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Sunday, May 8, 2011

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  • bf2008
    May 2, 09:05 AM
    As I understand it, Safari will open the zip file since it's a "safe" download. But that doesn't mean it'll execute the code within that zip file, so how is this malware executing without user permission?

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  • Multimedia
    Oct 30, 11:47 AM
    If I was running upcomming Leopard OSX, a few osx apps, the full upcoming CS3 Suite (not necessarily Batch Processing), have After Effects rendering a 30 minute clip in the background, downloading *legal torrents, watching internet tv (muted), while burning a DVD and listening to music..

    That keeping in mind I won't necessariy be rendering-multiple scenes, while encoding, batch processing with a multiple of applications while running SETI@home ;) .... yet

    Would that kind of Multi-tasking benefit through Multi-threading on the Octobot's 8-Cores..
    Or slighly / not significant enough to warrant Going Octo over Quad..IMHO Definitely. With the Quad each process you describe will run slower and/or flat out bog down the Mac so you can't even word process without waiting for characters to appear. I know this 'cause I already have this happening to me a lot on the Quad G5.

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  • dicklacara
    Apr 12, 10:50 PM
    Does anyone know if the new FC will take AVCHD files natively as Premiere CS5 does?

    AVCHD...RED in supported and immediately rendered.

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  • javajedi
    Oct 11, 12:56 PM
    Originally posted by Backtothemac

    And I care why? It doesn't matter how fast you can surf on your PC. I can get around fast enough on my Mac. People who say Mac's are too slow are the same people that never take the time to watch a sunset or spend a day with their kid.

    They are fast enough. They do what they are supposed to do the way they are supposed to do it.

    The don't crash, don't get viruses, and don't look like something from the 1980s!

    More fallacies...

    #1 My PC doesn't crash
    #2 It does not get infected with virii
    #3 It doesn't look like something from the 1980s

    You take a look for yourself

    Oh and one more thing Back2TheMac: I've noticed now you are signing quite a different tune, before the G4 was supreme... now.. it is slower and... uhh.. doesn't matter?? How convenient.

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 22, 09:28 PM
    As I said in my first post, most atheists that I speak to don't put this much thought and care into their atheism. They just take it for granted that it won't be challenged.

    How can you prove something's existence that exists outside of time and space? I don't think it's possible except through pure reason.

    You did not make that distinction in your post. Since the OP was talking specifically about this forum, the only logical conclusions was that you were referring to forum members.

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  • appleguy123
    Apr 22, 08:55 PM
    If you want to argue about your religion(or lack there of), it's probably better to you use this thread (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1019714). We've covered a lot of ground there.
    This thread is about why there is a higher demographic of Atheists in this particular forum.

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  • Draythor
    Apr 13, 03:14 PM
    I'm sure this has been mentioned.

    Connecting other hard drives. I'm only able to read from most (windows) drives.

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  • skunk
    Apr 24, 06:31 PM
    The text cannot be right on as many scientific reasoning. I've to add that if it was so painful, and the Bible so peaceful, why do some Christians claims that the Quran had copied the Bible? Surely, the Bible would then also be as "warlike"?I would never claim any such thing. If anything, the Quran is more related to the books of the Old Testament, some of which Islam shares, hence the "People of The Book". The Ugaritic chief god, El, of course was the prototype for Yahweh/Jehovah/El/Allah, and the minor gods were kept on as "angels" by all three religions.

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  • ChocolateOne
    Jun 4, 09:57 PM
    Not sure this is a good test...

    I'm beginning to see that while ATT is the bigger culprit, the iphone itself may play a role in what happens with dropped calls...

    My service (as is well documented in these forums) at home was/is terrible.

    I recently purchased the microcell, from ATT, and I can now make calls in my house!! Except, when I move exactly 20 feet away from the microcell into my kitchen, my iPhone struggles with itself to pick up the 2 bar distant tower that was the guilty party in dropping my calls... so now, in my house iPhone juggles between a 5 bar microcell and a 1-2 bar tower (which still drops calls). It also drops every call that I'm on if i leave my house during a call, or arrive at my house during a call.

    I have reset the network settings on iphone, to no avail...

    Before this week and the microcell experiment, I wouldnt have said this, but I honestly believe that the software that drives the phone is playing a huge part in how the phone handles tower switches, and thus is a culprit in the dropped call phenomena.

    I agree cause my blackberry Bold 9700 never drops calls and i am everywere in the northwest.

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  • d-fi
    Sep 12, 06:33 PM
    I think a lot of people are overlooking what "iTV" does.

    It's not a standalone component device that connects to your computer. It's an extension OF your computer.

    Ughh, I really hope that Apple upates this product before releasing it for sale.
    Come one Apple, what about the:
    - TV recording

    well you got me there it would be nice if it was a tivo as well but thats not really in apples interest

    - DVD player

    My mac has a DVD player so that means my tv would as well (and 99% of people already have a component DVD player for their tv) not something i want to pay for if i already have one

    - Built In Storage (Hard Drive)

    My mac has lots of Hard Drive space and i can add more if i need it. With iTV i can send anything to the TV that quicktime can play (i assume). Again since my computer already has lots of storage i don't want to pay for more and if i did need more space i would rather add space to my computer then to a set top box.

    - Input for digital cable

    well again it would be nice if it was a set top box as well but thats not really in apples interest so probably not going to happen.

    Some analogies:
    - It's like an wireless XBOX 360, except it doesn't play games or DVD's.
    - It's like a networked DVD player, without the DVD player.

    well I'm guessing that the iTV would have a remote (otherwise it will suck) so for DVD's if the DVD is in your mac press play on remote and it goes, that easy. maybe a slight annoyance if your computer is in another room but not hard. But i must point out again that 99% of people have a DVD player, the goal of iTV is to move away from conventional media.

    This is slightly off topic but i would much rather pay for a (blue ray/HD-DVD) burner for my computer then a component unit for my tv as i would get much more use out of my (blue ray/HD-DVD) burner with "iTV" then i would ever get out of a component unit plus save me a few $$ by not having to buy both types of units

    I'd rather spend $300 on almost ANY OTHER electronics product.

    What a disappointment... I guess Apple is just trying to stave off the competition from the media capabilities of Windows Media Center and XBOX.

    i guess were on different pages here but i think this unit is an excellent extension of my computer. i will admit i don't really care about recording aspect of the unit because i just download programs if i miss them. Thats the main reason why i would love to stream them to my tv with out moving my computer so i can enjoy all my programs in my living room.

    I'm very interested in this unit and i KNOW I'm not alone

    (BTW timswim78 just using your post to hi-light my point of view nothing personal :) )

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  • Vulpinemac
    Apr 28, 09:47 AM
    Almost all of that is due to the iPad. They had around 4% of the global market for computers last year.

    Do some research. Globally Apple passed 7% last year.

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  • wkhahn
    Sep 20, 11:01 AM
    You might have a point here but at that price point I suspect a 30GB HD and no PVR use. The HD could be used for caching and PPV/rental movies though.

    I was going to ask why not a PRV, but realized it myself. While apple does not prevent you from loading music you have aquired through other means onto your iPod, they don't help you either. They don't help you buy CD's because its too broad an experience to simplfy. Same with the PVR. How a customer aquires content from a provider varies too much for apple to engineer an simple solution. But they can provide their own simple content delivery solution.

    Next, they need to provide an NAS for all your media either from the store, ripped from disc or created yourself. Move the media off the computer.

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  • shawnce
    Jul 12, 05:30 PM
    Merom, Conroe and Woodcrest at equal clock speeds

    Merom will underperform a Conroe under equal high loads because of thermal constraints (in unmodified systems).


    Also forgot to point out that Merom top out with 667 MT/s FSB... so several classes of tasks will be slower on a Merom then equally clocked Conroe.

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  • happydude
    Oct 7, 02:24 PM
    Of course Android might surpass the iPhone. The iPhone is limited to 1 device whereas the Android is spanned over many more devices and will continue to branch out.

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  • alex_ant
    Oct 9, 08:32 PM
    Originally posted by gopher
    Only we have some people come on this board who claim that the Mac is much slower. For what purpose?
    To show people that Macs are not as fast as Apple claims them to be, and to send Apple a message that they need to get their hardware in gear already. "We" want Apple to succeed as much as you do. What we don't want is for Apple to become complacent, as it has recently, and sell nothing but high-priced boxes full of yesterday's technology. (PC100/133 across the board, and crippled DDR in the Power Macs. No Firewire2, no USB2, no ATA-133. Is this 2002 or is it 1999?)
    And Arne, if you are reading these boards, please delete clearly PC biased hate posts ASAP.
    Silence your opposition - fabulous.

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  • iliketyla
    Apr 20, 07:18 PM
    After hearing some parts of your mind, you definitely correlate well with your Android device.

    I know, right?

    God forbid someone have an opinion that differs from yours.

    It doesn't matter how that differing opinion is presented, if it differs you don't like it.

    Typical fanboys.

    I tried to be respectful by stressing the fact that an Android phone works best FOR ME, and by also giving credit where it's due because the iPhone is a beautiful piece of machinery.

    But to no avail.

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  • torbjoern
    Apr 24, 12:23 PM
    What about fear of hell in the afterlife? Pretty powerful motivator that. Most mainstream religions still cling to this notion.
    There are hells (known as "naraga") in Hinduism and Buddhism too, but none of them are eternal and all of them are only for people who have done really bad things in life - regardless of faith or lack thereof.

    Christian believers who are enslaved by their fear of hell, as opposed to having their faith based on genuine love to God, will allegedly end up in hell anyway.

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  • 840quadra
    Apr 28, 08:17 AM
    You don't get it.

    Please elaborate LTD.

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  • fxtech
    Apr 28, 08:16 AM
    Next year you will see iPhones and iPods counted too. I mean you need to do all you can to make it look good to shareholders.

    Why not? After all, isn't an iPod Touch just a small iPad?

    May 2, 04:47 PM
    There, fixed it for ya (and the "'s too) ;)

    OS X and Windows have their pro's and con's, no OS is 100% secure. However (and read my posts), working in the field I can assure you 75%+ of my clients have security/virus/malware issues with everything from XP-W7. Executable's are the equivalent to barfing into your system; they get everywhere and are difficult to remove.

    If Windows followed Apple and developed hardware to utilize their OS instead of coding an OS for a myriad of profiles (and ditching antiquated BIOS for EFI) it would allow for a better end user experience and for MS to focus on better security. Yet this would mean millions to billions for businesses to reinvest in new hardware as well as MS producing a good product (based on their industrial design team and product history, I wouldn't bet on it).

    OS X based systems are generally more secure than Windows systems. I could google "OS X safer than Windows" and find as many claims as you suggest, but that would be bias. Google " 'OS X versus Windows' security' ", you will most likely discover articles/studies with no bias/agenda. If OS X wasn't more secure than Windows OS systems, why aren't more users running anti-virus/malware utilities?

    Ah well, forget google-ing "windows is more secure than OS X",

    just ask google; they know better I guess. ;)

    Sep 12, 03:24 PM
    Does that usb port mean I could hook up a hard drive to the iTV and the drive would be available as a regular data storage drive available to all the computers on my wireless network?

    Oct 26, 04:59 AM
    anyone know how loud the new 8-core pros might be? probably impossible to speculate, but i would imagine that it will produce more heat and need better cooling than any of the current offerings.

    H. Flower
    Apr 13, 12:01 AM
    I need more information before I can form an opinion about this.

    Apr 10, 04:25 PM
    If you are happy with windows stick with it. if you don't "have" to switch because you need a specifitc application, just don't do it. It's not "THAT MUCH" better as everyone wants to make you believe. I still like to use my macbook though ;)

    You might not like the lack of customization, the need to drag and drop to move files (most cases), windows resizing, the dock, finder in general, graphics performance, lack of games, lack of professional software other than audio/video etc... the list goes on...

    So.. You can customize a mac pro just as much as any PC. There are plenty of games for mac, the good ones anyways. and they run them beautifully if your machine is equipped for it. and the gfx cards are good you just have to get a mac with a good gfx card. you cant buy a low end mac and expect it to run everything at HQ settings, nor a windows. There is tons of pro software but it is a little spendy, but what software isn't?