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Saturday, May 7, 2011

moving wallpaper gif

moving wallpaper gif. eye of iris - animated gif
  • eye of iris - animated gif

  • ChrisA
    Aug 7, 06:02 PM
    .... I have 3meg internet service and I cannot tell a difference between wired and wifi. My wireless will hit ~10mb/s transfer if I'm moving a large file from one computer to another. Obviously, that 10mb/s is faster then my 3meg internet service. My internet service is the bottleneck, not the wireless..

    That works for you because you only use the network to connect to the Internet. For someone with a larger setup who keeps all the user files (and home folders) on a file server wireles is not fast enough. You really need gigabit Ethernet to make it work transparently. One you put the home folders on a server then your users can walk up to ANY random machine, log in and see there own desktop and their own files. You get the effect of Sun's Scott Mcneally's famos quote "The network is the computer."

    You talk about "moving a large file from one computer to another." with a fastr network you would not care what computer a file was on and have no need to move it. With fast enough network remote files are faster than local files because the remote file server can be very high performance. We have one of those here wioth about a hundred or so SCSI drives in it. Pulling data off 100+ drives at one, in parllel is very fast.

    One other thing with wireless that 56Kbps is a shared resource. Every computer has to wait it. If you have a wired network every wire carries twice the nominal bandwidth and it is not shared. The "bottle neck" is the bandwidth of the switch backplane which typically ismany gitabits.

    So, bottom line. Lots of people need this. some home users don't but these new machines are not designed for home users

    moving wallpaper gif. (600kb) animated GIF image
  • (600kb) animated GIF image

  • KnightWRX
    May 4, 07:15 PM
    Quite true, I'm pretty sure it was. But at least it's possible somehow.

    I don't see how Apple could get away with not having a way to make an install backup. The recovery partition is not good enough. It's a fact of life that hard drives die.

    Not to mention why would I want to waste space on a recovery partition anyhow ? ;)

    I do hope Apple gets a clue from how the different Linux/BSD distributions have been doing it. Just give us something to make our own installation media as a download, not some glorified app installer.

    If they do, great, if they don't, I'll buy a physical copy.

    moving wallpaper gif. Screensavers series. It ..
  • Screensavers series. It ..

  • RalfTheDog
    Apr 7, 10:48 AM
    By now you should know that Apple is a greedy company, just wanting to hurt others and bankrupt several in the process.. its corporate america at its best.. hopefully NOT FOR TOO LONG.

    Apple makes products that people want. RIM makes products that cause people to point and laugh. Google makes products that they can only sell two for one or give away for free. Microsoft makes products that sit on the shelves until they are sent of to be recycled.

    Don't get me wrong, I like Google. Gmail is great and Google is the only search I use. Unfortunately, they don't know how to make mobile devices.

    moving wallpaper gif. 5:5 Animated Wallpapers for
  • 5:5 Animated Wallpapers for

  • Euphonious
    Mar 27, 10:29 AM
    With AT&T's network running SO slow at times, I ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT INSTALL an update which make me use the server farm for streaming my own media.

    A lot of people need to calm down.

    Do you really think that the cloud update is going to stop you playing media that's already on your phone? Do you think Apple's just going to drop the internal memory?

    The cloud option will be just that - an option. You'll still be able to store music and video on your phone. The cloud stuff just extends the possibilities.

    moving wallpaper gif. Animated GIF Creator
  • Animated GIF Creator

  • fivetoadsloth
    Apr 10, 06:07 PM
    I don't see how you can say that. None the less how anyone can confidently answer this question.

    You arrive at 288 by multiplying 48/2 * (9+3), but that is assuming multiplication is the implied operator.

    The way the equation is written, this question simply does not make sense. Parenthesis or something similar are needed to make this equation solvable.

    You say you are fluent in mathematics, etc, but fluency requires proper syntax, which the equation simply does not have. If a professional gave me this problem to solve I would call them an idiot.

    Multiplication is always the implied operator for an equation in that form. If it is something other the multiplication is must be specified. 2*2=(2)(2).

    balamw & dukebound85:
    You guys are making too many assumptions.

    Following your thought process, the original post is not properly written then?

    I don't think they are. They are (correctly) saying that if you solve the problem as written without making any assumptions you come up with 288 as the one, and only, correct answer.

    Also, Balamw I posted almost exactly what you just said (post above this). See post 179.

    moving wallpaper gif. wallpaper gif mobile.
  • wallpaper gif mobile.

  • WeegieMac
    Mar 31, 02:37 AM
    Can anyone with this installed confirm if the animation when opening Folders in Launchpad has been fixed? It was juddery as hell on the previous build.

    And what's changed UI wise in this build?


    moving wallpaper gif. Animated Desktop Wallpaper
  • Animated Desktop Wallpaper

  • valkraider
    Apr 26, 03:02 PM
    Except that each and every single person who has purchased an Android phone could have purchased an iPhone instead. The fact there is one Android phone or ten Android phones is irrelevant. Every one of those people could have chose to buy an iPhone. They didn't.

    Only true in the sense that every Honda Fit owner could have chose to buy an Audi R8 but didn't.

    Not every Android device is purchased. My brother has one only because IT WAS FREE (and he has no clue how to use even 10% of the functions). He has never once purchased an app.

    moving wallpaper gif. wallpapers for BlackBerry
  • wallpapers for BlackBerry

  • vwsoul
    Sep 16, 04:12 PM
    I am curious tho, if people placed their orders now and lets say the new mbp comes out on the 19th, then how will they adjust the specs and price for the one you ordered and the one that ships? Will they contact you ahead of time or just send you a similar spec based on your price?

    Any ideas? :o

    moving wallpaper gif. moving background
  • moving background

  • islanders
    Sep 15, 09:04 PM

    Estimated Ship Date
    Sep 26, 2006 (wow that date looks familiar?!?!)

    Arrival Date
    Oct 3, 2006

    A full week delivery time seems like a bit of long wait for someone who is ordering a MBP.

    Why can�t they send it second day for an extra two bucks?

    Although I agree that Photakinda seems like the logical date for an update, I�m confused who would order a MBP snail mail?

    Could you bump that up if you called back and did the overnight gig?

    Just curious.

    moving wallpaper gif. animated gif photoshop cs3
  • animated gif photoshop cs3

  • rtharper
    Sep 10, 11:01 PM
    This leaves iPods (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060904073025.shtml), a Movie Store (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060906185220.shtml) and the possibility of a new streaming Media device (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060904194920.shtml) for the Tuesday event.

    It also leaves the MBP. If it is not updated, I will likely be driven into a mad frenzy where I buy some other brand of laptop. Honestly, the things Apple is forcing me to do...

    moving wallpaper gif. GIF example
  • GIF example

  • bretm
    May 4, 05:27 PM
    i intend to get mine on a disc rather then a download.

    Ah. I intend to get mine much faster than you. AND burn a disc for backup.

    moving wallpaper gif. and animated ackground.
  • and animated ackground.

  • meanmusic
    Jul 21, 05:22 PM
    If Intel really can start shipping merom by early August (and we see another manufacturer or two ship such laptops), then WWDC would be a perfectly fine place to introduce new MacBook Pros. But I doubt they'll be ready that early.

    Intel has already started shipping Merom. According to Intel retail products should be arriving at the end of July.

    moving wallpaper gif. your desktop ackground,
  • your desktop ackground,

  • 0815
    Apr 25, 10:06 AM
    I still don't get the outrage of many people. From all the 'tracking issues' out there, this is the one to worry the least about since it is only on your device and is not send to anyone.

    If you really worry about anyone knowing where you are or have been, there are better 'targets' to go after, some where information is really send and analyzed by people 'out of your control'.

    moving wallpaper gif. animated fireplace wallpaper
  • animated fireplace wallpaper

  • BRLawyer
    Nov 22, 06:21 AM
    Did Apple say the same thing when someone challenged their Newton?

    No, because Apple alone took the (correct) decision of withdrawing the Newton from the market at a time when safekeeping of resources and efforts was a crucial factor for the company.

    In fact, the Newton had much better prospects at its last days, instead of its market introduction period...in the beginning, handwriting recognition was far from good, the device was underpowered and little demand existed...

    The bottomline is: when a CEO starts talking too much, this means he IS worried...it was the same for Creative, Real and now Palm...they are almost dead with their crappy PDAs, just as Microsoft with its zillionth iPod-killer and Windows.

    moving wallpaper gif. Animated Wallpaper Maker
  • Animated Wallpaper Maker

  • typecase
    Aug 7, 04:42 PM
    The power supply is on top like the rumor sites said it would be. This seems like a stupid design decision to me. The power cord will hang over everything else. They probably did it out of necessity, but my dual G5 is still prettier.

    Also, with the move to intel, can I use the PC version of the same card?

    moving wallpaper gif. Moving Backgrounds for Windows
  • Moving Backgrounds for Windows

  • DTphonehome
    Jul 30, 09:28 AM
    Verizon was reliable, although their network has been terrible. As I've said, I never get 3 bars or above, and I live in Denver! The service will constantly go out whenever I'm in NYC.

    Dude, you need to hit *228 when you travel to update your roam list. And I live in Midtown Manhattan and with my Treo650, I've never had a dropped call and the only time I don't have service is in the basement of a massive building. I've lived in NYC all my life and have had a phone with literally every provider here, and VZV trumps them ALL in terms of network reliability. The phones are crap, the data is overpriced, and they cripple bluetooth, but the service is the most important feature for me, so I stay with them.

    Amp'd is actually owned by Verizon, adnd Boost is owned by SprintNextel, using the same chirping technology as Nextel. Forgot the deal about Virgin.

    None of those companies are "owned" by the major carriers...they are MVNOs who buy bandwidth from the majors to set up their own virtual network. They are independent from the majors.

    moving wallpaper gif. Apr animated wallpaper layouts
  • Apr animated wallpaper layouts

  • gnasher729
    Aug 4, 02:20 PM
    Duh, I mean what advantage would 64-bit processors & software over 32-bit?

    Usually there wouldn't be much advantage, except for applications that really need more than 4 GB of memory. In the case of x86 processors (both Intel and AMD), they have twice as many registers available in 64 bit mode; that is good for ten percent more performance.

    moving wallpaper gif. Use it as a desktop wallpaper
  • Use it as a desktop wallpaper

  • bousozoku
    Nov 23, 05:14 AM
    I personally don't see why Palm would actually be concerned about an iPhone anyway. It'll be a product targeted towards the consumer market, not the business market.

    Palm's main market these days looks to be corporate, and their main competitor must surely be RIM. If you look at how many corporations (and public bodies, like local councils) are providing their employees with Blackberries, not Treos, that must be concerning for Palm.

    I've never been in the sort of job where my employer would provide me with a Crackberry, but push-email seems to have taken off at a corporate level in a big way.

    Incidentally, I just bought a Treo for my personal organisation and I love it (my last PalmOS device was an IBM C3). I'm sure Apple isn't interested in this though. The first iPhone will integrate the iTunes/phone experience, and also give slightly extended functionality to accessing Address Book. I also predict it'll have some sort of 'menu' button like the Apple Remote

    Well, I've recently heard some speculation about a smart device from Apple to go along with the consumer device and if Palm is hearing the same whispers, I'd think it would be a bit concerning. However, Palm just introduced the Treo 680p, so it may not matter as much, once that has been deployed on various carriers' networks.

    moving wallpaper gif. Animated Wallpaper Categories:
  • Animated Wallpaper Categories:

  • MacFly123
    Mar 30, 04:14 PM
    Wow, passive aggressive much?

    Why on earth are you trying to pass off your idea off what 'good design' is on to others? Why are you criticising others for thinking that Amazon's design and UI is actually quite nice. If you want to be an Apple apparatchik, fine, but does insult me and others in the process.

    And your last paragraph is ridiculous. Firstly, 'Steve'? Are you on first name terms with him? Laughable. Secondly, just because you think a faux-theatre veneer is 'cultural and creative' (hardly creative, something 4th graders have been doing for years...), it doesn't mean it ACTUALLY is. I mean let's get real, there's a nice polish on it and it looks pretty, but displaying movies as movie posters? Hardly a shocking revelation.

    Well newbie, it appears that you know it all, so as a professional designer of UI, UX, and products, I have nothing to offer you! :rolleyes:

    Mar 27, 09:10 AM
    I just forked over 750 dollars for an ipad 2 and ipad 3 is coming out? Ouch!!! I already want it.

    Thats kinda sad, man.

    Aug 4, 07:36 AM
    I don't think price for MB will ever drop, even if they're staying with yonah. It's selling quite well at this price. If they offer yonah and merom in the same system, the price diff will not be a lot, and apple will end up stocking for both yonah and merom, which is not something they will do

    More likely is a speed bump to 2.16 Yonah on the MB, Merom on the MBP. 64 bit/power consumption the differentiator for the MBP.

    Yonah's price will be going down a lot once Merom is shipping - perhaps we will see a $499 mini again, just a price drop - no change in specs. If Yonah sees a 60% price drop (it's happened lots of times before with intel chips), maybe the low end mini will go duo.

    Mar 30, 06:10 PM
    I sure hope so, downloading now to try but it's coming rather slowly...

    Keep us posted!

    Apr 20, 01:37 AM
    I hope they call it the iPhone 4S or something like that instead of iPhone 5

    May 4, 03:11 PM
    Releasing on MAS is posible in some sort of .DMG, .IMG Image ready to burn on DVD or copy to USB Key, Look at Xcode 4 for example. Apple may put detailed instructions on how to do it on the MAS description page.

    The question is: How Much?