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Sunday, May 8, 2011

nursery wallpaper murals

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  • Eijffinger wallpaper mural

  • kxbcvoi
    Mar 27, 10:03 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    iPad 3 not in 2011 for 3 reasons
    1. iPad 2 still do not reach other countries.
    2. Software update will make iPad 2 new during half cycle.
    3. Jobs said "2011 is the year of iPad 2".

    nursery wallpaper murals. Jungle Wallpaper Mural Nursery
  • Jungle Wallpaper Mural Nursery

  • mdatwood
    Apr 25, 11:32 AM
    IF apple is not collecting the data, then what's the point of the file in the first place.

    AGPS and it helps with tower switching while actually using the phone. Android has the same type of file (and likely other phones before it) for the same reasons. The only difference is that Apple left out a time based truncation feature.

    nursery wallpaper murals. Baby Nursery Wall Murals
  • Baby Nursery Wall Murals

  • Chundles
    Sep 11, 09:17 AM
    Can't wait, especially for photokina. Hopefully, that new Apple VideoCamera will make it's appearance. I need one so badly. My brother is having a kid and I need something youtube. Can't wait Can't wait.

    What new Apple video camera? I've not heard a single rumour relating to Apple releasing a camera. I think Photokina is just going to herald an updated version of Aperture and the updated MacBook Pro - if Apple do anything at Photokina at all. They may just be holding an information session.

    nursery wallpaper murals. kids wallpaper murals.
  • kids wallpaper murals.

  • Popeye206
    Apr 20, 05:42 AM
    What will you do if Apple do make it bigger?

    Well... of course I'll bail on Apple and get an Android or MS based phone!

    NOT! :p

    Personally, I don't think they will. I think they are more concerned about all their customers - men and woman. Large and small. They know overall feel in the hand for all their customers is important and that it's important that it slips easily in your pocket. I don't think anyone here can argue that Apple is one of the best, if not the best out there right now, at product design. This does not happen by accident... I'm sure they test and try many variations to get where they're at.

    There are more important things they can do than mess with the best smart phone screen on the market.

    No matter what, there's always going to be competitors with something that's bigger or more. But again, it's not about any single thing that makes the overall product. It's the overall product that makes the iPhone so great.

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  • children#39;s wallpaper murals

  • rdowns
    Apr 14, 12:30 PM
    I am not sure why the increasing erosion of the middle class and income discrepancy between the haves, and have nots, isn't realized as a major security problem in the US. The working middle class and poor can only be pushed around so much until somebody is going to get pissed off. A socialist/populist revolt ala Egypt is not inconceivable.

    Our financial situation is recognized by some as a great threat. (http://www.disinfo.com/2010/09/the-single-biggest-threat-to-u-s-national-security-is-its-debt/)

    In February the head of U.S. intelligence � Dennis Blair � said that the global financial crisis was the largest threat to America�s national security. All of America�s intelligence agencies apparently agreed.

    The same month, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff � Admiral Mullen � also agreed.

    Now, Mullen is focusing on a specific economic threat. Specifically, Mullen is focusing on the debt:

    The national debt is the single biggest threat to national security, according to Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Tax payers will be paying around $600 billion in interest on the national debt by 2012, the chairman told students and local leaders in Detroit.

    �That�s one year�s worth of defense budget,� he said, adding that the Pentagon needs to cut back on spending.

    But at least war is good for the economy, right? At least spending on defense will help the economy recover and climb out of this pit of debt, no?

    Actually, no...

    nursery wallpaper murals. Nursery Wall Murals - Infant
  • Nursery Wall Murals - Infant

  • entatlrg
    Apr 25, 11:12 AM
    Facts? Who cares. We want DRAMA.

    The Press sure sucks a lot of people in. Or, is there a lot of people in waiting to be sucked in by the Press?

    nursery wallpaper murals. Lil#39; Bets Nursery Wall Mural
  • Lil#39; Bets Nursery Wall Mural

  • Popeye206
    Apr 5, 03:19 PM
    Why all the hate for the jailbreak? Are you guys just too moronic to use it? Any iOS device is infinitely more capable when it is jailbroken. Without some of the apps in the Cydia store, many would say the iphone/ipad/touch is unusable. What is on your lockscreen all of you unjailbroken users? A measly clock? You cant access all your mail, notifications, calendar events, and the weather from your lockscreen? Are you serious? Oh you want to turn off bluetooth? You can't swipe across the bottom of the screen to toggle it? Want integrated google voice? Apple says no. Cydia says **** that, hell yes. I would wager that most of the jailbreak haters dont even know what its capable of nor have ever tried it before. Stay in your cave and watch shadows if you will. The rest of us will experience the real world.

    Some of what you mention sounds cool... but I've never Jail Broke my iPhone and it runs just fine - far from unusable. Nice that you love all the mods, but it's not for everyone. No need to insult those who choose not to JB.

    nursery wallpaper murals. 3D Nursery Murals - Jungle
  • 3D Nursery Murals - Jungle

  • marksman
    Apr 20, 01:11 AM
    If you can have a bigger screen without a physically larger device size and weight, then yes, it is necessarily better.

    iPhone 4 with 3.5" screen: 115.2mm x 58.6mm x 9.3mm
    weight: 137 grams

    HTC Thunderbolt with 4" screen: 122mm x 66mm x 13mm
    weight: 164 grams

    I am not sure about you, but on composite that HTC with a 4" screen is noticeably larger in every possible way over the iPhone 4.

    Sure it is only 5% taller, but 12% wider and almost 50% thicker as well as 15% heavier.

    Perhaps you don't know anything about Apple, but they take the size of their devices very seriously.

    I also don't understand how some of you think it is possible to have a significantly larger screen without making the phone bigger. It is not like the current iPhone has a lot of space. Again it seems people just read a bigger number and think it must be better. If we left it up to other companies smartphones would all be twice as thick and weigh twice as much as they do now, while being massively unwieldy. Apple actually has an aesthetic set of benchmarks that are important to them as anything else. It is not only aesthetic either, but actually using the device and carrying it around, the size makes a big difference.

    My 3.5" iPhone 4 screen is pretty amazing, especially considering the size and weight of the device. Much more impressive than any 4" screened device I have seen.

    Edit: In case anyone is wondering the 4" Samsung Galaxy S specs: 122.4mm x 64.2mm x 9.9mm weight 118 grams. It weighs less, but the physical dimensions are larger in ever way.

    nursery wallpaper murals. bedroom Wallpaper Murals
  • bedroom Wallpaper Murals

  • jvmxtra
    Mar 29, 12:22 PM
    Going further on infancy stage of cloud as far as main stream consumers are concerned -- Only way they can drive people to it right now would be if it was all free.

    Nobody in right mind would pay money to store their own files somewhere else which they already have on their computer.

    Cloud storage can work for things that people do not own: software that they rent, movies and such.

    Storing music on cloud is just simply stupid idea as it doesn't take up lot of space on your device and music is something you want to listen over and over again if it's your favorite(do you really want to having to connect to internet to get your fav music?)

    nursery wallpaper murals. Site Nursery Wall Mural
  • Site Nursery Wall Mural

  • darrens
    Aug 5, 03:04 AM
    First, Apple's apps were easier to port because they were already XCode. So it was fairly easy for Apple to just recompile with the new compiler.

    Are you sure that's true for all of them? They haven't owned Logic very long, and some of the others started life outside of Apple. I'm sure they had a few issues there.

    Second, Adobe was using a lot of CodeWarrior code and it would be far more difficult to convert. Also having X86 code compiled using MS VStudio doesn't help Adobe to be ahead in generating X86 code under XCode because they run under a completely different GUI and access different libraries.

    They have the MacOS X GUI code - that doesn't change for Intel - the OS is the same. The core logic endianness doesn't depend on the compiler - the code would be cross-platform and compile on GCC and Visual Studio anyway. Sure they have to deal with a few Codewarrior issues - but they have to do that for the new version anyway. It's not like they'd have to do it twice.

    Third, even Apple released the UB code with a new updated version of their pro apps. Adobe's CS3 was not due for a year and a half.

    True - but not all Apple's pro apps had a significant level of new features - they were just an interim release.

    Fourth, Adobe announced their plans early on so that everyone would know what to expect.

    Yes - don't expect us to be as pro-active as we've been in the past. I can remember when Apple went PPC - Adobe had an accelerator out for Photoshop close to the release date of the PPC Macs, and the fully PPC version followed shortly after.

    My point about intuit is that Apple announced the transition before Intuit even began work on Quicken 2007. Quicken hardly relies on any graphics code, is mostly text, and number based. Yet they chose to ignore converting to UB code even though now would be perfect timing to do so. In addition they have not announced any plans to create UB's in the future.

    This is also the sort of app that gets the least advantage from conversion. It's still a fair amount of work to change development environments when there's no real advantage to it. Especially when Intuit is really given token support to the Mac anyway.

    Sure quicken will run with Rosetta, but is that what we want from developers. Forget about modernizing their code because they can make it run in an artificial emulated environment.

    With that logic Intuit should have stuck with OS9 versions of quicken as it could always be run fine in classic.

    It's hardly the same - you have to boot a second copy of MacOS to run a classic app (which is really slow) and it doesn't integrate seamlessly. You can hardly tell an app is running in Rosetta - there's no visual difference.

    nursery wallpaper murals. Large Clouds Nursery Wall
  • Large Clouds Nursery Wall

  • DakotaGuy
    May 6, 12:38 AM
    Wild speculation: It's possible that, for the short term, Apple might have both Intel and ARM processors in some of its machines. Think GPU or co-processor. This would allow a "Mac" to run iOS apps at full speed without processor emulation (albeit some chipset/environmental emulation).

    I use Mac in quotes because such a hybrid monstrosity may in fact be iOS first, Mac second. Somewhere between an iPad and a MacBook Air.

    It seems obvious that Apple wants this sort of blending, so why not do it in hardware?

    Considering that a dual core 1 Ghz processor (and much less) is running iOS apps at full speed I seriously doubt a current Intel 4 Core processor (or even a dual core) would break much of a sweat running these apps at full speed emulated or not.

    nursery wallpaper murals. Mural,childrens nursery wall
  • Mural,childrens nursery wall

  • EricNau
    Nov 26, 04:17 PM
    Too many buttons - if there were any more I'd think it was a Microsoft product. :D ;)

    nursery wallpaper murals. Peel and Stick Wall Mural
  • Peel and Stick Wall Mural

  • SirHaakon
    Mar 31, 02:11 AM
    Maybe that rate wouldn't be bad, but if you read the article, that's not what they're charging. Beyond the initial free amount, its $1 per 1 gig, not $1 per 20 gigs.
    You get 20 gigs if you buy an album on Amazon. Here's an album for a dollar:


    You do the math.

    nursery wallpaper murals. Wall Murals
  • Wall Murals

  • ZorPrime
    Nov 26, 12:34 AM
    i hope apple comes out with a shoe phone, something the pink panther or inspector gadget would use.

    Very retro.. ;)

    nursery wallpaper murals. Lil#39; Bets Nursery Wall Mural
  • Lil#39; Bets Nursery Wall Mural

  • asdf542
    Mar 30, 09:35 PM
    No no no, we want useful UI improvements not iOS fluff.

    So what part of 'iOS' fluff do Versions, Air Drop, Mission Control, Auto Save and Lion Server fit under?

    'Useful' UI improvements? So what would you consider useful? Personally full screen apps, a native application launcher that can be organized, and resume are all useful to me. Get out of the mindset that just because it originated from iOS means that it won't be useful.

    nursery wallpaper murals. Painting a Simple Wall Mural
  • Painting a Simple Wall Mural

  • mrdice87
    Sep 16, 12:47 PM
    What's the possiblility of the new mbp being available in stores after the announcement? Is one usually required to order new products online or could I skip the wait by driving an hour to the nearest apple store?

    nursery wallpaper murals. our favorite nursery wall
  • our favorite nursery wall

  • PlipPlop
    Apr 6, 01:58 AM
    Can you not change the icons with a none jail broken iphone?

    nursery wallpaper murals. Nursery-with-great-murals-with
  • Nursery-with-great-murals-with

  • sangv
    Mar 27, 10:11 AM
    If this is true it might not make people happy at all..
    and most of it is that the hackers and jailbreakers will have less hassel in it ..

    once they find the holes int he iOS 5 then since no more updates will be there it will make happy to people who rely on unlock..

    and sad to those people who needs new and extra features..

    Techsangv.com (http://www.techsangv.com) || ALl about tech news

    nursery wallpaper murals. This XL wallpaper mural makes
  • This XL wallpaper mural makes

  • SiliconAddict
    Nov 26, 02:56 PM
    I think such a device would fit nicely between the iPod with video and full blown laptops. If you couple this with an e-book reader. *coughs*ereader.com*coughs* I wouldn't run to the Apple store. I'd physically smash through the mall doors with my car and drive up to the store.

    May 3, 06:17 AM
    You think you've got it bad? In Britain we have
    milk and beer by the pint
    coke by the litre
    roads by the mile
    tablecloths/fabric etc by the metre
    petrol/diesel by the litre
    fuel efficiency is measured in miles per gallon but carbon emissions are measured in grams per kilometer.
    weight of people in stones and pounds
    sugar/flour etc in kilograms
    fruit by the pound
    cheese by grams
    bread loaves are labelled in grams, bread rolls sold by the dozen.
    height in feet and inches.

    It is a mess here. I wish we would switch fully to metric. I think we are getting there, very slowly. For example, 15 years ago the weather used to always be in oC and then oF, now just oC is very common. Supermarkets sell fruit and veg with the per kg price much larger than per lb. The around the corner sells milk by the litre which is nice. More and more people are using metres and kilograms to measure their height and weight. Some things are more problematic, there are millions of pint glasses for beer and all our road signs would be a fortune to replace with kilometres!

    The imperial system is crazy, but I think it will slowly but surely die out in the UK. Metric was pushed in about 40 years ago? Give it another 40 and I think we will be fully there!

    Hopefully our American cousins will finally see sense and start talking in civilised speak soon.

    May 8, 06:15 AM
    Mobileme is certainly worth more than free. Apple doesn't scrape your emails and other data to target adds at you a la Google.

    I could see Apple making some features of Mobileme free. I don't think they're just going kill a revenue stream but they could offer a basic free Mobileme account which gives you.

    A me.com email address with 5 aliases.
    Sync features
    "Find my damn iDevice"
    Calendar, Contacts, Bookmark sync
    Web page

    Then roll out Mobileme Pro

    Make iDisk more like Drop Box.
    Enhance the sync
    Online Backup
    Cloud Music (Lala style)
    iWork.com Pro (adds collaborative editing)
    Whatever other cool stuff they can deliver

    They don't ad but but they iAd-will! I wager ! (metaphorically speaking)

    Don't panic
    May 5, 11:49 AM
    No reason to split. There is only 1 door.

    i agree, and it's not like there are many alternatves so here we go, so I won't waste more time.

    R3t2: we move on to the next room

    Dec 15, 08:56 AM
    whats better sophos or kaspersky for mac?
    Will this scan for windows viri too?
    Most scan only for Windows threats, since there are no viruses in the wild that run on current Mac OS X. Some will scan for outdated Mac viruses and trojans, but those are unnecessary, as long as the user exercises common sense in where they get software.

    May 3, 10:54 PM
    Can you cite reliable figures for the cost advantage versus the cost to switch?

    Nope. Ask me what the cost advantage of wearing my Adidas runners over a pair of wooden clogs is when I go out. I couldn't tell you. But I can appreciate the obvious benefits of the metric system in theory and in practice without making it all about short-term financial gain, and I think you could too if you took the time to look at it objectively. I am just thankful my country made the difficult decision back in the 70s when my biggest challenge was learning to wee in the potty.

    As another commenter said, you owe your kids better.