picked the winning numbers. People choose phones, or lottery numbers for various reasons. The products that tend to be pushed upon them, or are more readily available, are usually the ones that people end up walking out the door with.

    The 90% of PC users *should* have just bought a Mac as well. Doesn't mean the PC is better, but there are many more circumstances under which someone buys something; cost, availability, etc.

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  • gnasher729
    Aug 12, 05:39 AM
    If they made it a little taller it should be easy-peasy for Apple to fit the necessary cooling. Hey, if they're making it taller, they could add a 3.5" Hard Drive which is much cheaper than laptop hard drives and we could finally get a 500GB Mini.

    When you look at all those manufacturers selling harddisks in a case that fits on top of a MacMini, making it twice as high, Apple might as well sell the whole thing in one case. Call it the "Mac SuperMini".

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  • For Mother#39;s day, we#39;ve created two versions of the same poem. What#39;s your favourite? Vote on YouTube or FaceBook! Missed any? See previous ones BACK TO

  • maclaptop
    Apr 20, 08:00 AM
    1) This model hasn't promised anything yet because no one but Apple knows what's in store. I don't see any cosmetic changes in store, and the iPhone 4 still looks better than every handset out to date.

    2) Sorry but my phone has never been dropped. Speak for yourself when you say it's going to get dropped. Not all of us are as clumsy as you and your friends apparently.

    1) You're right but it still reminds me of Antennagate, and Jobs wise ass comment.

    So I'll have fun with a Galaxy S2 while the gullible remain in denial.

    2) My aren't you perfect.

    Now you've backed yourself into a corner and loaded up on bad karma.

    The next time you hear glass shatter, you'll know what it is... :)

    Jul 31, 06:31 AM
    I don't understand how this made it off Page 2.

    May 9, 05:00 AM
    While I agree, MobileMe is still in my eyes the best of the bunch. That's how they get away with charging $99/year. However, if it became free, they could really talk up how great owning a Mac is because of MobileMe.

    I don't know what the service was like this past year, but while I subscribed to the service it was very very very unreliable. I now use google services to replicate most of the functionality for free.

    Apr 26, 03:27 PM
    Makes sense. Android is really becoming the defacto alternative to iOS.

    This is not about iOS vs Android. Both are doing well. It's the others who need to worry like RIM and MS. Where RIM was trying to beat the iPhone 2 years ago, now they have two platforms kicking their butt.

    However, it's really not a fair comparison when you compare the iPhone vs Android. One is a phone and the other an OS. Wake me up when one single model of an Android based phone out sells the iPhone, then you can say Apple is in trouble.

    May 3, 07:45 PM
    There could be treasure here. Searching this room is guaranteed to be safe, as far as I can tell.

    Yes but then we are in the sequence search then move as opposed to move then search.

    From what was said in the rules, search then move is not desirable.

    My vote is to move to another room and start searching it.

    Aug 3, 12:56 PM
    Has Apple EVER released any consumer products at WWDC? It sounds like some people are going to be in for a real dissapointment when no iphone comes out. I thought they were trying to transition from releases at big conferences anyway.