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Sunday, May 15, 2011

easter bunny cake pictures

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  • nick9191
    May 6, 06:39 AM
    Not a possibility.

    The real reason Apple moved to Intel was because of this


    Nothing really to do with performance, performance per watt etc. Apple just waited until Intel was gaining over PPC to use those as an excuse. Running on Intel means being able to run Windows. Also means brand recognition of Intel, which is a comforter for the technically challenged.

    Move away from Intel and sales will tank. Even if other vendors offer better chips, which they certainly do.

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  • Sam#39;s First Easter Bunny Cake

  • mashinhead
    Aug 11, 10:20 AM
    They are already available, these are standard PC parts now remember.


    Well i know i can get the chip, but then don't i need a new motherboard too, and who/where would i get that put in?

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  • easter bunny cake pops.

  • res1233
    May 6, 04:23 AM
    A beefier CPU and High end GPU would be more beneficial than a second GPU. Even modern game engines still don't properly utilize two graphics cards unless the individual developers do custom optimisation.

    I wonder if removing the optical drive would provide the room needed for proper ventilation of a dual-CPU laptop... Dual-CPU MBP anyone?

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  • Hippity Hop Easter Bunny Cake

  • Stella
    Apr 18, 04:20 PM
    Actually, YOU win. The United States provides for patents to "promote" and "further" advancements in the things that we all come here to discuss everyday. One can argue the merits of such a system but that is one of the purposes of the patent laws. Basically, incentive to make the world a better place for all.

    Take away the incentive and there might not be as much innovation.

    What you describe is the ideal world.. however, patents are abused these days.

    Patents are used to squash competition, and in many occasions, they have done. Company A sues Company B to bankrupcy over patent dispute. Company B held the patent...

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  • easter bunny cake recipe

  • MistaBungle
    Mar 30, 05:48 PM
    Excellent. Downloading and cannot wait to load.

    easter bunny cake pictures. My 1st Easter Bunny Cake.
  • My 1st Easter Bunny Cake.

  • Ca$hflow
    May 4, 07:11 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Actually 3 bags containing 4 liters.

    easter bunny cake pictures. Easter Bunny Cake
  • Easter Bunny Cake

  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 26, 03:30 PM
    You don't hear about Ferrari and Porsche worrying about their market share. Neither should Apple. Let the other guys squabble in the lower end of the market leaving Apple to continue to deliver a premium product and user experience.

    Fiat owns 85% of Ferrari.
    Volkswagen owns 49.9% of Porsche.

    easter bunny cake pictures. Easter Bunny Cake
  • Easter Bunny Cake

  • Popeye206
    Apr 20, 08:10 AM
    Damn it. That means I'll always have to upgrade my iPhone every September. So, I'll buy the iPhone 5 this September, then I'll upgrade next September for the iPhone 6 with a 4inch screen and 4G :D; but, is there a limited time window in which you upgrade, because I don't want to lose out 2 months of texts / calls / internet (if I upgrade in July 2012).

    Well... the iPhone 6 will probably be our last iPhone anyway. :eek:

    The end of the world is coming in December 2012 remember? :p

    easter bunny cake pictures. Easter Bunny Cake
  • Easter Bunny Cake

  • MikeTheC
    Nov 25, 10:14 PM
    i hope apple comes out with a shoe phone, something the pink panther or inspector gadget would use.

    Would you believe agent Maxwell Smart?


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  • Sweet EasterBunny Cake

  • ChazUK
    Mar 29, 01:10 PM
    That reads quite a bit different from Amazon's "... or as we determine is necessary to provide the Service ..."

    I'm not convinced it's as dire as people are making it out to be. Either way, both Apple and Amazon have full rights to access users files on both services for various reasons.

    What are your fears on the Amazon terms that don't exist on the MobileMe ones? (Perhaps I'm being dense so some clarification is in need!) :D

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  • easter bunny cake images.

  • CalBoy
    Apr 14, 05:54 PM
    Or just treat all income as ordinary income and eliminate all the preferential treatment certain forms of income enjoy. Eliminate capital gain, business, gift and estate taxes, and treat all income from all sources as ordinary income and tax accordingly.

    I think that could be the easiest way to solve the problem simply, but it would also have to come with a vast elimination of deductions and exemptions.

    And we should, after an across the board cut, IMO.

    There are two big parts of the budget that are hard to cut though. Social Security and Medicare really can't be cut without raising the retirement age to 70 NOW and cutting benefits. I don't think that's going to happen.

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  • nunes013
    Mar 26, 11:19 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    There is no way at all apple will release an iPhone and iPad at the same time or within a month of each other, the manufactures would go crazy trying to get flash memory and displays for two highly popular products

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  • Easter bunny cake ad

  • McGiord
    Apr 10, 01:20 PM
    For god's sake, this is still alive? Look, there is more than one possibility. Now no one should care. Mystery solved. Now get to actual work.

    Dunno why this was posted in the first place...

    Yes it is, and continually showing us that the right answer is 2.

    I care.

    I do not work today.

    easter bunny cake pictures. easter bunny cake decorating
  • easter bunny cake decorating

  • FakeStveWosniak
    Mar 29, 03:54 PM
    Globalization is a race to the bottom, and nobody seems to understand that while the 3rd world rises up, the 1st world inevitably must slide down.

    It's not a zero sum game. Western economies will increasingly shift toward higher skilled professions as the BRIC countries take over manufacturing and mid level white collar work. The U.S. must step up its educational training in order for its many low paid service workers to move up the ladder, though.

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  • Bunny cake

  • kiljoy616
    Apr 20, 12:47 AM
    to really stay ahead of the market Apple will need to:

    add a 4" screen
    keep the same form factor
    add the dual core A5 processor
    update the GPU to something similar in the iPad 2
    while keeping the same or improving the battery life
    add a 64GB version
    (possible 8 MP backlit CMOS sensor camera along side possible 1080p recording since the iPad can now output in full 1080p through HDMI)

    Since it sounds like Apple is going to make us wait till September anything less than this rather reasonable list would be a major letdown while allowing the competition more time to get caught up.

    Please site sources of when has Apple cared about staying ahead of an artificial market. I am trying to think of a time and they never really cared. They bring out what works when it works and that is why they do so well without having to have 100 products out all the time.

    Nope Apple will take its time and do it right, as for a better camera really how big do you want to take your picture, I want sharper image and video not more gimmicky camera that don't hold their water. Faster response time on the UI would be welcome. The Snow Leopard of the phone business.

    And for those that want 4G not sure if I care or want to see my battery go dead fast. I must admit 3G just does not seem slow to me and its more about location location location.
    This article does not make me all warm inside about 4G for now.

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  • Mr. Bunny Cake for Easter

  • Multimedia
    Aug 3, 01:18 AM
    But it's perfectly acceptable to round 1.67 down too, it's half way between 1.5 and 2. Also depends on the price of a Sidcrome socket set.

    I'll believe this 2x battery life bollocks when I see the results from the labs, not some chintzy marketing ploy by Intel.It's not a "chintzy marketing ploy by Intel". It's a scientific test conducted by two Intel Marketing engineers which I always believe because Intel employees are honest people with families and friends who love them. :)

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  • Cooking amp; Baking

  • pack
    Apr 7, 12:32 PM
    Wow. I think you missed the point. At 1199, the MacbookPRO should have a discrete option...hell, POS HP's at 600.00 do.

    Oh, and please spare me the snarky "well then enjoy your HP! Har har har" comment.

    No you have no point. 1199 vs 1799.00 one costs significantly more money. You can't have everything, all the build quality and all the features some things have to be omitted. There are trade offs. That is one. Those potential customers that don't want it buy a crappy 600 dollar hp laptop. Macbook pros aren't considered the best laptop in the industry because they are missing features and cost too much despite what you'd like to believe.

    PS enjoy your ****** 600 dollar HP laptop

    easter bunny cake pictures. Easter Bunny
  • Easter Bunny

  • gnasher729
    Apr 9, 05:49 PM
    Depends on how you solve it, your answer is either 288 or 2.

    Nothing is missing in the equation - no math symbol is missing between 2 and (9+3), so solve it as is.

    Now, cast your vote! :)

    Vote for "Undecidable because of the rubbish typography".

    easter bunny cake pictures. Easter bunny cake
  • Easter bunny cake

  • MorphingDragon
    May 6, 04:27 AM
    I wonder if removing the optical drive would provide the room needed for proper ventilation of a dual-CPU laptop... Dual-CPU MBP anyone?

    Not possible with current laptop architecture. The only x86 CPUs AFAIK that are capable of multi-socket systems are Opterons and Xeons.

    Nov 12, 05:45 AM
    LOL I keep checking the Bottomline Telecommunications site for updates that they received their shipment and my shipment is emminent. Oh well patience is a virtue. Did I mention that i wasn't virtuous. LOL

    May 7, 10:53 AM
    We all remember the internal meeting Jobs held discussing how Google was in effect 'declaring war on Apple' by invading their "mobile" turf; what if this is Apple reciprocating. Offering similar options to Gmail for free and attempting to complement MobileMe with iAds in an attempt to unthrone Google. With the high hopes Apple has for iAds (as suggested by the rumors regarding the high developer pricing of iAds) it does make sense, and in the very least, try to hurt Google. Another intriguing question is: would Apple loyalists prefer Apple service over another as long as the quality is acceptable (perhaps even if the quality was less than the options, at first).

    Apple has been doing this stuff since .mac so they've been on the turf for a while. iAds is not gonna be a part of the equation. Apple's building a huge datacenter in NC and with free Mobileme it gives developers a "no brainer" incentive to use Mobileme for their OTA sync. Wifi sync does nothing but irritate the user IMO.

    This isn't about hurting Google this is about taking the next leap forward in computing by melding cloud services with mobile and desktop computing

    Why not just make it a $20 product instead of giving it away for no profit?

    Because Free always has better uptake as witnessed by the legions of people that let Google scrape their emails and other data to provide targeted ads. These people actually perceive this as being "Free" when in fact you're letting Google profit handsomely off your data.

    Mar 29, 02:50 PM
    Foxconn is Taiwanese.

    The plant with mass rates of suicide is in China.

    May 8, 05:39 PM
    I meant it might happen, it's just a thought.

    Well they did kill itools so in the end they'd have to kill the whole MobileMe brand.

    Luckily the Apple today is cash rich compared to the Apple 8 or so years ago. We certainly should be expecting more from Apple.

    Apr 22, 12:40 AM
    You are right, I fold. I know nothing about 19" racks (1.80 meters tall and 150 kg. in weight), and nothing about conditioned server rooms with dual power feeds at all. Flight cases with equipment I also know nothing about. I'm sorry I'm doubting your knowledge and insight.

    You do realize "rack *mountable*" doesn't mean "has to be in a rack to function"?

    Over the years I've had plenty of mountable equipment that for one reason or another didn't live in the machine room, or lived on a shelf in the machine room instead of on a rack (or on a table in the case of several servers and one particularly finicky disk array a while back).... Simply giving the option of rack mounting doesn't dictate it has to be racked remotely in your datacenter!