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Saturday, May 14, 2011

ill love you forever quotes

ill love you forever quotes. I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER QUOTES

  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 10, 06:48 PM
    Well thanks for being so generous. But I prefer to pay less taxes, so 2 is still a better calculation than 288.:D

    What kind of ECU you pirate? Vehicle's ECU?

    Google ECU Pirate and see what comes up :rolleyes:

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  • wclyffe
    Dec 5, 07:50 AM
    It really appears as if TomTom didn't create any real inventory, and waited to see how popular the device would be. Now they are creating inventory based on orders. Not great, but I just don't think the car kit is worth $130 (w/tax) so I'll wait. The longer they wait to deliver it may be a plus for us because maybe we'll get a chance to see and hear reactions to the Magellan car kit.

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  • cadillac1234
    Mar 29, 08:56 AM
    Amazon is a very smart company. They are setting themselves up to be the defacto content provider for Android which every other company seemed adverse to doing.

    I'm sure Apple will respond with an iOS solution but syncing has not been a strong point for Apple at all. Hopefully we'll see the improved MobileMe Mr Jobs had spoke of last year.

    All that being said, there is heavy pressure from the ISPs to throttle data and start placing data caps on end users. Opinions on why they are doing it vary (IMHO they are protecting their outdated content distribution models) but we are soon going to see a manufactured bandwidth crisis esp with all the cloud storage and streaming options that are becoming commonplace

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  • munkery
    Dec 25, 01:21 PM
    If mac users don't use av software, there's little motivation for anyone to supply it. If NO ONE is working on av software, then in the eventuality that we do need it, we're all starting from scratch. That's just never a good place to be if you can with minimal effort prevent it.

    It's kind of like getting your flu shot in a year when the flu isn't supposed to be particularly bad. I seldom get the flu, but I go ahead and get the shot every year anyway because if no one does, there's little motivation for pharma companies to develop future flu shots. Which means in the really bad flu years, there's a shortage because only one company is making the shot.

    Flu vaccines are very much like AV software for Mac. They both rely on fear, uncertainty, and doubt. H1N1 killed fewer people per year than the more typical strain of flu but the marketing hype made big business a lot of money.

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  • Sox
    Aug 4, 09:32 AM
    What are the odds that Apple Stores will offer to upgrade the Yonah processors in the MacBooks, iMacs, and Minis to the Merom chips (for a fee, of course)?

    I'm guessing they won't do this, but I thought I'd ask.

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  • noahtk
    May 4, 03:11 PM
    That is that generic thing where you download Android Applications from .... :D


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  • Dee Walker - I#39;ll Love You

  • dukebound85
    May 3, 01:36 AM
    For the love of your education system, do make the switch! I'm an engineering student from Canada. So I have to learn both imperial and SI. Imperial is such a pain in the ass. The units don't mean anything and they are not made to fit with each other so you have conversions factors everywhere. Also, pound force and pound mass, WTF?

    Pound force and pound mass compared to kg's and N's? really? Not that hard to grasp lol

    Additionally, you would be surprised at how many engineering applications here in the US still use Imperial

    Are there really any benefits to the Customary scale, or do we just perceive benefits because it's what we're used to? And if the latter is the case, why make American students learn two systems of units when one fulfills all needs?

    I have to ask you, aside from base 10, what makes metric superior?

    If it is to have an easier time with conversions and what not, then why would I leave a system that I am very familiar with, even if it is not base 10?

    I don't believe one system is better than the other. They are just different.

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  • ill love you forever quotes.

  • milozauckerman
    Aug 7, 03:36 PM
    1. You are going to spend thousands on a Mac PRO and you are going to pitch a fit over adding wireless for less than 80 bucks?
    Yes. I bought a work truck for $15000 and made them give me a $100 bedliner free. The amount I'm spending has nothing to do with my desire to extract the most value for myself.

    Apple ain't a charity, I want every last penny I can squeeze from our transactions.

    Guess what, these are PROFESSIONAL WORKSTATIONS, not consumer internet computers. The target demographic of these computers is a wired-network setting. Obviously home users and others may have use for wireless in a Mac Pro, so that's why Apple OFFERS IT.
    These are PROFESSIONAL WORKSTATIONS that LOOK an awful lot like DESKTOP COMPUTERS shockingly enough.

    I hear you can even buy one if you've never worked in an office.

    I hear Apple's popular among 'creative types' who might work independently, even from home.

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  • djpic
    May 6, 06:49 AM
    If they do that, and will no longer buy apple computers. I may keep the iPhone but no more iMacs for me. Also with this, I will seriously start conidering selling my stock. Apple has tried to use a custom processor before, and looked how that turned out. There is no way they can catch up to Intel's and AMD's experience making chips. Intel I believe are some the best and AMD is right there with them. All I could see happening is performace dropping and apple profit margins growing. I don't think this would be a smart move for apple, but what do I know, I am just a consumer.

    I believe they are starting to move into the "I am big, I am selling a crap load of devices. I know what I am doing."

    When they purchased ARM chip manufactures, I knew this is where they were going to be taking it. Just a matter of time.

    -- Side note --
    I am NOT completely against this, I just hope if they do make the move, I want to see benchmarks against Intel and AMD processors...if performance & relibility surpasses them, then I may reverse opinion....this is my intial reaction.

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  • will love you forever quotes.

  • tstreete
    Nov 4, 05:43 PM
    I was doing some research on bottom line telecommunications and i came across these good reviews: :D


    when tstreete comes back and tells me how it works, I will probably order it from this company.

    Gave it a brief test around town this afternoon. MotionX GPS lite status screen reported an accuracy (radius?) of between 30 feet to 50 feet, whereas without the TomTom mount it ranged from about 75 ft to 256 ft or worse. So, yeah, it improves GPS accuracy, and I did notice the difference when using the TomTom app.

    The thing is well built and elegant, the nicest carphone mount design I've ever seen. You have to be gentle sticking the iPhone into the mount, but you can do it with one hand. You have to think about where to install the mount in your car -- window, dash, left or right of the wheel etc. -- and you can't leave the iPhone in a case (OK for me, might not be for others). The power and audio cables stick out of the side, which is a bit awkward, especially when you rotate it; I'm thinking of picking up some adhesive-backed clips at RadioShack to keep the wires out of the way as they wind their way down to the power and aux jacks. I've made only one phone call so far, which worked fine, but the phone uses the mount's speaker even when you're plugged into the car stereo (music and/or Tomtom app voice stops in the car speakers, and then the phone call comes out of the mount speaker). I could hear the phone call fine driving around town, but I'm a little worried about how well I'll be able to hear phone calls at freeway speeds in my noisy little car (a Honda Fit).

    The acid test will be a substantial trip that includes some skyscraper canyons in a big city.

    Last I checked it looked like BLT had sold out and was awaiting more shipments.

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  • Kristenn
    May 7, 01:55 PM
    Free sounds good to me. I mean, it could be like Apple's Windows Live only everyone says Mobile Me is better and does other things. I would like to have a .me or .mac (whatever) email address like PC users have .live or .hotmail addresses for free.

    And syncing will probably be something my dad will use... even though I think he already pays for mobile me anyway O.o

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  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 28, 10:26 AM
    How long did Apple spend announcing the iPhone 3GS at WWDC in 2009? It was about 15 minutes at most. If the next iPhone is only a slight bump like the 3GS was then that's all the time and attention that needs to be given to it.

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  • i will love you forever quotes

  • Multimedia
    Sep 11, 12:56 PM
    Whats the Paris expo, Never heard of that before, are you sure it exists? :confused: :confused: :confused:

    Paris Apple Expo is headl every September in Paris France (http://www.apple-expo.com/uk/). It is the largest European Apple Exposition like the January San Francisco MacWorld Expo is the largest in America.

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  • MattInOz
    Mar 31, 06:06 AM
    We were all wrong but we won't admit it so now we say that it's an internal secret ... :rolleyes:

    It's funny if Apple is going to use App Store then the GM can be a month or mre closer to release date than when they distributed on disk. Why would they in that case make it months earlier?

    It was all very silly, but how many of us expect reasonable journalism anymore anyway.

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  • Anawrahta
    Aug 12, 12:08 AM
    I'm sure at the very least the MBP will get the new chips soon (within a month or so). The question is, whether it will get a case redesign/new features. So let's make a list of things you'd like to see happen. Personally I'd like to see:

    DL Superdrive
    Swappable HD
    Expresscard 54
    Case dedesign or material change

    I wouldn't be surprised if the engineers were too busy just getting it ready for MacWorld when it debuted to give it a full redesign. Also from what I've read they didn't want to change the appearance too much to make the transition to Intel seamless.

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  • j_maddison
    Mar 30, 06:45 PM
    This question is primarily because I have a Macbook Air.

    If Apple are going to release this via the App Store (assuming the speculation is true), does this mean that you don't have to burn Lion to a disk to install it? Or would I have to transfer it to some sort of USB drive first?

    I guess I'm asking if you can just double click it in your downloads folder and run the OS installation from there

    ill love you forever quotes. i will love you forever quotes
  • i will love you forever quotes

  • entatlrg
    Apr 25, 11:12 AM
    Facts? Who cares. We want DRAMA.

    The Press sure sucks a lot of people in. Or, is there a lot of people in waiting to be sucked in by the Press?

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  • 5010 - I Will Love You Forever

  • ten-oak-druid
    Mar 29, 09:48 PM
    The kindle and the ipad will be the winners in the tablet wars. They offer different experiences. The kindle is really nice and it is truly different than the ipad. The rest of the competition are ipad knock offs. Apparently the xoom is bombing. Samsung's tablet is not selling well. Of course there are those that will bring up whether Jobs misquoted the Samsung CEO. but who cares really? The truth is the samsung tablet isn't even close to selling the numbers Apple is. THAT is the real issue. Jobs knew it and so used the quote. All the back pedaling from samsung was just that. The original quote was the truth.

    ill love you forever quotes. ill love you forever quotes.
  • ill love you forever quotes.

  • mazola
    Sep 11, 10:22 AM
    I'm guessing it has something to do with this (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0284490/).

    Aug 2, 11:58 AM
    finally someone reasonable! so many of you flippin fools don't realize what WWDC stands for...

    World wide DEVELOPER'S conference!

    this is about professional stuff. in they launched the powermac g5, because developers could then write 64-bit apps…

    And they also launched the iSight at the '03 WWDC (and gave one to everyone attending IIRC) cause we all know how developers need that. :rolleyes:

    A Steve Keynote is a Steve Keynote. Call it MWSF or WWDC it doesn't matter, the press will eat it up just the same and, luckily for us, Steve knows that. :)

    May 6, 12:10 AM
    Moving away from Intel in their notebooks and desktops would be a HUGE mistake in my opinion. Intel is the big dog and they have the resources to keep innovating. I guess if they plan on making everything iOS then it makes a little more sense, but for true blue OSX machines Intel has the muscle.

    Apr 20, 02:25 AM
    I would like the same specs but 2x batt life.

    May 4, 02:58 PM
    Anyway, what happens if you whole hard drive dies?
    What if you want to reinstall everything from scratch?
    There is just too many what ifs

    I thought about this and while I think having a CD is better for these reasons, I don't think it would leave you up a creek without a paddle.

    Either you have an OS that supports Mac App store so you'd have a CD that would at least install that OS (and therefore you could install old OS and go back to Mac app store and reinstall Lion) or you'd have to buy the Lion CD anyways (but in this case if you lose the Lion CD you may be w/out Lion).

    So, while the app store does have the advantage that if you buy through them, long as you have the CD from the previous OS (and probably not too expensive to buy a CD off of ebay, don't know, haven't checked) you can re install Lion. WHere as if you buy the CD and lose it, you'll have to buy Lion all over again (and I am betting Lion won't be as "cheap" as Snow Leopard as it isn't considered an incremental upgrade).

    But... it also means more hassle if your hard drive does crash cause you'll have to install an OS twice.

    Apr 7, 10:03 AM