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Sunday, May 15, 2011

kate middleton weight

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  • ARF900
    Apr 25, 09:28 AM
    They may be preparing but im not holding my breath on this. They havent even gotten retina displays for the iPad yet...

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  • BRLawyer
    Nov 25, 12:52 PM
    But the funniest thing will be when Apple introduces iPhone and achieves a success similar to that of the iPod...fanboys will come in droves to say that phone X has "FM tuners" or phone Y has "GPS blabla", without understanding that it's not the feature set that makes a winner, but integration AND simplicity...on verra!

    p.s.: and yep...without carrier agreements, no chance for a good story...most people get new phones WITH subscriptions that reduce such cell phone prices a lot...period.

    kate middleton weight. The diet that Kate Middleton#39;s
  • The diet that Kate Middleton#39;s

  • munkery
    Nov 7, 07:28 PM
    I've always thought virii has to be engineered under contract by companies making the "solutions" to them, there are far too many virii out there on a daily basis, to such an extent that it has to be developed on a full-time basis with some corporate involvement somewhere. There are a lot more things to do for kicks these days, other than write malware, you'd think people have better things to do, unless there is money in making them.

    Take what you want from here (http://www.exploit-db.com/) and build your malware with this (http://www.metasploit.com/). Malware writers use the same software as security researchers.

    It is actually pretty easy to do using sources for already known exploits; finding new exploits is the difficult part. Some of the exploits in an exploit database may not be patched. Others may be patched for up to date systems but are meant for those not getting updates (for example, because running pirated version of an OS).

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  • mrkramer
    Apr 22, 02:50 PM
    Please don't say "stop complaining, you're rich", because he wasn't born that way. He built those business from scratch, and i do not believed those actions should be punished with insane taxes

    Did he build them completely by himself, or did he benefit from government subsidies of the oil industry, a stable environment created by a strong government, foreign markets that are kept open due to our military, did he benefit from shipping any products on our national highway system, the internet which was developed as a US military project, or any of the many other things the government has created?

    Nobody builds a business completely from scratch without any sort of government help, even if that help is just a stable environment, if that wasn't the case Somalia would be the worlds top economy and have the most new ideas flowing out of it. And to pay for those things you have to pay taxes to pay the country back for the benefits you get by having your business here.

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  • Tonsko
    Dec 14, 10:05 AM
    I knew someone would say that. It's not the only way I stop things getting on there. It's all part of defence in depth and due diligence on top of what other processes I have/use. Additionally, I'm not usually there to talk to them about that kind of security (it's quite a large field). The client gets you in for particular job that they're paying you for (which in my case is security testing of networks and websites, the testing of gold builds), you do that job, not frigging about with installing anti-virus software for them. You tell them if it's not installed on a gold build they've just given to you for test, but it's not up to you to debate their IT policy if you're not there to do that. There are a number of things that you have to be acutely aware of when doing that job - you follow only the scope of what the customer wants done. Any deviation from the desired testing leads you to overstepping the 'get out of jail free' card that is the contract, and once you've done that, you've effectively breached the computer misuse act. So, by all means ask them about it, but if they say they have, why should I doubt them? It doesn't however, stop me from being careful, and following due diligence. Finally, it's a pretty insignificant performance hit, it fills in a little gap in defences, it's free.

    Anyway, I'm only putting forward an argument why I think it's useful to have - not a convincing argument for others who don't want or need to have it. Just wanted to put forward another point of view where it might be useful beyond the phrase, "the Mac doesn't have viruses, why would you need it?"

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  • rdowns
    Apr 14, 04:29 PM
    Repeating myself ...

    I find this approach highly irrational. If you're overweight, it's important to lose fat. It does no good whatsoever to treat brain the same as fat ... to treat vital organs the same as fat ... to treat limbs and digits the same as fat.

    I think we can all agree that there is a lot of waste in government. The fact is, a lot of it is hard to find. At this point in our financial situation, I agree with across the board cuts. After that, then you continue to cut, where it makes sense, surgically.

    The Democrats agreed to historic spending cuts. Where are the Republicans who agree to tax increases?

    That's crap and you know it.

    According to a Congressional Budget Office comparison, the bill would produce only $350 million in tangible savings this year, partly because cuts in domestic programs were offset by an increase of about $5 billion for Pentagon programs.

    When projected emergency contingency spending overseas is figured in by the budget office, estimated outlays for this year actually increase by over $3 billion.

    The agreement does put the brakes on what had been a steady growth in spending by federal agencies. Future savings would be greater as the cuts took hold — a point Republican aides emphasized by noting that the plan is estimated to cut spending by $312 billion over the next decade.

    Link (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/14/us/politics/14congress.html?_r=2&hp)

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  • MacSA
    Aug 11, 01:03 PM
    Could "Conroe" ever make its way into a Mac Mini? Or would it just cause the mini to melt into a metalic puddle on the desk?

    kate middleton weight. kate middleton weight problem.
  • kate middleton weight problem.

  • OdduWon
    Sep 15, 04:50 PM
    I hope the 2.33GHz processor comes standard in the 17" since it�s the highest-end model...:D
    i thought merom went to 2.66 :confused: or was that conroe?

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  • aldejesus
    Mar 30, 08:28 PM
    Can someone confirm if this preview can be installed on MBP 2011?

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  • BRLawyer
    Nov 27, 04:08 AM
    You naysayers are a tiresome lot. I've read so many "tablets are stupid" related comments in the last year or so it's ridiculous. Interestingly, many of the comments don't seem to come from ACTUAL tablet users. Sure, they're not perfect, but then again, all my students want one, quite a few other professors use one, and I see more and more of them being used in class. How many of you have tried to type notes in a meeting where it would just be plain impolite, but you need more than just pen and paper? In fact, the main complaint is NOT that the tablet form factor is limiting - it's the OS. They all want Mac OS X.

    Remember that the world didn't want a minivan until Chrysler created it either. Keep THAT in mind. Don't knock what you don't know.

    Really? So please find me market share data on Tablets...even better, find me a Tablet that costs less than a small notebook. No, you won't find it, sorry...it's not about having one, it's about wanting to have one...and most people don't these days...that's why Origami flopped.

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  • -x-
    Aug 11, 07:31 PM
    I also expect the Mac Mini to receive a dual-core Merom.

    That may not be true since the mini is suppose to be cheap. The cheapest Conroe is $60 less then the cheapest meron.

    I wonder however if the engineers can do it. Lets see what happens.

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  • Don't panic
    May 4, 11:48 AM
    BTW, DP serves at the discretion of the Wizard.

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  • shawnce
    Aug 2, 12:36 PM
    Why is everybody so hung up on the Cinema Displays getting iSight or a new design?? :confused:
    A much more important update would be for Apple to add HDMI support. Without this, you can forget about watching the latest Blue-Ray HD features on your display in full res. Ofcourse this means HDMI compliant Video cards too...

    Actually UDI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Display_Interface) is a little more likely at least in the near future (HDMI isn't really designed for computer displays, HDMI just had to low of bandwidth for large/high DPI displays).

    Unified Display Interface Technology Overview (pdf) (http://www.udisig.org/news_events/idf_s06_udisig.pdf)

    Also last I read the degrading of video output resolution for non-HDMI display (actually HDCP) isn't being leveraged by content providers at this point in time (just to many HD display in the market without proper support)...

    HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc players will allow content providers to set an Image Constraint Token (ICT) flag that will only output full-resolution signals using HDCP. If such a player is connected to a non-HDCP-enabled television set and the content is flagged, the player will output a downsampled 960x540p signal. Most high-definition television sets currently in use in the United States are not HDCP-capable, and this would initially negate some of the key benefits of HD-DVD and Blu-ray for those consumers. Movie studios are apparently in agreement to not include the ICT flag on any HD DVDs or Blu-ray Discs until at least or possibly even 2012.[1](source (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-Bandwidth_Digital_Content_Protection#Uses))

    kate middleton weight. kate middleton weight loss
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  • ozone
    Nov 28, 12:41 PM
    I didn't get to your comment before I posted mine; sorry about that. You're absolutely right. I could see artists, students, professors, scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and countless other professionals who would be elated to have a Mac-based tablet. In fact, the only things I can see it not being useful for is Word and Excel. Even writers could use it to markup their edits using standard proofreading symbols. Much faster than other methods, I'd think; plus much more environmentally friendly because it would alleviate the need for printing out so many hard copies of everything.

    You bet Insider! The tablet was intended to be an electronic notebook - literally. There are many professions that could benefit from it - it depends more on your personal approach to work and what you need to do rather than rigidly grouping users into broad categories.

    Most of us do not complain about the tablet form factor or even the handwriting recognition - it's pretty good. What bugs most of us is that we're wedded to Windows and all its problems since there is no alternative platform at the moment.:mad:

    Here's hoping we see some kind of tablet in the near or far future from Apple... :D

    kate middleton weight. kate middleton weight before
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  • Westside guy
    Mar 30, 07:20 PM
    Why would people be rooting for the main features to be visual updates? Why would you even pay for that?

    Now full-disk encryption - THAT is a nice (and useful) new feature!

    kate middleton weight. kate middleton weight loss
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  • Stella
    Nov 23, 09:05 AM
    A friend of mine heard from someone who works at Rim that they and Apple are working on a phone! If I thoght that this news would do anything to Apple or Rim stock, I would not be telling you. I already own Apple and cannot see Rim's advancing any more than a few points on the news.

    My future wife's ( who I don't know yet ) cat said Apple would be buying a stake in Symbian and slapping an OSX like interface theme on it.

    Oh, that would be so good, if they did - using the #1 Smartphone OS in the world.

    kate middleton weight. kate middleton weight gain
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  • Multimedia
    Aug 7, 08:11 PM
    Is it liquid cooled?Probably not.

    kate middleton weight. William and Kate on every
  • William and Kate on every

  • JAT
    Apr 25, 11:29 AM
    If you are [a criminal], then you are probably bright enough to use a burn phone. :p

    You should at least watch The Wire to get some hints, anyway.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 28, 11:22 AM
    You're missing something here.... The iPhone actually gets updates over its lifespan rather than promises of updates followed up by the requirement to buy a new phone in order to install the latest version of an open Android operating system on a closed manufacturer's phone. All-to-frequent updates make buyers feel like they have been tricked, especially when they cannot upgrade their phone to do the same things the new phones are doing because the manufacturer prevents it.

    Not to mention that most folks have 2 year contracts and don't like to pay the penalty to upgrade early. The notion that 15 months between upgrades (not 18 months -- if you are counting June 2010 to September 2011) is not bad at all -- especially to the masses who are not early adopters. The iPhone 4 is still holding its own against the competition and its better than it was when it released because of software upgrades. It still does many things better than phones that have released since (like take better photos). Heck, I am still using my iPhone 3GS and I still love it because it gets new features every few months and has even improved on performance.

    Do I think a dual-core 1Gz iPhone with 1GB of RAM would stack up better statistically against the competition? Yes. Do I think that phone will do more things and be faster? Yes. Do I think 3 months will matter all that much in the long run? No. If it means some vast improvements are coming (including LTE) -- then I am willing to wait 3 months.

    Might like to point out that part of the problem with Android updates is not the manufactures but the Carriers.
    AT&T being by far the worse offenders. If AT&T had its way the iPhone would never get more than security updates. To upgrade your OS you would have to buy a new phone.
    This is no were more apparent that looking no farther than the GalaxyS phones. AT&T GalaxyS phone (Captivate) still is waiting on its Android 2.2 update when over seas it is already getting its Android 2.3 updated. Clearly it is not the manufacture causing problems but the carrier.
    I hope the manufactures start taking a cue from Apple and MS to say screw the carriers and start supply updates for their phones. No more blocking the updates from the carriers.

    Apple is about the only company that can get away with the delay. Most others would be fried for it. iPhone is already starting to show its age and delaying it longer will only make it worse.

    Mar 29, 08:58 AM
    i can see the value of having a backup on the cloud. but if you really listen to a lot of music through the cloud your 2GB data plan is used up in no time. as well as your battery on your phone. assuming you have good reception.

    maybe I'm oldfashioned but since it's no problem to buy a 16GB iPhone or an Android phone with SD card you can have most of your music with you anyway.

    Apr 25, 11:25 AM
    Jobs is spinning his BS again as usual. Even when there is overwheming evidence to the contrary...he still insults the intelligence of his customers who he clearly regards as beneath him.

    You can tell these lies if you feel they confirm your bias, but they are not true statements.

    Jul 23, 10:33 PM
    I said sub-$1000. $999 is sub-$1000. ;) The iMac started out at $1300, and dropped to $800 at one point. Stuff it getting cheaper. I don't know when a cheaper laptop will be coming out, but I'll bet one is.The iMac hit $799 later in the G3's life and when the G4 came out. Apple was still selling the older G3 as a budget model.

    May 3, 03:03 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Working in medicine in the US, this us the bane of my existence.

    Mar 26, 10:40 PM
    i can see them releasing the iPhone 5 in the fall, along with iOS5, but i hope it doesn't happen.