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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

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  • Minimum
    Apr 24, 08:25 PM
    I would love to see an ultra high-res display sold by Apple. If they sold a 4K display for 2 grand I would certainly bite. Couple an awesome 4K display with 2 next gen video cards and you have yourself the best gaming machine ever built.

    I can't wait. :D

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  • ChickenSwartz
    Sep 16, 11:35 AM
    Thats some optimistic reading mister. Not VERY reliable, just reliable. And the report is not connected to the newest rumor, it's something they heard about earlier this year and they're unable to confirm that it applies to the 25th. Oh well, maybe you read another article than me?

    You are right, they have no evidence to point to the event on the 25th. The 12in was reported by them in MARCH say "we may expect this new Mac Book Pro to arrive late in the second quarter of this year." That hasn't happened. I think they have already f-ed up this lead and are re-reporting it with the slim hope that it will happen.

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  • gadget1974
    Sep 11, 12:15 PM
    Yeah, that was prior to the invites sent out. Jobs from experience will be pitching the movie store hard..meaning the laptop updates have to take a back seat for now. I mean they announced a 24" iMac quietly just to give you an idea of how important this is to them. Laptop updates? i wouldnt count on it...at least for now

    Agree with you! Also, people tend to forget that Apple split into two divisions - one media and one computers (not the official titles, but that's basically how it works). Anyone who has worked in a large company knows that those two divisions will not cooperate because that's what always happens. Expect only iPod related stuff this week because it's the iPod group's big event. Why would they give the glory away to the other guys? :rolleyes:

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 26, 03:20 PM
    How is that not relevant??? What is the point of showing market share then? No really, what is the point? Doesn't it factor heavily into what market a company wants to develop software for? Since the same apps run on all those Apple devices then why would you not want to include those?

    you forget a lot of apps really are designed for things that will always be with you and need data connection so the phone is more relevent. You forget that a lot of people own both iPod and an Android phone.
    I will be one of those people soon. My iPod will be reduced complete down to just a music devices. I do not use the apps much on it for killing time as I do not always have it with me but my phone I will have with it

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  • Undecided
    Apr 18, 03:11 PM
    Here we go again! Stupid Lawyers :(

    Lawyers don't sue people; people sue people.

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  • anonalidall
    May 7, 11:44 AM
    Point taken but what kind of FOOL am I to trade my privacy to Google for a paltry $6 at any level?

    Where you go, who you speak to and how you communicate is of tremendous value and I recommend that people think about actual value. We're moving from this era where the expectation should be that Cloud services at a basic level should be incorporated into the product without the vendor resorting to advertisements.

    Google and Facebook have both come out with disturbing revelations about how they feel about consumer privacy. I think the beauty of the web is that no company is irreplaceable. I could continue to get email, online calendar, pictures, documents and more without Google and that's a great feeling.

    First, it's the very nature of capitalism that provides you with the ability to pick and choose the best service/company that meets your needs.

    Second, I'm not sure what you mean by "We're moving from this era where the expectation should be that Cloud services at a basic level should be incorporated into the product without the vendor resorting to advertisements." If you mean that we should get free Cloud services without ads then I think you're completely wrong and I'm most worried about sites that provide free services and have absolutely nothing but VC cash to pay for it. And if you mean we should have the option of paying for Cloud services to avoid ads, then fine, but you can do that with Gmail, so I don't see why you think MobileMe is any better than Gmail (from the privacy perspective).

    Lastly, I wouldn't lump Google and Facebook together when it comes to privacy. Sergey Brin and Larry Page have made very strong statements about their respect for their users and they understand that without the users they'd have no company. Eric has made a lame-brained comment or two, and Google Buzz screwed up, but they fixed it (and at least when you signed into Gmail they had the option to opt out of it).

    Facebook is a whole different story. Their whole exec branch seems to disregard privacy and they've been rolling out auto-opt-in feature after feature that removes your privacy.

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  • RalfTheDog
    Apr 7, 12:47 PM
    ...I walk away to contemplate seppuku

    That is over dramatic, cut it out.

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  • Krafty
    Apr 5, 02:32 PM
    75% of the wallpapers are some asian chick sitting on the hood of some car
    Nothing wrong with that on my end.

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  • DeaconGraves
    May 4, 05:47 PM
    0% Operating Systems in the app store, yet somehow you know exactly how their going to change their politicly on both app store sales and general OS sales, while no one else has any hint that they're be any changes at all.

    what else can you see in that crystal ball of yours?

    Thank you for making my point for me. Last time I checked you were the one making predictions that Lion was going to be handled in the store exactly like every other app.

    All I am saying is that there is no proof to point either way at the moment. But coming to a conclusion that Lion is going to be handled like every other app is like concluding that the iPhone SDK, when released, was going to be exactly like "web apps" were previously.

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  • jaxstate
    Aug 4, 09:53 AM
    LOL. You win post of the day.
    Give me a break. People voted negative on this because they are waiting on merom MBPs and now think that, contrary to they're hopes and prayers the past few weeks, that the Merom MBP revisions wont be out until september. This is no clandestine PC-clone smear campaign. who's it going to effect? This forum is full of the faithful, messing around here isn't going to change national opinion of Microsoft or apple products. It's not Steve Ballmer twisting his handlebar mustaches as he chortles to himself, going from one article to the next, voting negative at each. Let's get real here.

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  • bousozoku
    Nov 23, 02:48 PM
    Oh yah, there was one. It was a CD player that was soooo bad hardy a soul bought it and it's barely remembered. I think it happened while Steve was at Next abd the idjuts were in control of of Apple. It may have set a record for a short lifespan, not counting Microsoft's vaporware that was never spawned.

    Someone who worked across the aisle from me had a PowerCD connected to his Mac and it was really nice, but it was way too expensive. Then again, you could say that about any of the equipment at the time. It's become much better but the value is often not apparent to the majority of the people.

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  • adbe
    Apr 5, 02:50 PM
    Every time something like this goes down I'm reminded of the original 1984 Apple ad campaign.
    Oh how things have changed.
    Apple is now BIG BROTHER with a vengeance.
    Bloody lame :mad:
    With all our dumb laws there really should be a law that precludes bullies like Apple from using these strong arm tactics.
    Apple really have got way too big for their boots.

    Please read the damn article *before* posting.

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  • Me1000
    Aug 2, 10:56 AM
    not to sound like a complete and utter noob! but,
    what time is the keynote supose to go on?

    im very excited at thins, as its the first WWDC i knew about in advance. lol

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  • KnightWRX
    May 4, 06:05 PM
    I said it in the other thread : All for a download version of OS X Lion, but it should not be through the app store like the current DP. Checkout should provide you with a disc image that you burn to your own DVD/USB Thumb drive.

    It's how Linux distributions have been doing it for the last 10 years.

    Or if it really must be through the app store, provide a small disc image download that when booted off of, just provides an interface to sign-in to the App Store and install Lion, like RedHat was doing in 1996 with its "NetInstall" floppies that were just an installer than fetched its media over FTP or NFS.

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  • jayducharme
    Apr 5, 01:24 PM
    Jail break is legal for personal use. Corporate use of jail break may be another thing altogether.

    But Toyota wasn't jailbreaking. Didn't the courts rule that Apple couldn't stop the jailbreak community?

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  • rosalindavenue
    Aug 11, 08:24 PM
    I just read this whole thread (yeah, big Friday night for me) and I can't believe that there is NOT ONE POST about the repeatedly documented fact that manufacturer rumors from Asustek and Quanta in China are ALWAYS B.S. ! There has never been a decent manufacturer-based rumor in the 4 years I've been an apple rumor reader; the track record of these rumors makes macosrumors.com look reliable by comparison.

    Notwithstanding the flimsy sources, however, I agree that Yonah is dead as a doornail and that apple will move to merom in all notebooks; all the other manufacturers are going to anyway...

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  • bassfingers
    Mar 30, 01:59 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Thousands of people are dying in Japan and all you idiots care about is iPod Touch batteries? That's kind of... selfish.

    Geez thousands of people displaced, and you're still using your own computer? Oh wait, do you or do you not want the world to stop turning?

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  • timmillwood
    Nov 26, 10:56 AM
    So this will be a super remote for the iTV?

    i think i will get one if they are reasonably prices but i would not pay more than �500 for it when I have a Macbook Pro

    Would be nice if it has built in HSDPA, EDGE and GSM!

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  • marvel2
    Dec 28, 11:53 PM
    Glad everyone is starting to get their TT kit. We should move this discussion to the iPhone Accessories forum.

    Mar 30, 10:55 AM
    Anyone who needs to quote wikipedia shouldn't be allowed to contribute!

    Now thats a FACT!

    That seems quite rude. Wikipedia happens to have a wealth of base level knowledge. I understand that one should not cite it when doing in depth research but when looking for general knowledge it is a great source.

    Many of my professors have realized this and told us that if we need a different explanation of something to look it up on Wikipedia because it tends to use more common language than out text books. The do not allow citing Wikipedia no matter how well the article is sourced.

    Just like any book you look at using for research you must weigh the quality before choosing to use it.

    That being said, any college level class in history that covers the Cold War will talk about Alfred Sauvy and his contribution to how we talk about the world during that time period.

    Aug 3, 11:36 PM
    the news say intel has already made small shipment last month enough for product launches, .. in september.. apple will expect large shipment.

    so this means launching at wwdc, available in september

    if this is true, then looks like i might be stuck with a 32-bit Macbook :o unless i can make myself wait........nah

    Dec 14, 10:30 AM
    I knew someone would say that. ... I'm not usually there to talk to them about that kind of security ... The client gets you in for particular job that they're paying you for... So, by all means ask them about it,
    I've been a consultant for most of my business life. No matter what a client retains me to do, if I see another area where they need help, I'm going to discuss it. I'd be doing them a great disservice to "patch a broken arm" and ignore the "cancer" that represents a greater threat... and I tell them so. I've never had a client fail to appreciate this approach.
    but if they say they have, why should I doubt them?
    Because most clients are less computer literate than the consultants they hire. I don't rely on their word. I check their system(s). It's about being thorough and earning the fee I charge them. I would never leave a client's computer unprotected, unless I explained the risk in detail and they flatly refused. That has never happened, especially since there are great free antivirus solutions available.
    Just wanted to put forward another point of view where it might be useful beyond the phrase, "the Mac doesn't have viruses, why would you need it?"
    The flip-side of that phrase is, "Windows DOES have viruses; why wouldn't every Windows box have antivirus protection running?"

    Apr 5, 03:20 PM
    Again... I don't think Apple should have let this fly. It was a bad call by Toyota to encourage such a thing as JB'g to the general public. Not cool, and it's not for everyone.

    As for the developers license, I didn't say smart phone companies... I said developer programs. Adobe has one. Oracle, MS, many do and they are way more expensive than $99.

    Allowing this, Apple would have set a presidence, so yes, I understand why Apple asked for this to be stopped... Tomorrow company 'x' would be releasing their JB app. Adobe will be releasing Flash on to Cydia LOL.

    Since we are talking in the context of smartphones, we should compare smartphone developer licenses, and not others. Apple vs Apple not Apple vs Lemon.

    Dec 28, 02:13 PM
    Does this mean I shouldn't bother installing Sophos for my mpb?
    So many conflicting opinions.