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Sunday, May 8, 2011

apple wallpaper hd 1080p

apple wallpaper hd 1080p. apple wallpaper hd 1080p.
  • apple wallpaper hd 1080p.

  • quadgirl
    Sep 1, 12:54 PM
    Most of the posts in this thread are about the 23" screen. Yes, I think it will happen to allow the imac to play 1080i/1080p HD.

    But, how about the processors? Apple needs to have a Core 2 (Conroe not Merom) inside the imac. The imac is not a conventionally size desktop (not as much room inside as a tower) but Apple can not continue to use a laptop processor in the imac. If they do, then how will the Conroe be used in Apple's line up? In a Mac tower? I don't think so. Surely, a 23" iMac could house the Conroe suitably?

    So I would say that the 23" iMac would kill 2 birds - Conroe and HD for the home user. :)

    apple wallpaper hd 1080p. Apple Devices Wallpaper:
  • Apple Devices Wallpaper:

  • adwolfe12
    Jan 11, 11:46 PM
    Here is my Miata buried under the snow that we recently had. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs792.ash1/168224_1664388723677_1056020820_31614994_7570519_n.jpg

    apple wallpaper hd 1080p. Tiger Cub HD Wallpaper
  • Tiger Cub HD Wallpaper

  • pilotError
    Aug 31, 03:20 PM
    it's not unreasonable to assume that Apple could get the Yonah chips for less than Merom ones.

    Are the Yonah chips being phased out now that Merom is coming on line?

    I would think the same fab would produce the Merom chips...

    apple wallpaper hd 1080p. Hackintosh Apple HD wallpaper
  • Hackintosh Apple HD wallpaper

  • matznentosh
    Oct 23, 08:48 AM
    You do know that you'll be getting a US-formatted keyboard and AC adapter, yes?

    Don't forget the AC adapter works on UK voltage, you just need the plug adapter.

    apple wallpaper hd 1080p. Colour River hd wallpapers,
  • Colour River hd wallpapers,

  • jclardy
    Sep 14, 10:01 AM
    I guess you don't read the news. Toyota has recalled millions of vehicles this year, even though not every owner of those vehicles was specifically experiencing the problem.

    But his point was that the owner of the car must still bring it in for repair. If they were unaware of the issue it would be unresolved.

    Which essentially makes it the same situation as the iPhone. If the owner of the phone has a problem they get the 'fix' if they request it.

    But I don't think the magnitude of the problems are anywhere near equal. A $15,000-$20,000 piece of machinery that has a problem that could endanger the operators life vs a $200 cell phone that could drop a call.

    apple wallpaper hd 1080p. Paint Splatter Apple HD
  • Paint Splatter Apple HD

  • sparksinspace
    Sep 6, 11:23 AM
    just bought a core solo mac mini a week ago.. kind of weird I did the same when the iBooks were moved go G4 a while back, a couple of weeks earlier I had bought a G3 model..

    oh well.. it's still a great machine. with a bit more memory it'll do just fine as the build machine for our software.

    apple wallpaper hd 1080p. Apple color shades
  • Apple color shades

  • Bonsai1214
    Sep 20, 08:04 PM
    yeah, i bought a griffin reveal, but if switcheasy comes out with a nude, i might have to buy that to.. jesus, i'm spending money like crazy this year.. :eek: i just hope i can return or get my invisibleshield refunded. Zagg's customer service is horrible...

    apple wallpaper hd 1080p. Mac (Apple) Logo HD Wallpapers
  • Mac (Apple) Logo HD Wallpapers

  • jessica.
    Nov 28, 09:11 AM
    I haven't started yet either...... just taking advantage of this weekend's sales. :D

    Also, I just bought this office chair from Office Depot:
    It's ACA approved, so my back also approves.

    I found a 20% off coupon online, so yay.

    Didn't you just buy a chair?

    apple wallpaper hd 1080p. Green Stripes Apple HD
  • Green Stripes Apple HD

  • maclaptop
    Apr 21, 12:29 PM
    One of the many advantages of my iPhone 4 tracking me, is that I have big brother watching me. I'm never alone.

    The only problem is my stupid Android phone can't do the same.

    I have an appointment with Apple next week, I'm giving them the keys to my house, cars, and all my tax returns, stock certificates and investment portfolio. They promise to do every thing for less than 70% of my annual income. A great deal.

    I'm in good hands with Apple, not a worry in the world. I'm now an official Apple fanboy. Living in the walled garden all I have to do is be an Apple drone :)

    Woo Hoo life is sweet.

    apple wallpaper hd 1080p. Apple Devices Wallpaper:
  • Apple Devices Wallpaper:

  • islanders
    Dec 27, 10:33 PM
    I'm waiting for one format or the other to win, and I don't have an HD set anyway.

    You're comparing apples to oranges now. A cable box is a tuner and a self-contained unit. As far as we know, iTV will not have a tuner. Its only known function at this time is to stream content from a Mac, so that makes iTV like a Slingbox, not a cableco DVR. And Slingboxes don't have hard drives.

    I wouldn't hold my breath on the word processing and web surfing. WebTV showed surfing the internet on a TV sucked because trying to read normal-sized text from six feet away was hard, and bumping the text size up would goof up the page layout generally. Same reason word processing would be silly.

    I'm predicting a price around $400, but I'm also expecting a streaming device.

    What bandwidth? The stuff you watch is downloaded to your Mac first, or even the iTV itself. They don't stream it every time you want to watch it. The iTunes Store is open for business for movies. The bandwidth problem has already been addressed.

    That's lack of competition caused by effects of previous government sanctioned monopolies. And some "cooperation" by the different players in the industry. Kinda like how airline tickets and auto insurance are all pretty much the same.

    Ok, I don�t know what a slingbox is� and I thought it was going to stream or operate like a TiVo, where it downloads while you are asleep, so it would need a harddrive.

    Also, I�m not sure what you mean by TV? Do you mean a CRT with an aspect of 4:3? And, I would assume you don�t mean a flat panel LCD or Plasma, which now outsells tube tvs? A small HD plasma is 42�� and cost about $1000. I just got a Panny 9UK HD Plasma and it works quite will with a mac mini.

    And when you download from the iTunes store this does go to a harddrive? So you think I�m going to buy both a new computer and the iTV, and pay $20 to download a few movies?

    I already know I�m an idiot, thanks, but this still doesn�t make sense to me.

    My point about price fixing was a wild hope that Apple might step in with iDish and offer a service without all the commercials, but I also said that I think this will be a HD movie download service, and web serfer, video server... like a mac mini, TiVo with streaming abilities from iTV.

    The bandwidth limitation will be an issue if iTV wants to go past a download service.

    apple wallpaper hd 1080p. Apple wallpaper for HD 16:9
  • Apple wallpaper for HD 16:9

  • iMark
    Feb 23, 08:07 AM

    Photo details on flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mmmarkus/5279232275/in/photostream/)

    apple wallpaper hd 1080p. apple wallpaper hd 1080p.
  • apple wallpaper hd 1080p.

  • MattG
    Nov 28, 12:05 PM

    Suck it, Microsoft :cool:

    Do you have anything to support that MS lost billions on the xbox, I heard it was more like they broke even...

    I watched a television show on the history of video games a couple of weeks ago. I forget what channel it was on...History or Discovery or something like that, but I specifically remember them saying that Microsoft lost a lot of money on the xbox, but that they didn't care...they just wanted to get their foot in the door.

    I think it was this show:

    apple wallpaper hd 1080p. iDrops wallpaper
  • iDrops wallpaper

  • shawnce
    Jul 19, 04:23 PM
    I see a little confusion on numbers, for the straight facts review the two PDFs provided by Apple (data summary is a good one to understand unit volumes)...

    Q306 Data Summary (http://images.apple.com/pr/pdf/q306data_sum.pdf)

    Q306 Financial Statements (http://images.apple.com/pr/pdf/q306fin_statements.pdf)

    apple wallpaper hd 1080p. Apple OSX_00070.jpg
  • Apple OSX_00070.jpg

  • soulreaver99
    Feb 22, 07:29 PM
    How are you managing your cables behind the BookArc? I just picked one up and am doing what I've been doing for years: A binder clip with everything except the display cable attached to it. I wish I could find a Mini DisplayPort to DVI cable, but those don't seem to exist.

    I'm going to post a new picture of my desk shortly.

    I hardly have any cable management. I just have a few twist ties used from trash bags!

    apple wallpaper hd 1080p. HD Wallpapers: 2560x1440
  • HD Wallpapers: 2560x1440

  • zedsdead
    Jan 13, 04:03 PM
    Apple will NOT do that, however, remember the collapsing port patent filed by Apple?

    Apple is supposed to be building an Ultra-Portable. Ethernet takes up space. I seriously doubt it will be in the Macbook Air or whatever apple decides to call it. Wifi will be enough. This laptop is not ment to be a main computer.

    apple wallpaper hd 1080p. Creed II Wallpaper In HD
  • Creed II Wallpaper In HD

  • iJawn108
    Aug 24, 08:11 PM
    I really need some new macsso i can start using.

    Conroe iMac would be an imediate purchase from me.

    apple wallpaper hd 1080p. apple wallpaper hd 1080p,
  • apple wallpaper hd 1080p,

  • Eidorian
    Jan 11, 04:53 PM
    What does this mean for the regular MacBook then? Is it going to be another model or a replacement?

    apple wallpaper hd 1080p. Multicolor Apple Logo High
  • Multicolor Apple Logo High

  • twoodcc
    Mar 4, 11:49 PM

    I see some new folks putting up some points, designed, DistortedLoop, and MAcProCPO is back at it again, thanks for the effort to those and other newbies!

    I had a problem with the MacPro after I upgraded to a 3 SSD raid for booting ... I forgot to set the machine to NOT go to sleep, DUH! I could not figure out why it was timing out of folding every so often with the remote Linux boards that I'm ssh'd into from the Mac. NOW that I have that figured out my points will pick up again. It was still impressive just running the 6 GPU's and 2 win clients at about 50k per day!

    yeah i'm glad to see some new names!

    glad you got your Mac Pro back up and going again. i won't be back up full throttle until early april though

    also, i did end up getting another machine with an i7 920 in it with a GTX260. i've been messing around with overclocking it, and i'm pulling around 28-30K PPD with just the one machine - 1 GPU cliend and 1 bigadv client running inside a VM.

    apple wallpaper hd 1080p. vista wallpapers hd 1080p
  • vista wallpapers hd 1080p

  • (marc)
    Mar 20, 06:19 AM
    Truth, as ever, is the first casualty of war, and nobody seems to care as long as they can fabricate a good narrative.

    Agreed. It's true for both sides, though: Gaddafi is (said to be) hauling bodies to UN bombing sites to demonstrate the "civilian casualties".

    Mar 19, 12:53 PM
    Umm kind of hard to do this with out the US and its military power. My understanding is the US it mostly going to provide support for it but not as much of the combat forces. The support being things like aerial refueling as we have the most of those flying gas tanks. They will circle over the Mediterranean Sea refueling planes going to and from missions. Kind of key to extend the range of the fighters and Fighter bombers.

    Other thing the US I believe will provide is cruise missals as that they can launch from the Mediterranean Sea. This mostly to take out the Air Defenses. They might provide a few bombers to help take out artillery
    US is not taking the lead. But is providing support. US is going to have the other countries really provide most of the planes needed for this.

    Actually, the US is supplying EWar and Communications as well. The AWACS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airborne_Early_Warning_and_Control) planes themselves can be considered like "mother ships" of today and fill command and control functions.

    Command craft often make the decisions and lead attack and defense tactics. It's not necessarily the ppl who have the "front line" forces are in the ones who are the major player. "Fighter planes" are just like drones with people in them. They follow orders and do not lead anything. It would be like saying the marines are the leading authority in war. They are not. They are just machine operators who pull the trigger.

    It's really too early to tell what we are going to see, because they never tell you anything. Maybe with this rag tag army, you don't need $billion stealth planes to beat them up so you might not see these kind of things. Maybe later on you will see some predators or some crap only, who knows. But for now they just give the press a story and if the reporter steps out of line, they get him fired, like Geraldo Rivera during the Iraqi Freedom.

    Apr 19, 04:55 PM
    I've been putting a family member off buying an iMac for months in order to wait for the new ones, I hope the updates are very soon.

    Leet Apple
    Feb 25, 11:35 AM
    left to right:
    20" Apple Cinema Display, 1st Gen. 16gb iPod Touch, Late 2008 MacBook Pro on top of Griffin iStand controlled by an Apple wireless keyboard and Magic mouse, 1TB Seagate external HDD, 32gb Ipad wifi only, 21" Samsung display, 2cd Gen. TV, Razer Lycosa keyboard and Razer Death Adder mouse which controls a Windows XP box i built for my job(under the desk). You can barly see it but there is also a Power PC Mac Mini on top of the Windows machince which acts as a FTP server.

    Looks Beautiful

    Mar 31, 11:01 AM
    Yea it's a little buggy right now. You can delete apps the same as as before with some added frustration.

    1. Press and hold, CMD+OPT+CTRL (so they all wiggle)
    2. Next press and hold one app until they stop wiggling.
    3. Now click the apps you want once to delete them.
    4. Make sure you hold those 3 keys throughout all steps.

    The only thing I haven't figured out yet is adding apps manually. When I drag them to the LaunchPad icon, nothing happens.

    Thanks SO much... you made my day!

    Nov 28, 02:39 PM
    Zune is suffering from doing too much too soon. With Vista launch, Zune launch and its music server and its current track of forming partnerships just to cut vendors and customers off, the future looks bleak.

    When Apple started, they paid attention to its customers offering iTunes first. As customer grew to like iTunes as a music library, Apple intorduced iPod. "You already have it on your system, now take it with you." Over the years, Apple grew its interest, and improved the software along withi its hardware.

    I aggree with other posters in a vairety of forums that most will take a "wait and see" with Zune. Toom much coming at their customer base.